Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1757: Jiangshan for hire

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked, including Li Qiushui. She had been planning to let her son Li Ganshun inherit the throne. For this reason, she did not hesitate to disguise Fang Zhongshu as Xiuxianshu and pass it on to Li Yuanhao, so that she could not realize it. The lights are dead.

If Li Yuanhao really intends to pass the throne to Li Ganshun, why should she take such a big risk?

Others are also very puzzled. Although the prince is not filial, the throne will never be passed on to him, but there is also Yi Wang Li Liangzuo, who is also the son of the emperor, why should he pass on the throne to his younger brother?

"Do you know why I passed on to him?" Perhaps seeing Li Qiushui's doubts, Li Yuanhao spoke again.

Li Qiushui smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty is far-sighted, it is beyond ordinary people's conjecture." But in his heart, he was secretly thinking. Even if Li Yuanhao's biography was just in Li Liangzuo, he would be the one with Li Ganshun, surrounded by his own people. Are you afraid of someone leaking it out? As for the guards around the emperor, if they were killed, they would be pushed directly onto the prince's party. Could it be that Li Yuanhao anticipated that I would do this and simply pushed the boat forward?

Who knows that Li Yuanhao’s eyes are full of hatred: “Today’s things are too weird. There must be hidden secrets behind them. With Ning’s naive person, there is absolutely no such ability to break into the palace silently and in the whole process. The imperial guards seemed to have disappeared, allowing the prince’s people to drive in."

Li Yuanhao paused and rested for a long time before he had the strength to continue: "There must be someone behind the prince. He is just a **** of the opponent. If what I expected is not bad, most of it is Li Liangzuo in the layout."

"Wang Yi?" A hint of surprise flashed in Li Qiushui's eyes. Although she knew that Li Liangzuo was not as Buddhist and uncontested as it appeared on the surface, she never expected him to have such a large handwriting.

"I have raised a few unfilial sons, and all of them covet this great country, and I don't even talk about the relationship between father and son. In that case, why should I leave the throne to them." Li Yuanhao said all this with grievance. It may be Because of the excitement, the blood gurgled out again.

Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the distance, couldn't help but curl his lips. When did Li Yuanhao **** the prince's wife, and when did he ever read about the relationship between father and son, not to mention that the royal family had no family affection, so he sighed that it was too hypocritical.

However, he soon became a little bit sad, thinking that his ambition is to dominate the world. With so many confidantes, he will definitely have many children by then. Is it also destined to be crippled by father and son, and brothers will smash the wall...

Just now, Li Yuanhao seemed to be back in the light of the last time. After speaking, he exhausted all his energy, and his eyes soon became confused, and the whole person fell into a semi-coma state.

The imperial physician who had just been summoned finally rushed over at this time, and worked on Li Yuanhao for a while, sweating down one by one, and finally knelt down on the ground and apologized: "The emperor has already controlled Bintian."

Of course they are afraid. They encountered such things in the past dynasties. It is better to say that those who are reasonable and unreasonable will directly blame the emperor's death on the imperial doctor, and let the imperial doctor be buried at every turn.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Qiushui was happy because his son got the throne, and did not embarrass them. He directly ordered his subordinates to restrain Li Yuanhao's body, and then declared that the emperor's brother Li Ganshun and several important officials in the court entered the palace. The reason for this is to settle the matter tonight, and when we go to court tomorrow, let my son sit in the Golden Temple to receive congratulations from all parties. At that time, no matter how unruly princes are, they will not be able to overcome the big waves.

"Brother Song, what do we do now?" Yelu Nanxian, who was hiding in the dark and witnessing everything, couldn't help but ask. She said that she should have been in Li Yuanhao's room just now. Tonight such a thing as the killing of the king happened, and I will really investigate it in the future. When she gets up, she certainly can't escape the relationship.

"Wait," Song Qingshu paused, looking outside the imperial city, "mostly Li Ganshun won't ascend to the throne so smoothly."

Let’s say that the prince cut off Li Yuanhao’s nose just now. He was afraid and excited. The other party ran away in a hurry. He didn’t go after him personally. He just sent some men over. After all, the palace is not his own territory, so he should be careful. on.

Even if Hua Tuo was alive, Li Yuanhao would definitely die. Thinking that he was about to ascend to the throne, the tension in Prince Ning's heart was quickly replaced by excitement. Worried about what would happen in the palace, he hurriedly fled the palace. Back to the Prince's Mansion.

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, I succeeded, I succeeded! I became the emperor, and you are the prime minister..." After hearing that Qin Xi was waiting in the study, Ge Ning ran over with excitement, but his voice It stopped abruptly, because he saw that there was another person beside Qin Xi who shouldn't exist.

"Second brother, why are you here?" Ning's joy on his face instantly froze. Looking at the man on the side, it was Yi Wang Li Liangzuo.

"I'm here to congratulate my eldest brother." Li Liangzuo's face was full of playful smiles.

No matter how stupid he was, Ning realized that something was wrong. Why did a direct competitor appear in his core turf with such a big incident this time?

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Ning turned around and left, only to find that the door had been locked from the outside.

Ning Ge couldn't help but his expression changed drastically, staring at Qin Xi fiercely: "Why betray me?"

Qin Xi smiled slightly: "I have never been a prince's person, so how can I betray you?"

A daze flashed in Ning Ge's eyes: "I don't understand, your sister is my aunt, and our relationship is so close, why would you choose to go to Li Liangzuo?"

Qin Xi faintly replied: "Good birds choose wood and live there. I just chose Mingzhu. In any respect, King Yi is better than the reckless prince."

Li Liangzuo on the side also spoke at this time: "Let me answer your doubts. Mr. Qin chose me for another reason, that is, when I saw his niece, I was shocked to be a man of heaven and swore that I was not her in this life. If you don’t marry, although the Qin family had an in-law relationship with the Mu family before, you only treat the Qin family as slaves in your heart. Now the family girl is expected to be the queen at the time, how do you think they would choose?"

Brother Ning spent half a day thinking about who his niece was, and suddenly thought of a beautiful face, he blurted out: "You mean Mu Wanqing?"

"Not bad!" A hint of infatuation flashed in Li Liangzuo's eyes, "I have never seen such a beautiful woman in the world. Of course, your princess who was snatched by your father is also not bad, um, and ours. A cousin, although she is one of a thousand beauties, none of them make me feel like Ms. Mu. For her, I also want to get the throne, hire Jiangshan, and allow her to go there together. I have a long life."

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