Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1770: Tirthika

Song Qingshu showed a weird look: "Only Old Tuozi knows that place..." Then he laughed and said nothing.

Murong Fu naturally understood what he meant, and immediately answered: "Mr. Mu, please rest assured, I am here to rescue you from Jietan Temple. When that happens, we will contact Duanmuyuan and others together to destroy the Tianshan child grandmother."

Song Qingshu said: "Mr Murong is really a happy person. This time he can get the help of the famous Mr Murong, and the big event will be successful. By then, the owner of the thirty-six island 72 hole must be a great kindness to the young man. Dade will remember that there will be no future assignments, and he will definitely go through the fire and water."

This moment just scratched Murong Fu’s itch. He did so much for the future restoration of the country, and although the good and the bad at the 72 Cave of 36 Islands are uneven, there are also many strange people and strangers, which is not to be underestimated. This strength might be helpful to his great cause.

Soon Murong Fu left Jietan Temple with Mu Gaofeng he thought. Now the guards of Jietan Temple are not so strict, and naturally they can't stop him.

After leaving Jietan Temple, Murong Fu couldn't help asking, "Where to go next."

"Leave Lingzhou City first." Song Qingshu secretly thought. Although he learned a piece of news from Mu Gaofeng, Duanmuyuan and others may not be there now, but now he can only try his luck. .

"Now?" Lingzhou City is now heavily guarded, but such a big city can always find opportunities to get out. After leaving the city, Murong Fu asked again. He always felt that Mu Gaofeng was not refreshing enough, but he wanted to. People can't help it.

"Go all the way to the west, about Dulong Peak a hundred miles away." Song Qingshu no longer challenged Murong Fu's patience, lest the two conflicts would waste time.

Murong Fu nodded. He has been lurking in Xixia Yipintang for so many years, and he is somewhat familiar with the surrounding terrain. He knows that Dulong Peak is a rather dangerous place, and is most suitable for plotting some murderous things.

Xixia Lingzhou was originally a horse-producing area, and as long as it was not purchased on a large scale and sent to the Southern Song Dynasty, almost no one came to care. The two easily bought two horses and drove west.

After a few hours, night fell, and the two found that the mountain road was getting more and more rugged, so they left their horses and walked on foot. Both of them are masters in the arena, and they can’t be bothered by it. The longer the chaotic grass beside the aisle, Song Qingshu frowned and said: "We are afraid that we have taken the wrong path. Most of the turn in front is wrong." He is not familiar with the Xixia realm, so he has no bottom in his heart.

Murong Fu also frowned. Although he knew the place of Dulong Peak, he had never been there, and he didn't know if he had gone wrong for a while: "Let’s find a cave or a ruined temple, sleep in the night, and wait until tomorrow’s dawn. Find your way when you're done."

Song Qingshu looked weird, thinking that if I were with your cousin, Miss Wang, I wouldn't mind sleeping in the wild, but now the two big men are really weird.

Murong Fu has not experienced the baptism of the friendship of the following generations, and does not know what he is thinking at this time, otherwise he might draw his sword and face each other soon. He thought that he was lighter than the wood peak, so he rushed out to find a safe place, looking at the rugged roads and rugged rocks, how could there be any caves or ruined temples? He ran out for several miles in one breath, turned a hillside, and suddenly saw a little light in the valley on the right. Murong Fu was overjoyed and shouted, "Mr. Mu, there is someone here."

Song Qingshu rushed to hear the sound, and took a look from a distance: "There are still people in this wilderness, and I am afraid that they are not good people."

Murong Fu laughed and said, "Mr. Mu is worrying too much. It seems that he is only a hunter and mountain farmer, and with your martial arts, you don't have to be afraid of anything you encounter." He said this but deliberately put gold on Mu Gaofeng's face. Although Mu Gaofeng is known as the Saibei Ming camel, his martial arts is at best second-rate in the world, and it is not comparable to their Gu Su Murong's family.

Song Qingshu naturally knew his intentions, and while exchanging a few business words with him, he walked quickly towards the lights. The lights were so far apart, they were still flickering after a long time, and I could not see the house clearly.

Murong Fu frowned and said, "This lamp is a bit evil."

In fact, Song Qingshu had already seen clearly what was going on, and said at the right time: "Stay, Master Murong, you see this is the green light."

Murong Fu condensed his eyes, and saw that the light glowed green, the color of the unusual light was dark red or dim yellow. He quickened his pace and hurried forward to the green light, and he could see more clearly.

He was not surprised and rejoiced: "Could this be the meeting place for those people in 72 Caves of 36 Islands?"

Suddenly a voice faintly flew over: "Who is the little beast, why do you know that I am waiting for the next party, is it because I missed the news?" The voice was high and low, and if it was intermittent, it was very touching. Uncomfortable, but he could hear every word clearly, but at this time his tone was full of horror.

Murong Fu snorted. Before he hurried over to see the righteous master, he was scolded by some cats and dogs as little beasts. Naturally, he was slightly angry. Hearing from the voice of the other party, the inner strength of the speaker was not good. It's shallow, but it's not necessarily really top-notch kung fu.

He originally wanted to conquer the people in the 72 Caves of 36 Islands for his own use. If he didn't show his ability to shock them, how could the people who lick the blood on the knife head be willing to take orders? So he sighed with dantian and shouted: "Who scolds the little beast!"

Although he does not know how to roar, but this sound is mixed with extremely high internal strength, the sound shook the valley, everyone's ears hummed loudly, but he heard a scream of "Ah" from the green light. In the quiet night, Murong Fu's "who" lingered, and the scream was creepy.

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. Although Murong Fu had deflated several times in the hands of the top masters, looking at the whole arena, he was still at the top of the pyramid. From the scream of the person, the injury was really serious, maybe it was dead.

The man's screams were about to cease, but with a sneer, a green rocket shot into the sky and exploded with a bang, making half of the sky a deep blue color.

Murong Fu had the heart to stand up, but didn't explain, he rushed in the direction of the green light, and only listened to two babbles beside him, it was obvious that Mu Gaofeng had touched his hands with others. Then three black shadows flew up in the gleam of the green fire, patted and slammed three times, and rammed into the mountain wall, showing that Mu Gaofeng's cooking was clean and tidy.

Murong Fu was secretly surprised. He had underestimated the dead camel before. He didn't expect his martial arts to be so high.

The two ran under the green light, and saw a large bronze cauldron in front of them. An old man was lying beside the cauldron. A smoke rose in the cauldron, thin as a line, but it was as straight as a arrow.

I saw the word "Sang" cast on the feet of the tripod. It was made of several small snakes and centipedes. The patina was an ancient relic. Song Qing said: "It's a school of Sang Tugong in Bilin Cave, Western Sichuan."

Murongfu glanced at him in surprise: "Mr. Mu is indeed profound." He is known as the Broadcom Baijia, but he doesn't know anything about this, but he didn't have any doubts, only when Mu Gaofeng walked to the west. The martial arts people on the edge are more familiar with it.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Although his martial arts is high, his knowledge may not be as good as Wang Yuyan. The reason why he knows the identity of the other party is entirely because he has read the original work before. This mark is really obvious.

"The matter has been vented. If you don't kill these two people, everyone has to die together!" Suddenly a voice rang, followed by two sniffs in the dark, the golden blade slashed the wind, and the sword struck the two from the long grass. Came over; at the same time, there was a smell of stench, followed by a slight sharp wind, and obviously a malicious hidden weapon also shot over.

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