Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1767: Do you want to be emperor

Qin Hongmian sighed faintly. He was the same as Wan'er back then. It was a pity that he was helpless at that time. Duan Zhengchun didn't know how much pressure he was on at the time, but even if he knew it, he would probably stand by and watch. .

In her early years, she was still a bit naive, but in these years she was in the top family of Xixia, and she was caught up in all kinds of conspiracies and tricks. In fact, she already understood the reason why Duan Zhengchun was merciful but did not dare to accept concubines, but she has been unwilling. Believe it, she couldn't help feeling sad when she thought of this. On the other hand, she was a little relieved to see that her daughter was not as inhumane as she did.

"But the other party is the emperor." Mu Wanqing said worriedly. Although Li Liangzuo has not formally ascended the throne yet, Li Yuanhao and the prince are dead, Li Ganshun is imprisoned, and the toffee is seriously injured and fled without a trace. Everyone has regarded him as him. The emperor.

"What's the matter with the emperor," Song Qingshu gestured to Yelu Nanxian, "not only the prince, but also the emperor who pestered her before."

"Big Brother Song~" This is not a glorious thing after all, Yelu Nanxian looked embarrassed and angered.

Qin Hongmian said in surprise: "It turns out that the rumors are true." Although the news can be closed in the palace, there are still various rumors. If she was the princess of Tiandu before, she would naturally know the first-hand news, but now she is Under house arrest at Jietan Temple, the news was not so clear, so I was so surprised when she got her confirmation.

Yelu Nanxian blushed, and whispered the whole story, and heard Qin Hongmian angrily: "Man really doesn't have a good thing, and even his daughter-in-law is more beautiful."

Mu Wanqing, who had been instilled in similar concepts by her mother since she was a child, also deeply agrees: "That's right, men don't have a good thing." For some reason, the three daughters just finished talking and looked at Song Qingshu who was aside.

Song Qingshu was frowned upon, and coughed to cover up his embarrassment: "You guys talk slowly, I'll go out to find out the news." After speaking, he almost disappeared without waiting for a few people to stay.

"Hey~" Yelu Nanxian was embarrassed by staying here alone. He just wanted to call out that he could still see him, but he couldn't help but laughed out of his guilty conscience.

Mu Wanqing, who just happened to the side, laughed at the same time. The two women looked at each other in amazement and couldn't help but smile. After the storm just now, the two women had already cleared their suspicions. After all, they can only be regarded as internal worries. It is a trivial matter. It's the number one event.

Besides, Song Qingshu left Jietan Temple and inquired about the news in the city, and there was probably a vague outline in his heart. Originally, Li Yuanhao and others had just died, and there was a big funeral in China, but soon some courtiers suggested that the country should not be ruled for a day, and persuaded Li Liangzuo to take the throne in the interests of the country. Throne.

"The method of persuasion has been the same since ancient times." Song Qingshu secretly sneered. The ministers of the past dynasties have loved to do this lucrative thing. After all, it is too risky to fight the country with the emperor and the emperor. But in peace times It's not the same. Those who persuade them also have the merit of supporting the dragon, and they can be glorified infinitely within at least three generations, and they will naturally rush to do it.

However, persuasion is not something that ordinary people can persuade. It is often the confidant of the new emperor or the people of prestige. This time the persuasion is led by Gao Huaichang and Mao Weizheng, both of whom stood firmly on Li Liangzuo's side during the previous coup. Character, but another person surprised Song Qingshu, that is Qin Xi.

No wonder the Qin family would betray the prince and switch to Li Liangzuo. It turns out that the exchange of interests has already been done. The reason why Li Liangzuo has established herself is not ruled out because of her stunning appearance, but more should be to return to Li to win over Qin. In addition, Mu Wanqing is nominally the daughter of the Mu family. Although the Mu brothers died, the Mu family controlled half of Xixia’s army at the beginning. The Hundred-legged worm died but was not stiff. This was obviously also to win over the remnants of the Mu family. , Stabilize the political situation.

In addition to the ministers of the imperial court, Li Liangzuo also has General Helian Tieshu, and Yipintang under the control of Duan Yanqing, the palace guards under Li Yanzong (Murongfu), and Lingjiu Palace of Tianshan Tong's grandmother, and thirty-six island seven. The twelve-hole group of people, the masters of the Kongtong faction, are all a powerful force.

"Hey, it's really hard to do now." Song Qingshu had to complain that Li Yuanhao, Li Qiushui, and Prince Ning were all pig teammates. Not only were they wiped out by Li Liangzuo, the key was that they did not cause any loss to his core strength. Now that he has to face his terrifying power network alone, it is really a big gap between the enemy and me.

Of course, if you count the real power behind Song Qingshu, Li Liangzuo's power at this time is not worth mentioning, but what hurts is that those powers can't be used in the face.

"This is a double-edged sword. Taking a shortcut to seize power means that the foundation is not so stable." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, I don't know when and how long it will be to completely turn the forces under his control into his own.

After wandering around, he came to the Xixia Palace. Song Qingshu was moved in his heart and decided to go to the palace to have a look. Last time he had only time to rescue Li Qiushui, this time he simply took the opportunity to rescue both Li Qianshun and Li Qinglu, and he could also let Li at that time. Liang Zuo had a headache.

Captured a guard in the palace, asked where they were being held, knocked them out, and then rushed to Li Ganshun first. Although he had a more favorable impression of the "Menggu", he was in this kind of court and opposition. In the battle, one Li Ganshun is more useful than ten Li Qinglus.

But what surprised him was that when he came to the place where Li Ganshun was detained, he found that there were people going to the building, not to mention Li Ganshun, there were not even a few guards.

"Strange~" Song Qingshu frowned and hurried to the place where Li Qinglu was detained.

What made him breathe a sigh of relief was that the yard where Li Qinglu was detained was heavily guarded. It was obvious that she was still locked in it. Although it was guarded by layers, it was not difficult for Song Qingshu. He quickly spotted a gap and touched in.

Li Qinglu was sitting on the window at this time, her body was delicate and graceful, even though she was covering her face, she could still feel her sad mood at this moment from the pair of frowning eyebrows, looking into the distance, as if she was longing for the outside. Own air.

Song Qingshu was about to show up. Suddenly he moved in his heart and continued to hide. After a while, Li Qinglu slowly said, "What are you doing?"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Li Yanzong slowly walked in, waved to the people behind him, and signaled them to retreat.

"Master Li, I'm afraid this is not in compliance?" Several guards said with embarrassment.

"Why, I can't order you yet?" Li Yanzong snorted coldly, slapped a hand on the pillar beside him, abruptly making a handprint.

The guards looked at each other, and finally retreated.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you eat inside and out, I thought there were some high-ranking officials, but I couldn't even command the big soldiers." Li Qinglu said sarcastically.

Li Yanzong's face turned dark: "No princess, bother, why are you looking for me to come over?"

Li Qinglu smiled slightly: "Originally, I was only 30% sure that I could move you, but after seeing the situation just now, I now have full confidence."

Song Qingshu's heart moved, seeing this, what Li Qinglu should have planned, but she didn't know what she planned.

"You're talking about it." Li Yanzong snorted, worried that he would be tricked by the trap, so he leaned against the door and didn't go in.

Li Qinglu saw through his scruples at a glance and couldn't help but smile contemptuously, but after a laugh, she asked a shocking sentence: "Do you want to be the emperor?"

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