Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1760: Quadruplets

Li Qiushui knew very well that the matter had come to an all-round disadvantage for their mother and son. They had underestimated Li Liangzuo before, but the other party unknowingly weaved such a tight net, which made it impossible to resist.

Now the only way to turn defeat into victory is to use absolute force to capture the thieves and first capture the king. As long as the leader of Li Liangzuo is subdued or even killed, the crowd of their group has no leader, and they can only bow to their orders.

So she did not hesitate to use Lingbo Weibu and rushed towards the other side. Just look at Duan Yu to see how amazing Lingbo Weibu is. Born in the perilous rivers and lakes, there is a mixture of wind and water. I don't know how many times the bad things turn into good fortune.

And Lingbo Weibu is Li Qiushui's housekeeping skill. He has been immersed in this way for decades, and his mastery is not comparable to that of Duan Yu. She suddenly turned into a white shadow and rushed towards Li Liangzuo. In fact, there were many guards around Li Liangzuo. Seeing that it was wrong, she hurriedly pulled out a knives to intercept them, and slashed at the white shadow.

It's a pity that the white shadow is like a wisp of smoke, even if it hits it, it's like cutting into the air. It can't stop the opponent at all, and can only watch her rush to Li Liangzuo.

Seeing that she was about to meet each other, Li Qiushui finally showed a smile on her face, but suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air. She was thinking about this critical moment, even if she was injured and hit a mark, she would take the time to stop Li. Forgive Zuo, it's a pity that he looked to the side and found that there were a few thin ice flakes that were looming and almost transparent, and he couldn't help but frighten the souls.

After fighting with Tianshan Tongma for a lifetime, how could she not recognize the killer of her rival? She dared to resist other attacks by virtue of her profound skill, but she did not dare to bear this life and death talisman even if she had the courage to take it.

Once he hit the life and death talisman, it was really impossible to live and die, life and death were all under the control of the other party, and Li Qiushui shuddered when he thought of being controlled by the Tianshan child grandmother, that would really rather die than accept.

So she didn't hesitate to give up her plan to attack Li Liangzuo, waved her sleeves and swept the life and death talisman aside, and was also prepared to deal with the ensuing stormy attack of Tianshan Tong's grandmother.

At this moment, she suddenly had a warning sign and hurriedly used Ling Bo to step aside to hide, but unfortunately it was still a step too late. She still suffered a heavy blow on her back. She only felt that her throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood had poured out. Instantly wet the white silk in front of him.

She used Ling Bo to move the distance away with a slight step, and looked back shockingly, only to see Li Liangzuo looking at herself with a smile but not a smile, and could not help but say bitterly: "Qi Shangquan! Good, good, good! I actually forgot. You are still learning the Kongtong School."

"Learning Dao is fake, and learning martial arts is true." Li Liangzuo smiled faintly, "I have heard that the martial arts of the concubine is unfathomable, and I see it today."

"You!" Aroused by him, Li Qiushui was another burst of energy and blood. She thought to herself that if all her attention was not on guarding the master sister, how could she be taken advantage of by you.

"Madam, how are you." Seeing Li Qiushui's injury, Ding Chunqiu didn't care about fighting with Li Yanzong, and hurried to her side, but when he saw the blood on her body, his heart sank.

"Emperor Grandmother!" Li Qinglu also exclaimed, and hurriedly flew to her to protect her, worried that someone would take the opportunity to attack.

"Little bitch, I didn't expect that you would be getting better and better. You were actually injured like this by a junior." At this time, an old voice came from the hall door, and the voice was mixed with uncontrollable pleasure.

The expressions of everyone in the hall changed slightly, and the sound came from afar, shaking the whole hall rustling. The key is that the emotions of the people were completely controlled by her laughter, as if they wanted to dance with her laughter.

Although the ministers who did not understand martial arts were strange, they were not shocked. On the contrary, those who knew martial arts immediately realized how deep internal strength this could achieve.

Hearing that old voice, Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the dark, looked weird. This little luoli had come out to bluff people again. The milky sound was obviously nice, but he had to deliberately pretend to make such an unpleasant old voice.

Yelu Nanxian on the side apparently recognized this voice: "Tianshan Grandma is here?"

Song Qingshu nodded and followed the prestige. The petite and exquisite figure was the first to catch her eye, but at this time she was no longer alone. There were four beautiful and beautiful girls standing behind her. The key is that these four girls look exactly the same. The only difference is the color of the dresses, you can tell at a glance that they are quadruplets.

Song Qingshu's heart moved: These are the four maids of Lingjiu Palace, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum? They are called maids, and they are actually the confidants of Tianshan Tongmao, who can be regarded as half of her disciples.

However, the most impressive thing is the identity of their quadruplets. Many good news in later generations have been yelling about this. If you know that the twin sisters are imaginative, let alone the quadruplets? Therefore, many readers in later generations are very envious of the situation of Xuzhu. Not only is there an unparalleled and unrighteous Menggu, but also such four personal maids, and the Lingjiu Palace is full of women...

Song Qingshu quickly recovered his thoughts and looked at the other group of people behind them, only to see that there were men and women, handsome and ugly, both monks and Taoist priests, some with big sleeves fluttering, and some with short shorts. Some are old men with long beards and dancing, and some are women with towering buns. Most of their costumes are weird and very different from the people of China. Most of them have weapons, and most of them are weird in appearance.

This should be the owner of Thirty-Six Island 72 Cave. This time the Lingjiu Palace came out of the nest. Tianshan Tong Grandma not only went down the mountain personally, but also summoned these island masters controlled by his subordinates. He really wanted to Complete its work in one battle.

After another thought, Song Qingshu felt normal. After all, Tianshan Tongma’s greatest enemy was Li Qiushui. Before, Li Qiushui had Xixia’s power to use, which caused her to be unable to take revenge. This time it was hard to wait until Xixia’s disaster struck Xiaoqiang. Naturally, she would not waste such a great deal. It seems that this time Li Qiushui is really doomed.

"Old slut, it turns out that you are behind you!" As the so-called enemy met, he was extremely jealous. Seeing Tianshan Tong's grandmother, Li Qiushui didn't care about Li Liangzuo anymore and stared at her fiercely.

Seeing her face was stained red with blood, Tianshan Tong's grandmother laughed loudly: "You have been fighting with me for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that I would finally be planted in my hands today."

Li Qiushui sneered: "You want to be beautiful and want to kill me, it's not that easy!"

Tianshan Tong grinned a few times: "In the past, you relied on the power of Xixia Yipintang. Although my martial arts were slightly higher than you, I couldn’t do anything about it. But now Yipintang has betrayed you, and your direct descendants were also 30 The people in the Seventy-two Caves of the Six Islands are restrained, so what kind of big waves are you going to make."

"Really, in that case, Junior Sister will give you a great gift!" As soon as Li Qiushui finished speaking, he quickly reached out and grabbed Ding Chunqiu's vest on the side, and threw him at Tianshan Grandma as if throwing a ball.

Although Ding Chunqiu's martial arts is not as good as Li Qiushui's, he can't be stopped by her. It's all because he didn't prevent the opponent from attacking him. In addition, the situation is really dangerous now, and his mind is spinning to think about breaking the situation Fa, so distracted.

When Li Qiushui grabbed the big hole in the vest, he was suddenly unable to get up, so he could only let the other party throw himself at the Tianshan child grandmother. When the person was in the middle of the air, the acupuncture points were unlocked, and he recovered his mobility, but it was a pity that people had nowhere to borrow in the middle of the air, so they could only helplessly continue to fly to Tianshan Tongmao.

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