Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1744: Unreal Dreamland

As soon as he entered the quilt, a warmth came oncoming, and it was also mixed with a fragrance of musk, non-musk, and orchid, which made Song Qingshu feel absent for a moment.

Qin Hongmian obviously realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously shrank his body to the side of the bed, for fear that the two might have any skin contact.

But soon the two of them couldn't take care of this, because the footsteps of the person who came in were getting closer and closer. With extremely heavy breathing, Qin Hongmian hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Hey, shouldn't it be awake now?" The person noticed Qin Hongmian's quiet state at this time, and said to himself with some doubts, "Is it because the effect of the medicine has not been exerted?"

Qin Hongmian's body stiffened suddenly, and his heart was obviously filled with anger and panic. Song Qingshu felt her nervousness and patted her hand lightly. The voice transmitted secretly: "Don't be afraid, I am here. It's."

Hearing his words, Qin Hongmian suddenly relaxed, and a thought flashed in her mind: If Duan Lang was so considerate to me...

However, she quickly expelled this undesirable emotion from her mind, she was really ridiculous, and she had been thinking about that guilty man for so many years.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and finally stopped by the bed, and then there was a drooling sound, which was especially obvious in the silent room: "Beauty, I am here."

Feeling that the other party seemed to squat down and his face was getting closer and closer to him, Qin Hongmian's temper was already hot, but at this time he could no longer hold it back, so he directly raised his hand and cut onto the other party's face.

"Huh?" The other party screamed, but he reacted quickly, and grabbed the other's wrist in one hand. "Since I'm still awake, it's just right, otherwise I don't know anything and it's boring to play."

Seeing the appearance of the other party clearly, Qin Hongmian's whole body trembled, and there was a moment of loss of consciousness. At this moment, the other party has stretched out her hands and pressed her veins, making her unable to perform martial arts at all. come out.

Immediately after the other party turned over, the heavy body directly pressed her onto the bed, and a stinky mouth leaned toward her face.

Qin Hongmian desperately tried to resist, but it was a pity that he was pressed by the weight of the opponent's body, and coupled with the control of the veins, he was doing useless work. On the contrary, the twisting of his body stimulated the other's passion.

"Tsk tsk, with such a hydrated and plump body, Mu Yuqi is really a violent creature." The man smiled, and when he was about to go further, his eyes suddenly became dark, and then the whole person fell to the ground.

"Madam is okay?" Song Qingshu helped Qin Hongmian up in the past.

"No...it's okay," Qin Hongmian sat up with a lingering fear, leaned against the bedside lightly, suddenly remembered something, turned his head and looked on the ground, "he... he won't die, right?"

Song Qingshu was startled: "No, I just knocked him out. And it's not a shame that such an inferior child died, why would my wife worry about him?" He thought that the other party was Duan Zhengchun, but he carefully observed it a few times, although he was quite tall. Tall, but there is still a big gap from Duan Zhengchun's Yushu Linfeng, and he is much older than Duan Zhengchun, coupled with the unique Mediterranean hairstyle, he is a Xixia native. Why is Qin Hongmian so nervous? Isn't it... her concubine?

Noting the strange look in the other party's eyes, Qin Hongmian's face blushed, knowing that he wanted to turn aside, and glared at him: "Where did you think about it? The reason why I am worried is because of his identity!"

"Identity?" Feeling the anger of the other party, Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue. She was really a lively temper. Such a little pepper could not easily be offended. Fortunately, Wanmei was much softer than her.

"He is the current emperor of Xixia, Li Yuanhao." Qin Hongmian snorted angrily while tidying up some messy clothes, "Now we are in trouble."

"Li Yuanhao?" Song Qingshu was stunned. He didn't count the lewd-thief who came to steal incense and jade in the middle of the night would be the emperor with countless beauties in the harem.

Wait, did Li Yuanhao get rid of the Mu brothers just to get Qin Hongmian? This joke is also a big deal.

"After I was picked up by Mu Yuqi from Dali, I followed him into the palace to visit the emperor and empress. At that time, I noticed that his eyes were a little wrong with me, but I didn't think much about it. I thought it was my heart. , I didn't expect..." Qin Hongmian bit her lip, her eyes were full of anger, but there was more hesitation and weakness. If she encountered such a thing on weekdays, she would directly kill the opponent with a knife. , But now the other party is the lord of a country and the current emperor.

Different from people from later generations like Song Qingshu, people in this world naturally have a kind of awe of imperial power. Even if she is the Shura sword on the rivers and lakes, she was at a loss for the emperor's infringement and did not know how to deal with it.

Kill him directly? What's a joke; let him go, when nothing happened? But it was too frustrated.

After thinking about it, she couldn't figure out what to do, and finally her voice became a little weaker: "Should we let him go..."

"Let it go?" Song Qingshu smiled, "Should he come to the autumn after letting it go to settle accounts?"

"Don't let it go, did you kill him? That would lead to monstrous disasters." Qin Hongmian turned a little faint.

Song Qingshu shook his head secretly. No matter how brave and fierce these people are, they will become pitifully weak in the face of real struggle: "Naturally, you can't kill, let me think about it first."

Originally, he wanted to simply kill Li Yuanhao and take this opportunity to replace Li Yuanhao. Anyway, it is not the first time to replace this kind of thing, but after all, he dispelled this tempting idea, because this time is different from the past. There are more or less resources in that country, but now I have no foundation in Xixia, and I am not familiar with the situation in the Xixia palace, and I am even unfamiliar with Li Yuanhao's behavior and habits. Pretending to be him will probably be seen through.

It is a small thing to be seen through, and if people suspect the situation in the Qing, Jin, and Liao countries as a result, then it is really not worth the gain.

"But if you let him go, you can't hide what happened today." Qin Hongmian also looked embarrassed.

Song Qingshu comforted: "Don't worry, I have a way, but after a while, no matter what you hear or see, please don't be agitated, and don't say anything."

Qin Hongmian didn't know why, but still nodded, she was curious what the other party would do.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yuanhao was awakened in the shocked eyes of the other party.

Li Yuanhao rubbed his eyes and didn't really come back to his senses. There were two deep black holes in the eyes, and a vain voice came from his ear: "You entered the room, opened Mrs. Mu's quilt, and slammed her down. The ground was pressed under her body, and she tried to resist, but the strength of a woman is no better than that of a man. The more she resists, the more exciting you are, especially her full-bodied touch..."

Qin Hongmian's eyebrows were raised and he was about to attack, but he noticed that the two of them were in an abnormal state at this time, so he suppressed it suspiciously, and decided to check the situation first.

But when I heard the words spit out from Song Qingshu's mouth, it was even more sultry than the lewd-ciyan song of the brothel, and it didn't take long before I heard the words blushing.

Song Qingshu described all the fictions that happened after Li Yuanhao just fainted, and the fiction was so vivid that Li Yuanhao quickly became addicted to it, holding a stool and outputting there frantically.

"Thanks to Teacher Bai, thanks to the system, thanks to September 1...Thanks to all the literati and pokers who made great contributions to the happiness of the majority of single dogs in that era..." Because of the vast amount of experience in previous lives, Song Qingshu can just say something. Let people in this world indulge in it, even if he is an emperor.

Now Li Yuanhao has been successfully hypnotized and fell into an illusion created by those words. Song Qingshu is not the first time to do such a thing. Before, in the Jin and Liao countries, he had actually tried his best. Hailing Wang Wanyanliang It is the biggest sufferer.

Before long, with a low roar, Li Yuanhao finally recovered. Song Qingshu shook his head. Li Yuanhao was also considered a generation hero, but unfortunately the years did not forgive others, and there was still some leeway and lack of energy.

Clicking on his drowsiness point, Song Qingshu said to Qin Hongmian: "It's fine now. He thought he had got you. When the time comes, Madam remembers not to say anything, just pretend that what happened tonight is just like what I just described. "

Qin Hongmian's face turned red all of a sudden, because in his description just now, Li Yuanhao played with himself over and over again, and he couldn't stand the details as soon as he thought about it.

This kid is young, so why... Qin Hongmian suddenly felt that his innocent and innocent daughter had followed him, and that he would not play it to death in the future?

"Madame, did you hear me clearly?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking when she saw her pouting.

"Yeah, I see." Although Qin Hongmian was slightly angry, he also knew that this matter was of great importance. One accident was the catastrophe of looting the family and extermination. Although he felt a bit disgusting, he could only cooperate.

"In order to prevent him from waking up tomorrow morning, I will accompany his wife tonight." Song Qingshu said sternly, knowing that the soul-moving method is not omnipotent. The next day Li Yuanhao woke up is the most dangerous time, if If he finds any flaws, he will remember what happened tonight.

Qin Hongmian's heart jumped when he said to accompany him tonight, but soon realized that he wanted something wrong, and nodded: "Thank you."

"Raise your hand." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, then lifted Li Yuanhao up and threw it behind the screen, and then went to check if the doors and windows were locked.

"By the way, what did you do just now... what kind of martial arts is that?" Qin Hongmian suddenly thought of his extraordinary skill just now, and couldn't help but become curious.

"That is the soul-moving method in the Jiuyin Scripture, which can control people's mind to some extent." Song Qingshu replied.

"Important Soul-Method?" Qin Hongmian, as a person in the world, has naturally heard some legends of this martial arts, "I heard that people who have been in this martial arts will follow the words of the practitioner?"

"It's not so exaggerated, in fact there are still many restrictions." Song Qingshu explained.

Qin Hongmian's face suddenly changed: "Then if you show me what you want to do to me, you can do it?" (https:)

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