Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1745: Mysterious men and women

Song Qingshu was stunned for a moment, and nodded subconsciously: "It's true."

Immediately afterwards, he added a ghostly sentence: "And it can also make you completely forget the previous things afterwards."

Qin Hongmian's heart jumped, not knowing why some of his cheeks were hot, and hurriedly said, "Don't use your eyes at me!"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Madam is worried, you are Wanmei's mother, how can I offend Madam..." Although I said so, I couldn't help but start to fill up some pictures in my mind, and my heart beat faster. Hastily suppressed the evil thoughts and called out a few words to Amitabha.

The two fell into awkward silence. After a while, Qin Hongmian suddenly said: "I feel a little uncomfortable, I want to take a shower..."

She regretted it as soon as she opened her mouth. In fact, she just wanted to find a topic to break the embarrassment in the room, but she didn't know what to say for a while, and after just taking that kind of medicine, she was so slimy and extremely uncomfortable. It would be nice to be able to take a bath, so the ghost and the gods came out such a sentence.

Song Qingshu was startled, and obviously felt that this sentence was a bit abrupt. When he was wondering how to answer, the other party already waved his hand quickly: "I just said it casually. How can I be bathed in this situation."

If it was normal, it would be a big deal for her to call the maidservant ready to bring the water, but now that the emperor is knocked out here, how dare she call someone to come in?

Song Qingshu thought for a while and said with a smile: "Madam, don't worry, there is still a way to take a bath."

"Huh?" Qin Hongmian always felt that discussing this issue with the other party was a bit inappropriate, but the clothes on his body were wet and stuck to the skin, and the feeling was too uncomfortable.

"When I was stepping around, I found a water pool on the back mountain of Jietan Temple. It is very remote on weekdays. Now it is late at night and no one will go. Madam can rest assured where to go to freshen up." Song Qingshu explained.

"But there must be a lot of Li Yuanhao's personal bodyguards around here. If you go out at this time, wouldn't they let them discover that something has happened here?" Qin Hongmian was a little moved, but reason still told her that this was too risky.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Madam, please don't worry. Although Li Yuanhao and other guards are good at them, they are just chicken dogs in my eyes. How difficult is it to hide their eyes and ears?"

Qin Hongmian remembered the fame of the person in front of him in the arena, but still said with confidence: "But it is difficult for my martial arts to leave quietly..."

Although she has the nickname of Shura Sword, she is at most a third-rate master in the arena, and she may not be able to deal with Li Yuanhao's internal guards.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I'll take you out, madam first clean up and change clothes."

Qin Hongmian opened his mouth and instinctively wanted to refuse, but in the end he couldn't match the discomfort of his body, and finally nodded his head for imperceptibility, and then went inside to pack his clothes.

It didn't take long for him to bring out a small cloth bag, and glanced at Li Yuanhao on the ground, Qin Hongmian looked tangled: "Then what should he do?"

Song Qingshu replied: "Don't worry, Madam, he has won my unique acupuncture skills. Unless I untie him, he won't wake up. As for his subordinates, no one will come to disturb his Yaxing. ."

Hearing the word Yaxing, Qin Hongmian glanced at him angrily. He clearly understood what his words meant. If Song Qingshu hadn't appeared just now, now Li Yuanhao is indeed very "elegant".

"By the way, do you also have a positive finger?" Qin Hongmian asked in order to conceal his embarrassment.

"Yes," Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly. She didn't expect her martial arts skills to be good, but her eyesight was pretty good. "How did the madam see it?"

"When you just healed me..." Qin Hongmian paused suddenly, and his voice became quieter, "That feeling...very familiar."

Seeing her suddenly shy posture, Song Qingshu had a weird face, and Duan Zhengchun's servant really used a yang finger in the boudoir.

Qin Hongmian was obviously also embarrassed, and said hurriedly: "Let's go."

Song Qingshu nodded, and pushed the window a little bit to observe the surrounding environment carefully. Perhaps Li Yuanhao ordered his subordinates to stay away just now, so the guards around here weren't very tight, and it was easy to find a chance to leave.

"Madam, I will fly out with my arms around you later." Song Qingshu called Qin Hongmian to her side and looked at her inquisitively.

Qin Hongmian's eyebrows frowned slightly. Normally she would naturally not agree to let a man get close, but just now the other party has just resolved her emotional poison, skin contact has already been established, plus thinking about the relationship between the other party and her Finally nodded.

With permission, Song Qingshu gently embraced her waist, and his hands were plump and soft. It was completely different from the girl’s slender Q-bomb waist. At this time, his attention was focused on preventing the guards outside from discovering it, so he fell. There is no extra thought.

However, this bitter Qin Hongmian. Being embraced by the man's strong arms, she seemed to still be able to feel the masculine and hot aura of his body, and she seemed to feel that her body became slimmer.

"Hey~" Qin Hongmian was taken out of the window by the other party. Qin Hongmian was about to remind that the window was open and it would be easy for people outside to find anomalies. As a result, before he had time to speak, the man next to him raised his hand and the window was gently touched. Pushed and closed.

Qin Hongmian's boss opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't speak for a long time. He really admired his skill, especially when he flew out of the Jietan Temple with a few vertical leaps. Let her have a feeling of flying through the clouds.

"It turns out that Qinggong is so magical to reach the peak..." Qin Hongmian hadn't recovered, and found that he had stopped in front of a clear water pool. Not far from the water pool, a small waterfall was flying down. Obviously It was the impact of this small waterfall that formed this pool. .

"It's already here." Song Qingshu let go of his hand and naturally stepped aside, "I'll be on the outside, madam, hurry up."

Qin Hongmian opened his mouth, this lone man and widow in the wilderness, wondering what if you take a peek? But she didn't say this sentence, but was denied by herself, because she was in contact during this time, and she believed that the other party would not do such a despicable thing.

"That's troublesome." Qin Hongmian yawned slightly, and hid behind a big rock, Xixi Suosuo began to change his clothes. At the same time, she was secretly surprised that the other party explained that it was her junior in a certain sense, but why every time she saw him, it was difficult to calm down, but she often felt at a loss for what to do? Is it because he is not a few years younger than himself, and is more like his peers than younger generations?

As the object of Qin Hongmian's entanglement at this time, Song Qingshu not only turned his back, but also left a distance of several tens of feet, and even deliberately turned off a part of spiritual sense, otherwise Qin Hongmian would use his martial arts at this time to make one move. He could hear every movement clearly, even if he couldn't see it, he could completely outline it in his mind.

Although he doesn't think he is a gentleman, he still thinks that he has a bottom line. Although there are some things in his mind sometimes, it is only determined by a man's genes, and it does not mean that he will take action.

As the saying goes, sages do not care about their heart, but they are not perfect.

In fact, Song Qingshu is also a little depressed now. Today, he obviously came to find Mu Wanqing for a tryst. As a result, in the current situation, it is really painful to see whether he can eat it or not.

When he was spitting, he suddenly felt a heart move. He turned around and grabbed something. He spread his hand and saw that it was a small stone. He was stunned. He thought someone was planning to attack him, but This stone doesn't contain much strength at all, and it's really not like being used for sneak attacks.

"Blue Book~" At this moment, a deliberately lowered voice came not far away.

Song Qingshu followed his reputation and saw Qin Hongmian beckoning to him in the water.

"What's the situation?" Song Qingshu looked dazed, the other party only exposed his head to the surface of the water at this time, but apparently there was no clothes on under the water, so he called himself over at this time?

Could it be that Pan Jinlian called her uncle to drink this tea?

The thoughts in his mind flashed away, Song Qingshu immediately denied this speculation. After all, Qin Hongmian's temperament didn't look like that kind of woman. When he was struggling, the other party became anxious when he saw that he was still motionless, and immediately threw it again. Came over with a stone. Although her martial arts is not good, she taught Mu Wanqing's Poisonous Hidden Arrows, so the hidden weapon kung fu is excellent, and the accuracy of throwing stones is nothing to say.

After throwing the stones, he continued to beckon to him, and at the same time made a silent gesture.

Feeling her anxiety, Song Qingshu realized that she might be thinking of something wrong. Most of it was something wrong with her, and hurriedly used her light work to pass, because of her reminder, he also deliberately concealed his traces at a distance of more than ten feet.

"What's the matter, ma'am?" Song Qingshu asked hurriedly.

"Hush~" Qin Hongmian pointed to it, "Someone is there!"

Song Qingshu looked in the direction of her fingers, and saw that two figures appeared above the waterfall.

"They suddenly appeared on it. I don't know who they are. I don't dare to act rashly." Qin Hongmian was a little anxious. At such a distance, she couldn't tell whether the other party was a man or a woman. If it was a man, they would have seen it. Isn't the reputation unsafe?

In addition, she has another worry, that is, if the other party is Li Yuanhao's imperial guard, the trouble will be even greater, so she dare not make any big moves, for fear of attracting the attention of the people above.

Although Qin Hongmian couldn't see clearly at this distance, Song Qingshu couldn't be troubled by it. The two above were a man and a woman. The woman was covered in white silk, but she was slender and graceful, and she must be a very outstanding beauty; as for the other man. He is a burly old man, with flowing silver hair, long beards over the shoulders, and a happy fan that is unforgettable. He is actually an old man!

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