Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1758: The best

"Mu Wanqing is clearly a member of the Mu family and my cousin!" Ning Ge stared at Qin Xi fiercely.

Qin Xi faintly replied: "Whether Wanqing is Mu Yuqi's daughter or not, I think everyone knows it. It can only be said that she is the daughter of the Qin family, and has nothing to do with the Mu family, and naturally has nothing to do with the prince. "

Ning Ge was finally desperate. He suddenly yelled and directly drew his waist knife and slashed at Li Liangzuo. He wanted to catch the thief first and catch the king. After Li Liangzuo died, the overall situation was settled.

There is still a string of blood drops hanging on his waist knife. This is the blood stain left by Li Yuanhao when he cut off Li Yuanhao’s nose. He just killed his father, and now he does not hesitate to use the same knife to swing at his brother, fighting within the royal family. It's tragic, it can be seen so.

Looking at the scimitar slashing towards him, Li Liangzuo showed sarcasm, slowly raised his fist, and gently sent it forward.

Seeing that he didn't take out a weapon to resist, Ning was delighted, thinking that I would cut off your hand along the way, and was about to slash it up with a knife. Suddenly, the whole person was hit by a galloping horse, and his whole body seemed to fall apart. Can't move forward.

Looking down at his chest in disbelief, Ning found that a fist-sized hole had collapsed in his chest. He wanted to speak, but there was severe pain in all his limbs, and he couldn't even move his tongue simply.

"The Kongtong faction shocked the world with its seven-strength fists. One practice has seven wounds, and all of them are injured." Li Liangzuo retracted his fist and blew it gently, as if it was stained with dust, "Brother Huang Would you think that I have been in the Kongtong School for more than ten years only to practice the Taoism, right?"

"Chuck..." Ning's chest rose and fell sharply. Obviously he was very emotional at this time. Unfortunately, the wound on his chest accelerated his death. Some meaningless notes were emitted from his throat, and he finally fell to the ground, angrily. Absolutely died. When he died, his eyes were wide open, his heart was full of unwillingness, and he was obviously only one step away from the throne, only one step away...

Looking at Ge Ning's expression on the ground, Li Liangzuo showed a joking expression on his face: "Oh, I'm still dying, Master Qin, cut off the head of the ruined courtier and thief, let's enter the palace!"

Let’s also say that in the palace, Li Qiushui announced that a minister would enter the palace, announcing the various incidents that had happened tonight and the death of Li Yuanhao, and then the order was passed on, and the prince was wanted all over the world.

When the court officials looked at each other, what happened tonight was really shocking. I didn't expect that the emperor who was still sprinting before said that he was gone, and the murderer was actually the prince. This is going to change the sky.

Of course, they did not doubt this. After all, during this period of time, Li Yuanhao killed the Mu brothers and sent the queen into the cold palace, both of which were sending the signal that he would cut off the prince’s wings. Everyone was guessing whether the prince would not. Was forced to jump the wall in a hurry.

Today, Li Yuanhao left the crown prince in the palace. Although he did a certain amount of face-saving projects, at least replaced it with a palace lady, but this kind of thing can only deceive the middle and lower-level officials and the people at the bottom, and how can he hide the old foxes in the court? .

In this position, whose power is not intertwined, who has few eyeliners in the palace?

Everyone was talking about Li Yuanhao's doing too much, and many people even began to sympathize with the prince, so now that the prince rushed into the palace so angry and did such a thing, no one would be surprised.

After setting up other things, Li Qiushui just announced Li Yuanhao's death: the biography is located in his younger brother Li Ganshun.

At this time, many ministers were not calm. Although many of them supported Li Ganshun, there were also many people who were not along with him. Upon hearing this, someone immediately said: "I don't know if the concubine has an edict?"

Li Qiushui frowned, recognizing that this person was Gao Huaichang, the envoy of the six houses, and couldn't help but snorted: "At that time, your Majesty was at a time of dying. At the moment of crisis, there was no time to get any edicts. Naturally, it was a verbal order. At that time, the guards around His Majesty were all Can testify."

In fact, if she wants her to operate it herself, she will definitely fix the series of edicts and jade seals, so that people can't find half of the flaws, but since Li Yuanhao personally passed the throne to Li Ganshun, she naturally doesn't need to get those again, so as not to superfluous. Was found a flaw to attack.

But I never expected that there are still people who are still holding on to the fact that there is no edict!

At this time, another minister also said: "What happened tonight is too strange, and whether the assassination of your majesty is the prince remains to be investigated. The death of your majesty should be the prince's successor. Even if there is no prince, your majesty has other heirs. For example, King Yi, King Liang, etc., but now hastily let his younger brother succeed to the throne, it is really easy to make people think about it, and it is difficult to stop the people's leisurely mouth."

Li Qiushui said angrily: "Why, do you think it is the false imperial decree of the palace?" She recognized that this minister was Mao Weixin, who was also a close associate of Li Liangzuo's faction.

Mao Weixin chuckled and said, "I haven't said that before. Is the Toffee guilty?

His words were like a drop of water splashing into the oil pan, and the ministers suddenly exploded. The ministers of Li Ganshun's faction made all kinds of criticisms. Li Liangzuo's faction was all kinds of refutations, and the neutral faction was suspicious. Kind of persuasion.

Song Qingshu, who was hiding in a corner not far away, shook his head: Although Li Qiushui’s martial arts is high, his political methods are still a bit short. In this case, he should not call ministers of Li Liangzuo's line into the palace, even if these people are the imperial court. Heavy minister. You should only summon your own cronies, at most, add a few more neutral factions, let Li Ganshun ascend the throne and create the established facts, and then summon the people of Li Liangzuo's faction.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from outside the hall, and soon someone came to announce: "King Yi... King Yi is here."

Li Ganshun on the side thought it was logical to be on the throne, but after eating a few soft nails, he had already held his stomach in flames. Seeing his subordinates panicked, he couldn't help but said angrily: "I'm here, I'm here. Systematic."

The little **** swallowed, and then added: "King Yi is holding a head in his hand... the head of the prince!"

As soon as the words came out, the noisy hall was instantly quiet, and the prince was just ordered to be wanted. Many people still wondered where the prince was hiding. They did not expect to appear so soon, and in such a tragic way.

Before long, Li Liangzuo in armor swaggered in. Qin Xi and others followed him. After entering the hall, Li Liangzuo scanned his eyes sharply for a week before he lifted his head high: "This king learned that Ning, the rebellious official, went into the palace to kill the king and kill his father. It was infuriating between people and gods, so he took his first rank to comfort his father's spirit in the sky!"

In the distance, Nanxian Yelu saw the **** head in his hand and couldn't help but whispered. He hurriedly turned around and hid in Song Qingshu's arms and dared not look at it again. Although Ning Ge was very annoying, she was her nominal fiancé after all. , Watching him fall into such a miserable ending is still a bit unbearable.

Song Qingshu gently patted her shoulder to comfort her not to be afraid, and at the same time pondered: "Today's scene is really wonderful, and I don't know who will die in the end."

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