Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1754: Undercurrent

"Too much deception, too much deception!" In the Prince's mansion at this time, Prince Ning slammed the precious Song Jun kiln porcelain cup on the ground, and walked back and forth anxiously in the room, like an angry man. lion.

"Are you really sure that Princess An is replaced?" Ge Ning looked back at his kneeling hand, his eyes seemed to eat people.

"Yes...Yes, there was news from the eyeliner in the palace that the emperor let Princess Cheng An enter the inner palace in the name of meeting the concubine, and when he came out, she was replaced by a court lady and returned to the Liao embassy; and the embassy was there. The spies on the side also sent back news that the princess had indeed changed people." The subordinate was in cold sweat, but he had to answer again.

After all, Brother Ning has been the prince for so many years and has been in business for more than ten years. It is not difficult to put a few eyeliners in the palace.

After being confirmed, Ning Ge only felt that a fire was burning in his chest, as if it was about to explode at any time: "The people from the Liao State Mission should just forget it? Isn't they arrogant to marry the general, and just sit back and watch such ridiculous things. occur?"

The subordinate replied: "According to the spy's report, the people of the Liao State Mission also raised objections at the beginning, but after being persuaded by the prince, they acquiesced in this matter."

"Can such a thing be the default?" Ning Ge angrily laughed.

"You go down first." At this moment, a middle-aged man next to him waved his hand, and then said, "Your Majesty, he is the emperor after all. He has the final say in this country. The Liao people want to ask for peace, but it is not him. Naturally, I dare not go against his intentions."

Ge Ning's face changed, and then he sighed to the middle-aged man: "Master Qin, why don't I know this truth."

This middle-aged man was originally Qin Hongmian’s clan brother, Qin Xi, the patriarch of the Qin clan. The Qin clan could not stay in the Southern Song Dynasty. The family moved to Xixia. In order to gain a foothold, Qin Xi and other clan members used the clan’s righteousness to survive and die. Forcing Qin Hongmian to marry Mu Yuqi. Because he is close to the Mu family, he has a closer relationship with the Prince.

"But he also deceived people too much," Ning Ge said with a grim face, and his tone suddenly increased. "Previously framed my two uncles for rebellion, killed them unjustly, and then abolished my mother's position as queen, and now he is even my new wife. It was taken away too, it's really outrageous, outrageous!"

Qin Xi said in a deep voice: "I think your majesty is old but still healthy. Seeing that the crown prince is already full of wings, I am worried that you will threaten his throne, so I simply act first to be strong." The Qin family comes from Lin'an and is in this kind of struggle. The above has a wealth of experience, so the key point is immediately seen.

Ge Ning's face sank: "Originally, he asked me to marry me early. I thought he wanted to ease the relationship between our father and son. Now it seems that I am too naive."

Qin Xi shook his head: "The emperor's reopening of the big wedding was mostly in the mind to ease the relationship. It was just an accident. He didn't expect that Princess Cheng'an was so beautiful, and he couldn't help but feel evil when he met her today."

His words seemed to add fuel to the fire. The greatest hatred in the world was the hatred of killing a husband and taking away his wife. Thinking about Yelu Nanxian's perfect face, Ning's fists were clenched, and his nails were almost pinched into the flesh.

Qin Xi continued: "This matter can determine the crown prince's position in the emperor's heart, and how the emperor is going to deal with you, but he will never do anything like this if he has a feeling of father and son for you."

Ning Ge finally broke out: "He is unkind and blame me for being unrighteous!"

Seeing what he said, Qin Xi flashed a hint of joy on his face, and hurriedly said: "As the saying goes, the first to strike is the strongest, and then to start to suffer. It's better to take advantage of our strength and do the things that change the day, or the time will be delayed. The longer it takes, the less power we have in our hands, and it will be disintegrated step by step by the emperor."

Ning's face showed a touch of emotion, but he still had a basic sense of reason: "The emperor holds the military power. With my current strength, I am afraid that I want to steal the sky and change the day. I am afraid it is just wishful thinking."

"If you go head-to-head, there is naturally no chance of winning," Qin Xi said calmly, "but if you don't expect it, you can mobilize all your forces and go directly into the palace for a beheading operation than today. The emperor has no time to mobilize his huge army. ."

"Tonight?" Ning Ge's heartbeat speeded up, but he still shook his head, "Even if he has no time to mobilize the army, but the palace is heavily guarded and there are many masters in Yipintang, we are still no different from hitting rocks with pebbles."

"Don't worry about this prince," Qin Xi explained. "The Mu family previously controlled half of the domestic army. How many generals were their protégés. This time the two generals were killed for no reason. They sympathized and were full of fear. , After all, I was impressed by the Mu family and worried that the emperor would settle accounts after the autumn, so I contacted a lot of the old Mu family ministry, they were willing to gamble with the prince, they happen to be on duty at the palace tonight, they can open the palace gate at a specific time Let us in."

"Really?" Ning Ge was overjoyed, and finally a flame of hope ignited in his heart. "But there are many masters in Yipintang. This is a force that can control the situation."

"Don't worry about this highness," Qin Xi smiled unpredictably. "The one in charge of the Yipin Hall is the Toffee. We can't buy this, but only the few remaining chiefs. Duan Yanqing has been Thinking of going back to Dali for resetting, the emperor had always used him as a slave before, and didn't have the mind to reset him. Duan Yanqing knew this well, so I found him on this condition, and he hit it off with me."

"As for Li Yanzong, he also has big ambitions and ambitions, and he was quickly moved by me. As for Princess Yinchuan, she is alone and will not be able to support her alone, and it will not affect the overall situation."

After listening to his introduction, Ning Ge excitedly stepped forward and grabbed his hand: "Master Qin, you are really Zhuge reborn, Wolong is reborn, I am here to assure you that once I become emperor, Master Qin will be mine. Prime Minister!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty... No, thank you, Your Majesty!" Qin Xi hurriedly bowed and bowed.

"Hahaha, Aiqing is flat!" Ning Ge, who was smug, didn't notice the light flashing in Qin Xi's eyes at the moment when Qin Xi lowered his head.

Besides, in the palace, Yelu Nanxian looked at Li Yuanhao who was in a coma and had a "good dream", and couldn't help feeling disgusted: "Big Brother Song, I don't want to spend the night with him in this room. Can we go elsewhere?"

Although Song Qingshu felt that it was a bit wrong to leave here, it would be difficult to remedy any sudden situation, such as someone who came in to find Li Yuanhao, but he didn't want Yelu Nanxian to be wronged, and he had to complete this plan. The mood is also very important, and I finally agreed.

Of course, just in case he imitated Li Yuanhao's voice to inform the outside guards, no one was allowed to come in without his order, otherwise he would kill him.

Then he took Yelu Nanxian to leave the room and came all the way to the vicinity of the Imperial Garden. Because it was already night, the main Imperial Garden was almost empty, so it was a good place to date.

Song Qingshu was thinking about taking this opportunity to explore Li Qiushui's fiction, after all, she seemed to be planning Li Yuanhao too.

Suddenly he moved in his heart and hugged Yelu Nanxian and hid behind a rockery. Suddenly Yelu Nanxian was hugged by him. Seeing the lover dragged himself into this hidden place, his heart beat faster: "Song Lang would not want to be there. Here……"

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