Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1753: Fatal temptation

"What!" Yelu Nanxian's shock at this time is not fake, because she didn't expect Li Yuanhao to play Li Daitao Stiff, but when she thought about it, it was normal. If she didn't do some tricks, she would leave the prince concubine directly. It doesn't sound good to spread it out in the palace. He is an emperor who has been in power for many years, so this trick is still available.

"Your Liao State Mission also acquiesced in this matter." Li Yuanhao took a cup of tea and drank it in his spare time. He enjoyed the feeling of appreciating the panic of the other party.

Yelu Nanxian's face turned pale: "How is it possible?"

"How could it be impossible," Li Yuanhao put down his teacup and said playfully, "The reason why your Liao Kingdom sent you here for marriage is nothing more than a truce for peace. Now Xixia is in charge of me. As long as I am happy, the truce is natural. ; If it makes me unhappy, hum..." Although he didn't finish his words, the threat was overwhelming.

Immortal Yelunan looked struggling: "The emperor, you are my future father-in-law, would you not risk the world's disgrace to do such a thing?"

Li Yuanhao laughed, his voice full of contemplative meaning: "Don't put the moral shackles of the Han people on me. I was struck down by my own golden horse and iron horse. I didn't rely on etiquette and morality. Besides, You and the prince have not yet been married, so naturally you are not my daughter-in-law. If you are married, I will call you to bed, that would be against the human relationship."

Li Yuanhao suddenly tweeted: "Actually speaking, their southern barbarians are benevolent and moral all day long. As a result, Yang Yuhuan was the princess of longevity in his early years, and Tang Minghuang didn't still bring this daughter-in-law into the palace."

To be honest, he has been emperor for so many years, and what kind of beauty has never been seen before, even though Yelu Nanxian is beautiful, it may not make him so concerned. The key is the identity of the other party!

When he thinks that the other party is his future daughter-in-law, Li Yuanhao's heartbeat can't help speeding up a bit, and there is a wave of enthusiasm in his lower abdomen. He has played with all kinds of women for so many years, the concubine in the palace, the first king. His favorite girl, the minister's concubine, had tasted the princess a few days ago, but he had never tried his daughter-in-law. When he thought of this taboo relationship, he couldn't restrain his inner impulse. .

Yelu Nanxian naturally didn't know his nasty heart, biting his lip and his expression was a little complicated: "The emperor told me this. Don't you fear that I will get angry while I am angry? You should know that my martial arts have always been good."

Li Yuanhao stood up and smiled while walking towards her: "I was killed in the **** sea on the battlefield. Are you still afraid of you as a little girl? And since you agree to be the candidate for this marriage, it proves that you have a homeland in your heart. Feelings, for your country, presumably you will not do anything irrational."

Seeing the struggling and shaken expression of the beautiful girl opposite, an incomparable pleasure flashed in his heart. People who have enjoyed the taste of power cannot refuse this feeling of peak. This is even more powerful than the strongest spring medicine in the world. It is fascinating. He really enjoys the feeling of using power to make an unwilling woman subdue step by step, and the other party has such a young and lively body, the identity of the county lord of Liao, especially she has a strong martial arts, more It is to give him a sense of accomplishment of conquering.

Walking to the girl's side, looking at her bright dress today, she felt more and more charming. Li Yuanhao couldn't help but leaned to the edge of her hair and took a deep breath: "The princess smells so good."

"I have something more fragrant on my body, does the emperor want to smell it?" Yelu Nanxian suddenly pursed his lips, like a flower in full bloom in early spring, bright and charming.

"Oh, the princess figured it out?" At such a close distance, I can clearly feel the youthful aura of the girl's body, which has a fatal attraction to his aging body, "That makes me smell so good."

He didn't have the slightest doubt, because in the past few decades of emperor's career, no woman could refuse her, no woman could disobey him. He was accustomed to the emperor's authority. Hearing the other party's words, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to kill the girl. Hold your arms in your arms.

Yelu Nanxian turned around, her skirt fluttering, and evading his embrace incomparably light. Li Yuanhao smiled and continued to pounce on the opponent. He didn't get angry, but liked the feeling of chasing and pressing step by step.

After hiding several times in front of the girl, she suddenly staggered, as if she was caught by something, and fell into a nearby bed involuntarily. Li Yuanhao was overjoyed and opened his hands and threw forward: "Little beauty, I am here. !"

It's a pity that he just got to the bed when Yelu Nanxian suddenly opened his red lips, and a puff of pink smoke sprayed on his face. A trace of confusion flashed in Li Yuanhao's eyes, and then he fell heavily on the bed.

Yelu Nanxian dodged in a hurry to avoid being pressed under him, gave Li Yuanhao a disgusted look, and then said to the air: "Big Brother Song, you don't come in and help me~"

Somewhere in the room, the space seemed to be distorted, and then Song Qingshu suddenly appeared there, and said with a wry smile: "Didn’t I specially give you rouge drunk? The main reason is to see if you can cope with this situation alone. After all, this time The plan is too dangerous, and I may not be able to protect you by your side all the time."

Rouge Zui was obtained from Dai Qisi. She used this kind of hallucinogenic-medicinal thing to play the role of Princess Chang Sheng for more than ten years, but he has not been discovered, so he has always carried the medicine with him. In case of emergencies, Yelu Nanxian gave her a self-defense when entering the palace this time.

Yelu Nanxian's face eased a bit. Looking at Li Yuanhao who was lying on the bed, he saw that he smiled like a pig brother, and the corner of his mouth was slippery. He was clearly falling into a wonderful dream: "This medicine It's really amazing, it can confuse people's minds."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Although this medicine is magical, what a shrewd person Li Yuanhao is, he will definitely find flaws in the long run." Li Yuanhao built a huge country with only his hands, dominating Xijiao and becoming the most difficult bone of the surrounding powers, absolutely not. The foolish ghosts like King Changsheng and Yelu Hongji are comparable. It is okay to use this medicine once or twice, but he will see through it over time.

"Then what to do?" Yelu Nanxian suddenly looked worried, after all, she was in the palace, and Li Yuanhao would eat everything she didn't carelessly eat.

Holding her hand gently, Song Qingshu comforted: "Don't worry, I will be with you in the palace during this period. I will deal with any emergencies, and then wait for the news from the prince. He will be big tomorrow. Marriage, when the time comes to discover that the bride has changed people, I don’t believe he will swallow this breath."

Yelu Nanxian was still a little worried: "But Li Yuanhao is the emperor after all, what can the crown prince do if he is angry?"

Song Qingshu explained: "If it were normal, the prince would probably endure the anger, but not long ago, his two uncles were killed and the queen was beaten into the cold palace. Various signs showed that he could not sit as a prince. How long, under the new hatred and the fear, he will probably take risks."

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