Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1746: Deep Palace Demon

At the beginning, he had dealt with him in the Five Poison Sects of Yunnan, and later hired him as the guest of the stick, and he was also the master of Azi-the old fairy spring and autumn of the stars!

Song Qingshu hadn’t seen him for a long time in the impression. I didn’t expect to see him in Xixia, but it was right to think about it. Xing Suhai was originally to the west, plus the last time I saw him and Duan Yanqing in the Five Poison Sect, it seemed I heard he joined Yipintang?

"Who is this woman?" Song Qingshu looked at the graceful figure of the woman. He really couldn't remember who this person was. What surprised him more was that Ding Chunqiu's posture in front of her seemed a little cautious and respectful. Look like.

Because he and Qin Hongmian were in the pool below the waterfall, the mist and the surrounding plants were not easy to spot. On the contrary, Ding Chunqiu was more conspicuous when they stood on a high place, and they were first seen by Qin Hongmian, who was even lower in martial arts.

"They are coming down." Qin Hongmian covered his mouth and whispered. It turned out that the two figures flew down directly from the waterfall. Although the waterfall is not very high, they can fly down in such a chic posture. high.

"Let’s hide first." If it’s just Song Qingshu alone, there is no need to hide, but at this time there is also Qin Hongmian who is not wearing clothes in the water. After a while, he will not be seen by Ding Chunqiu. What shouldn’t be seen, and if the other party tells you how they are together at this time, it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t be portrayed as a big scandal. You must know that people’s ability to spread gossip is the same regardless of the ancients or the present. exaggerated.

Fortunately, Qin Hongmian chose to bathe behind a large rock just to be concealed. There was this rock as a shelter, and he was not afraid of being discovered by the two who came down.

Song Qingshu hid behind the stone, while Qin Hongmian sank under the water, revealing only one head above the water, and the two were only a meter or two apart.

"Just don't say anything, I now isolate the qi of the two of us with my true qi, they can't find us." Song Qingshu turned around to comfort Qin Hongmian, but almost no nosebleeds came out.

Although the water in the pool is very clear, it would have been easy to be seen in the dark, but Song Qingshu's eyesight is so powerful, as long as there is a little light, he can completely see things in the dark as day.

At this time, Qin Hongmian instinctively put his hand on his chest, but the eyes were all white and no arm could block it.

Song Qingshu hurriedly looked away, chanting the Qingxin Pushan Charm again in his heart, feeling his change, Qin Hongmian turned around with a puzzled face, but she didn't have such good eyesight and couldn't see the other party's right now. expression.

"Does your medicine really have an effect?" A woman's voice suddenly came not far away, and the voice was very soft and tactful.

Song Qingshu was stunned when he heard it, and subconsciously stretched out his head to look over there, only to see the woman's body in white clothes, but unfortunately her face was covered with opaque white silk, she couldn't see her appearance, so her brows were so beautiful and her figure was so beautiful. Slender and graceful, with her skirt flying in the breeze in the mountains, she really is fluttering like an immortal.

"Whether it is her voice or her posture, this woman seems to be young, but why is her skill so profound?" Song Qing Shuli counts among the women she knows, those who can reach this level of skill at this age, except for the one who is like a sword fairy. Young girl Aqing, I’m afraid Dongfang Muxue is the only one left. Who is this woman in front of me, and how can she cultivate martial arts to such a realm?

"Hey," Ding Chunqiu laughed. "The harmony of yin and yang can make the virgin become slutty--women, how can it be useless."

Song Qingshu was startled. Hearing what they meant, it seemed that the poison in Qin Hongmian was provided by Poison Master Ding Chunqiu. No wonder it was so overbearing.

Wait, why does the name Yin Yang He He San sound familiar?

Song Qingshu finally remembered that Mu Wanqing seemed to have been poisoned by this kind of poison back then. Unexpectedly, it was Qin Hongmian's turn this time, and their mother and daughter were really ill-fated.

Subconsciously glanced at the woman next to her, she found that she had a horrible phoenix at this moment, and she obviously understood it, and hurriedly passed the voice transmission: "Madam, don't be irritable, listen to what's going on first."

What a joke, either of the two people outside can pick up Qin Hongmian with a finger. Is she going to die?

Hearing what he said, Qin Hongmian nodded helplessly.

"I observed that Qin Hongmian secretly once. Although he was a little bit grumpy, he was undeniably a beautiful woman. Tonight is cheap Li Yuanhao." The masked woman said with a smile.

Ding Chunqiu waved the Xiaoyao fan in his hand and said with a flattering smile: "In front of you, who would dare to be called a beautiful woman?"

The masked woman snorted: "Your flattering skills are not good, I still have self-knowledge, although I was not afraid when I was young, but now...Hey, since ancient times, beauty is like a famous general, and you are not allowed to see white heads in the world."

Ding Chunqiu hurriedly said: "If you don't believe me, just ask someone on the street to ask, see who doesn't say you are only seventeen or eighteen years old."

The masked woman laughed and cursed: "It's late at night, there are no people on the street, you old thing will be slick."

Song Qingshu was in the chaos in the wind at this moment. Hearing the meaning of these words, the woman was actually very old, and not so old. He just thought she was a little girl.

The age of women in the martial arts world is really hard to judge. Song Qingshu can’t help thinking of a novel I’ve read before. Zhu Yuyan, the queen of Yingui school, is obviously an old woman in her eighties, but she looks like a sister in her appearance. , Which is a little girl in her teens and twenties.

"It's a young age, even the martial arts world can't help but talk about science." Song Qingshu, a person who came from a later mature scientific system, is really hard to understand this anti-scientific phenomenon, but thinking of the internal forces of this world, and those Feitian Dundi's martial arts seemed difficult to explain with science, and he was slightly relieved.

Now what makes him even more curious is the identity of the masked woman. Judging by the various information of the dialogue between the two, the identity of this woman is ready to be revealed. One of the three legends of the Xiaoyao School-the fairy sister Li Qiushui!

Thinking that she was still Li Qingluo’s mother, she was considered her own mother-in-law to some extent. Song Qingshu wondered if she should go out to see him, but it can be expected that she would probably attract a fire. After all, Li Qingluo’s identity is Mrs. Wang. Not Mrs. Song.

"What's wrong with me lately? Why do I meet some cheap mother-in-law?" After a glance at Qin Hongmian next to him, Song Qingshu's expression was a little weird. Should I go to the streets to fortune-telling and change my fortune?

"Then Li Yuanhao will die soon if he wants to come," Ding Chunqiu not far away suddenly said with a smile, "The throne will fall into Qianshun's hands by then."

As soon as these words came out, the two people hiding in the dark were shocked. They didn't expect to hear such a big conspiracy accidentally. Could these two people want to kill the king?

"He is getting older and feels less energetic than before. Seeing that I have been like a day for decades, he specifically asked me about the technique of eternal youth." There was a hint of sarcasm in Li Qiushui's tone.

Ding Chunqiu sneered and said, "There is no such thing as an eternal youth, it's just the reason why the skill is high to a certain level."

"That's not necessarily," Li Qiushui chuckled, "Your uncle who has learned kung fu is the magical skill of youth and eternal youth."

Ding Chunqiu sneered and said: "She has cultivated to look like that monster that never grows up. How can she be better than you."

Song Qingshu kept his lips secretly, you people, never know how powerful legal luoli is to the gentlemen of later generations.

Li Qiushui was also very happy when he heard the other party ridicule his lifelong enemy. After chuckling for a while, he pulled the topic back: "After all, Li Yuanhao is the king of a country. Since I ask to come, I can't refuse him, so I just pass it on. With his set of exercises, he is like a treasure, but he doesn't know that it is just a clever trick in the house."

Ding Chunqiu also echoed: "During this period of time, he showed off his power in bed, feeling as if he was back in his youth, thinking that he was successful in practicing the exercises, but he didn't know that this was burning his little energy source."

"Only in this way can I fully understand my relationship. When Ganshun inherits the throne, no one will find any excuses," Li Qiushui continued, "but I didn't have so much patience and waited slowly, so I found someone to remind him. The beautiful survivor of the Mu family, Qin Hongmian is naturally charming, coupled with the harmony of yin and yang, I am afraid that he will lose his life this night."

Qin Hongmian couldn't help trembling with anger when she heard all this. Song Qingshu hurriedly communicated with her to comfort her, otherwise she would really be desperate to get into trouble.

"Then Li Yuanhao is really beautiful." Ding Chunqiu's tone was a little envious.

"After this period of time, when the woman has completed her mission, she will follow you, but you are not allowed to move him before this time." Li Qiushui warned coldly.

Ding Chunqiu's heart was stunned. Although he had a relationship with this woman, he knew how vicious a person she was. She would never care about these old feelings if she provokes her, and hurriedly said: "This is natural."

"I'm still a little worried about your medicine. Let's see how it works before deciding on the future plan." After Li Qiushui said, his figure flashed, and he flew to the Jietan Temple below the mountain. Ding Chunqiu also hurriedly followed. Afterwards.

Although there are Li Yuanhao's personal guards guarding the periphery of Jietan Temple, it is far inferior to the defense line on the other side of the palace, and in the eyes of experts like them, it is naturally like a fake.

When they disappeared, Song Qingshu hurriedly said, "Well, let them sneak into the Jietan Temple and you will find Li Yuanhao's situation immediately. Then things will happen."

Qin Hongmian was also a little anxious. After all, there were her clan and her daughter in Jietan Temple. If things were revealed, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Let's get down right away!" Qin Hongmian wanted to stand up subconsciously, but when he got up, he immediately realized something was wrong, and hurried back into the water. He was ashamed and angry, "Hurry up and avoid it, I want to wear clothes!"

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid it's too late, madam, please forgive me for the offense."

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