Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1768: Rejuvenation

Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the dark, looked strange when he heard these words, thinking that you might have different answers when asking others, but Murong Fu wanted to be the emperor in his dreams.

Sure enough, Li Yanzong's heart jumped, thinking that the other party knew his secret, and suppressing his heart, he said calmly, "The princess laughed."

Li Qinglu glanced at him deeply: "You only need to answer whether I think or not."

Li Yanzong opened his mouth, but after all he didn't say anything.

There was a smile of Zhizhu holding Li Qinglu's face: "You don't need to answer, I can already see the answer from your expression."

Being seen through his mind, Li Yanzong was also a little angry at this time: "Why the princess deliberately teased, how can I be the emperor!"

"Why can't you become an emperor?" Li Qinglu said bitterly, "Now that the first emperor has died, the prince is dead, and my father has also been secretly executed. As long as the truth of King Yi's plot to usurp the throne is exposed, you will naturally have a chance to become the emperor."

Song Qingshu, hiding in the dark, was startled: Li Ganshun was killed? But it's normal to think about it again. After all, Li Liangzuo would not leave such a direct rival to the throne there, and he would be on his back at any time. If he changed to another hero, he probably wanted to kill him.

Li Yanzong said in a deep voice, "Do you know everything?"

Li Qinglu sneered again and again: "If you don't know what you can do, isn't it obvious that the guards on my father's side have withdrawn? I think it will be revealed that he died of a serious illness or committed suicide after a while." She used very much. Said all this in a calm tone, but the more so, the more I can feel her hatred.

Li Yanzong's expression was a little unnatural. He didn't want to continue discussing Li Ganshun's affairs with her. He coughed and changed the subject and said: "Even if Li Liangzuo is overthrown, there are still many princes in Lingzhou City, where will it be an outsider's turn to inherit the throne? ."

He regretted it as soon as he finished talking. He felt that he was really crazy. He actually discussed the feasibility of inheriting the throne with her. Is it really the obsession of Fuxing Dayan?

However, Li Qinglu's next sentence instantly evoked his thoughts: "Who said you are an outsider?"

"What do you mean?" Li Yanzong had a guess in his heart, and his heartbeat accelerated.

Li Qinglu explained: "I can recruit you as a consort. Then you will be a member of the royal family. After defeating Li Liangzuo, it is naturally inconvenient for a daughter of my family to inherit the throne. It’s not impossible to succeed Dabao as a pro."

Li Yanzong's eyes lit up in an instant. Although the other party made it simple, he calculated it carefully and it was indeed feasible, even closer to the throne in Sichuan than before.

But he didn't get dazzled, and quickly calmed down: "There is no free lunch in the world, so what do you need me to do?"

Li Qinglu also put a smile on her face: "Naturally, she got Li Liangzuo down."

Li Yanzong laughed instead: "Now that Li Liangzuo's forces are powerful, let me help you with an empty promise. Are you naive or am I stupid?"

Li Qinglu was not angry, and continued: "Li Liangzuo's core strength, Gao Huaichang and others are civil servants, and they can be ignored in the chaos; Helian Tieshu, Duan Yanqing and others have taken refuge in him midway, since they can take refuge in the interests of others. He, naturally, will betray him for profit in the future; what is left is the Lingjiu Palace of the Kongtong School and Tianshan Tongmao. The Kongtong School is not to be afraid of, but the Lingjiu Palace is a bit tricky."

Li Yanzong hesitated a few times: "Tianshan child grandmother's martial arts is rare in the world. Even if the two of me add up, I can't beat her. What's more, she still has so many masters under her command. Wanting to deal with them is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble."

Li Qinglu replied without hesitation: "The Thirty-Six Island 72 Cave under the control of Tianshan Tongmao has many people, but it is a double-edged sword. These people have long been dissatisfied with Tongmao's use of life and death talisman to force them to control them. , Has always been reluctant, and what is lacking now is just an opportunity."

Li Yanzong sneered and said: "Tianshan child grandmother has a high martial arts, and those mobs are dissatisfied.

"But what if Tianshan Tongmao's martial arts suddenly become weak?" Li Qinglu said suddenly.

Li Yanzong's heart moved: "What do you mean?"

Li Qinglu paced slowly, while telling a secret story: "The martial arts practiced by the Tianshan child's grandmother is called the Bahuang Liuhe Unique Kungfu. Although it is powerful, it has a fatal flaw, that is, it will be rejuvenated once every 30 years."

"Isn't it good to be rejuvenated?" Li Yanzong was very surprised. He had learned from his family, but he still hadn't heard of this kung fu, but there is a kung fu that can make people rejuvenate. What is the difference from Xianshu?

"It's really good to be rejuvenated, but what if the skill is back to that of a girl?" Li Qinglu smiled, "Originally, the toffee had calculated that she would go to the Lingjiu Palace to find her in the near future. Unlucky, she didn't expect her to be strong first, but counting the time, she should have been doing exercises for a few days.

Song Qingshu was stunned in the dark. No wonder the last time she saw Tianshan's child grandmother, she looked so young and even Luo-Li, it turned out to be a precursor to prospering.

"As long as you seize this opportunity to get rid of the Tianshan child grandmother and control the Lingjiu Palace, Li Liangzuo will be like a broken hand, and then you will be the new emperor of Xixia." Li Qinglu continued to lure, "Even if there is a failure under his command The power of Lingjiu Palace is enough for you to dominate the martial arts."

Li Yanzong's heart was really moved now. He was unwilling to take refuge. It was only an expedient to take refuge in Li Liangzuo. Now that he has the opportunity to aspire to the Ninth Five-Year Lord, his blood began to boil.

Noting his expression, Li Qinglu knew that he had been moved, and then said: "Although there are a large number of people in the 72nd Cave of 36 Islands, there are also a few leaders. Among them, the boss of Wu and Duanmuyuan are the leaders. You only need to contact They, believe that in the name of your Gu Su Murong, they will definitely become their leader."

Li Yanzong frowned and said: "After the last coup, the people in Lingjiu Palace disappeared, and I did not know the boss of Wu, Duanmuyuan and others. How can I get in touch with them?"

Li Qinglu thought for a while, and then said: "You can go to Jietan Temple to rescue Mu Gaofeng from the Mu family. He and Duanmu Yuan used to be friends of eight worshippers. With his help, you can naturally find Duanmu Yuan and contact those island owners. The master of the cave."

"Mu Gaofeng?" In the dark, Song Qingshu thought of Mu Gaofeng who brought Mu Wanqing back to Xixia when he was in the south of the Yangtze River. By all accounts, Mu Gaofeng was still her clan uncle. At that time, he had misunderstood that he had kidnapped Mu Wan. Qing it.

Li Yanzong obviously also remembered this past event: "Mu Gaofeng, I know that there was a fate at the beginning. Okay, I will go to Jietan Temple, but you will not regret what you promised in the future."

Li Qinglu's smile was a bit bitter: "Don't worry, even though I am not a big husband, I also understand the truth that a word is difficult to follow.

"Okay, you wait for my good news." Li Yanzong couldn't hold back, and went out of the palace in a violent storm.

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