Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1759: Embarrassed

Li Qiushui thought of Li Yuanhao's last words, and couldn't help but sneer: "Both brothers are successful, you are really cruel."

Li Liangzuo replied indifferently: "I should have said this to the emperor."

Li Ganshun frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Liangzuo did not answer, but directly gestured to Qin Xi, and the other party stepped forward and said loudly: "Since ancient times, the son is the legal heir, and there is no reason to pass on the younger brother. Moreover, His Royal Highness King Yi captured the rebel Ning Ge to replace his father. Revenge is justified..."

The courtiers who belonged to King Yi's line all agreed, and the neutral ministers also felt that he made some sense.

Li Qiushui said coldly: "It was just that King Yi's population said that whether the prince was the murderer or not has yet to be investigated. As a result, King Yi killed the prince directly. There is no evidence for this, and I don't know what it meant."

Mao Weixin stepped forward and said: "I did say these things just now, but since the Taifei and King Yi both agree, I think it is indeed the prince who killed the father. In addition, I said those things for the sake of Daxia, I He is a courtier of Daxia, loyal to the court and loyal to his Majesty, not a person who is the King Yi mentioned by the Toffee."

When he said something right and right, Li Qiushui couldn't help cursing secretly. Everyone knew that he belonged to King Yi, and as a result, he could still talk nonsense with his eyes open. These court ministers were really more shameless than those in the martial arts.

However, she was too lazy to talk about this waste of time with Mao Weixin, and said directly: "The first emperor had already passed on to her younger brother before his death. There were so many people present at the time, including the first emperor's personal guards. They can all testify."

"Really?" Qin Xi showed a playful smile, "Then I really want to ask them about the situation at that time."

Noting his expression, Li Qiushui's heart shook a little, but now that it is already an arrow on the string and has to be sent, she can't say anything to stop it.

I saw him walk up to a few guards who were present at the time and asked about what happened before. The guards looked at each other and suddenly said: "The emperor was from the King Yi at the time, and the concubine and the emperor uncle directly corrected the order. , And threatened the lives of our family, so we just waited as she said..."

"Nonsense!" Li Ganshun was cold all over and couldn't help yelling loudly. He never expected that things would happen like this, and it would be fatal for these people to bite back suddenly.

Li Qiushui's pupils were also constricted. She left these guards in the temple to allow them to endorse themselves and prove the legitimacy of their son. How could they know that they would turn back?

"Well, well, I didn't expect that you could even buy the emperor's personal guards. You are really painstakingly lonely and have great magical powers," Li Qiushui gritted his teeth. Their chance of turning back against the water? They have already been silenced, so why bother."

The neutral minister nodded secretly, and the Toffee's remarks made sense.

Qin Xi directly replied: "The concubine is admitting pretensions, but in the end she just forgot to kill them?"

Li Qiushui: "..."

Li Ganshun: "..."

Hidden in the dark, Song Qingshu shook his head and smiled bitterly, talking about babbling, talking about savage and savage skills. How could Li Qiushui compare to the Qin family who fought against a group of gangsters in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Li Qiushui was finally angry. She has never been a good-tempered person. She was teased so many times. Her eyes were full of murderous intent: "Your Majesty shouldn't have taken you Qin family back then. Sure enough, they are all things that harm the country and the people. Today This palace will clear the door for your majesty."

Ding Chunqiu on the side was given a signal, and a big Peng spread his wings and flew towards Qin Xi. He stretched out his palm and grabbed it on the top of the opponent's head. Once he grasped it firmly, he determined the five holes with his skill. A touch is enough to kill the other party.

However, a person flew out of the sloping ground, and Jianguang shot his attack directly away. Ding Chunqiu took a closer look and found that it was Li Yanzong who had fought before. He couldn't help but laughed angrily: "Just let you escape your life. , Now I dare to show up, is it really a long life?"

Li Yanzong sneered and said, "Old Monster Ding, it was just that the little master didn't want to be familiar with you. I was really afraid that you wouldn't make it."

Ding Chunqiu smiled and said without a smile: "Well, let me learn about your Dou Zhuan Xingyi, and see if I can transfer my Huagong Dafa!" As soon as the voice fell, he waved a goose feather fan and attacked Li Yanzong. Having been prepared, they swung their swords directly to meet them, and the two instantly fought into a ball.

Seeing that they couldn't tell the victory or defeat in a short period of time, Li Qiushui said to the master of Yipintang next to him: "Come on, King Yi is guilty of trouble, and I will take it for this palace!"

Who knows the masters of Yipintang, look at me and I look at you. No one did it first. The head of Duan Yanqing had his eyes half-open and half-closed, as if he was asleep.

Li Qiushui's heart sank: "Duan Yanqing, what do you mean."

Duan Yanqing opened his eyes and replied faintly: "Yipingtang has always been loyal to the emperor. Now the situation is unclear, and I don't want to become a tool for some people to fight for power."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Li Qiushui gave him a deep look. Before he could say anything, suddenly a strong voice came from outside the hall: "Who is making noise in the hall!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a burly man walked in, covered in armor, with one hand on the sword at his waist, as if he could pull it out at any time, the whole person was filled with a murderous air, and he was the general. Even the iron tree.

Xixia’s military power is jointly held by the emperor and the leaders of the various tribes. The Mu brothers are the largest tribe leaders and hold nearly half of the military power. Helian Tieshu represents the emperor’s military power. After the death of the Mu brothers, he is the military’s number one. one person.

"General Helian, you came just right. Your Majesty passed the imperial decree to make Qianshun the emperor, but King Yi resisted the decree and didn't comply with the decree and took the chaos and thieves to this palace!" Li Qiushui was overjoyed, knowing that the Helian Iron Tree is a royal family. The relationship with myself and Yipintang is also very good, half of my talent is right.

Who knows that Helian Tieshu coldly replied: "But this general got the news that it was the imperial concubine and the emperor who gave the imperial edict.

All the officials in the palace took a breath of air, and no one expected that he would openly oppose the concubine. In this way, even if the emperor's death was true, Li Ganshun would not be an emperor.

Compared with Li Ganshun and the ministers who supported him, Li Qiushui calmed down at this time and took a deep look at Li Liangzuo: "It's no wonder King Yi is so calm, so he was prepared." She had already seen it. Helian Tieshu obviously fell towards Li Liangzuo too.

"Thanks to the awards, hasn't the Toffee prepared so much?" Li Liangzuo replied calmly.

Li Qiushui's tone seemed to be full of appreciation: "I have to admit that you are really foresighted. Even this palace has fallen into your calculations, but it's a pity that you missed one thing."

"What?" Li Liangzuo was also startled.

"In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trickery are meaningless." As soon as Li Qiushui's voice fell, the whole person turned into a white shadow and rushed in front of Li Liangzuo.

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