Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1769: Break into the enemy camp

Song Qingshu hesitated, after all, did not show up to meet with Li Qinglu, but chose to pursue Li Yanzong. After all, there are still Yelu Nanxian, Mu Wanqing and others in Jietan Temple. If Li Yanzong discovers something, then it will be in trouble. .

Although Yelu Nanxian's martial arts is safe, he is unwilling to take the slightest risk.

After Li Yanzong left the palace, he quickly returned to Murong Fu's appearance. Obviously, he also knew that this time the risk was high, and he didn't want the identity that he finally gotten to be wrong.

He was very careful along the way, his stature was fast and slow, and from time to time he went around in a big circle, just to make sure that no one would find his whereabouts. But I don't know why, even though he has confirmed that there is no one behind him several times, there is always an illusion of being tracked in his heart.

Song Qingshu, who hung far behind, frowned secretly. He believed that with Murong Fu's martial arts, he would never discover who he is now, but if he felt it, it seemed that people's sixth sense was really amazing.

After hesitating, he finally decided not to follow him anymore to avoid any changes. Anyway, he knew his destination was Jietan Temple, so he would wait for him there in advance.

He had decided in his mind, so he hurried to Jietan Temple with his light work. His light work was far better than that of Murong Fu, so he arrived at the destination ahead of schedule. First, I talked about the situation with Yelu Nanxian and Mu Wanqing. They were surprised when they heard Li Qinglu's plan.

"She's really a female hero." Yelu Nanxian had fought with her before, and there was a bit of grievances, but now that she can think of ways to counterattack in such a poor situation, she can't help but secretly admire her. .

"Brother Song, what are you going to do next, help Li Qinglu or..." Mu Wanqing originally wanted to say to help Li Qinglu or Li Liangzuo, but suddenly thought of her marriage contract, she suddenly reacted, how could it be possible to help Li Liangzuo.

"Of course it is to help Li Qinglu, but I have to learn the lesson from last time and cannot make a wedding dress for Murong Fu." Song Qingshu looked inexplicably, pulling the two female generals to say his plan roughly.

After listening to them, the two women looked surprised one after another: "Although it is a little unbelievable, it is indeed a good strategy to use your skills."

"Calculating the time and Murong Fu is coming soon, and then I will react accordingly. You have to be careful yourself." Song Qingshu entrusted.

The two women looked at each other and smiled: "Don't worry, we will take care of ourselves."

Song Qingshu nodded, and took Mu Wanqing to find Mu Gaofeng together. With her showing the way, it didn't take long to find the target.

Mu Gaofeng obviously did not expect that his niece would bring a young man to come to him, and was about to inquire about the identity of the other party. Mu Wanqing had already asked a series of questions like a bullet.

Although Mu Gaofeng is almost notorious in the arena, he still loves this niece and subconsciously answered her question: "I met Duanmuyuan a few days ago. He said that there was a big event planning, and he invited me to go. Help punch, but before I have time to leave, something happened to your father and the others, and we were put under house arrest here."

"Have you agreed on a meeting place?" Mu Wanqing asked hurriedly.

"It seems to be the Dulong Peak Baili west of Lingzhou City." Mu Gaofeng thought for a while and said.

Mu Wanqing winked at Song Qingshu, and then took Mu Gaofeng to the back garden of Jietan Temple for a stroll. She is now named the queen of the future. Who else in the temple dares to stop her?

After the two went out, Song Qingshu moved quickly, digging out Mu Gaofeng's clothes, and then quickly began to change his appearance. All the steps could be described as reaching the peak, and soon a brand-new Mu Gaofeng appeared in the mirror!

Of course, because the time is too hasty, in fact, the completion of this disguise is completely incomparable with before. There are still many flaws. People who are familiar with it can easily see that there is a problem. However, Murong Fu and Mu Gaofeng were only in the south of the Yangtze River. A restaurant has had a relationship with one side, and it is definitely not among the people who can tell.

Not long after it was set up here, Murong Fu’s voice came from the window: "Seibeiming camel-wood peak, Mr. Mu can be inside?" Originally, with his light work, even if it was not as good as Song Qingshu, it would not be so exaggerated. Mainly It was because he was too suspicious and went around a few big circles to make sure that he had no tail before he rushed to Jietan Temple, which gave Song Qingshu time to prepare.

Song Qingshu coughed twice, imitating Mu Gaofeng's voice, and said, "Where can the rats hide their heads and show their tails!"

Murongfu was secretly angry when he heard the word "Mousei", but now it is not easy for him to get help from the other party, so he can only press his temper: "Under Gusu Murongfu, I have seen Mr. Mu."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu deliberately pretended to be shocked, but secretly smiled in his heart, walked over and opened the door, "It turns out it's Master Murong."

Murong Fu was startled, only then did he remember that the two had met in Jiangnan before, and couldn't help but laugh: "Mr. Mu still has the same style."

Song Qingshu imitated Mu Gaofeng's voice, and he laughed: "Mr Murong, this is a nonsense, what kind of style do I have as an old camel." This is also what makes him the most depressed. Generally speaking, there are naturally physical problems with disability. But this doesn't trouble him. His current skills can be taught without a teacher, but the differences in the past are not big, which is like Mu Gaofeng, who is short and hump, it is really S-level difficulty.

It’s because he tried his best to change his body shape and it’s hard to be as thin as Mu Gaofeng. He could only deliberately bend over and put a small basin behind his back as a hump. This barely conforms to the opponent’s physical characteristics, but he keeps hunching like this. It was extremely uncomfortable.

"I don't know what Mr. Murong does to find Lao Tuozi?" Song Qingshu asked knowingly.

Murong Yufu originally felt that this Mu Gaofeng was too ignorant of current affairs. Now, as a prisoner, he is still so rude to me. At this time, he didn't have the time to get angry when he asked the main topic, so he roughly said the purpose of his trip. .

Song Qingshu hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No way, no way, Tianshan child grandmother's martial arts is unfathomable, and there is never a second trick to kill. The old camel is tired of going to the muddy water?" He was worried that Murong would find any flaws, so he deliberately declined.

Murongfu hurriedly said: "Today's Tianshan child grandmother is no longer the usual child grandmother. Her martial arts practice will be rejuvenated every 30 years, and every time she will go to work. This is when she is weakest."

"Really?" Song Qingshu pretended to be overjoyed.

Murong Fu snorted: "My Murong family is also considered a poor name in the martial arts. If you want to use the other way to return to the other side, you must first achieve Broadcom, and naturally know the flaws of her practice." Although he said this, he was a little bit sullen in his heart. After all, he had never heard of the unique merits of the eight wilds and Liuhe. Maybe the Wang family's cousin may only know it.

Song Qingshu naturally knew that he was blowing up the air, but he also said cooperatively: "I can trust the golden sign of the Murong family. No wonder Duanmuyuan mentioned that he was planning a major event before."

"Oh, did this happen?" Murong Fu was overjoyed.

Song Qingshu nodded: "He also invited me to some place to help with punches, but it's a pity that something happened to the Mu family as soon as I was about to leave."

"Where is that place, how can we find him?" Murong Fu hurriedly asked.

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