Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1771: Flurry of Demons

Murong Fu's sleeves flicked, and with the help of his strength, the man on the left slashed on the head of the man on the right, and the man on the right pierced the heart of the man on the left with a sword, and took care of the two attackers in an instant. However, he kept his feet, and at the same time rushed into the palm of his hand to counterattack these two unknown hidden weapons, but he heard "ah" exclaimed that the enemy had already been hit by the malicious hidden weapons he had issued.

Song Qingshu secretly praised: "The Murong family's Dou Zhuan Xing Zhuan is really wonderful. With the help of strength, even the great move of the universe may not be comparable. Of course, the great move of the universe is stimulating the potential of the cultivator. It can only be said that each is good at winning. field."

At that time, it was pitch black all around, the stars and the moon were dull, and it was difficult to tell the position. Suddenly another person came out from the sloping ground. The person came before the palm of the wind, and he could see that he was a good hand.

But it's limited to this. Murong Fu is also Nan Murong who is side by side with North Qiaofeng anyway. He exhales and greets him with a "Stone Breaking Shock". Sure enough, the man couldn't resist it. He exclaimed and the voice was sharp, but the cry The louder and lower, it was like sinking into the ground, followed by the rolling of rocks and the sound of branches breaking.

Murong Fu was slightly startled: "This person stumbled and fell into the deep valley. Under the green light, I didn't see any valleys. Fortunately, this person was driven into the deep valley first. Oops."

At this moment, a voice floated over on the high **** of the left head: "Where is the expert, come to the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference to make trouble? Seriously, don’t pay attention to the Thirty-Six Dong Dong Master and the Seventy-Two Island Master. Inside?"

After this fight, the other party clearly understood that these two people were not good at it, so they had to change their initial intention of extinguishing their mouths, first to explore the truth and then talk about it.

Murongfu was overjoyed when he heard the person claiming to be on the thirty-sixth hole and seventy-two islands. He was really overwhelmed by the iron shoes and found nowhere to be found without any effort. He stepped forward and replied in a loud voice: "In the next Gusu Murongfu, there are a lot of accidents. I have offended, thank you. In the dark, there is a misunderstanding, and I hope you Haihan."

He was thinking of Li Wei just now, so he didn't show mercy, but now he naturally wouldn't admit it.

I could only hear the sound of "Ah" from many people around, and it was quite shocking to hear the word "Murong Fu". The rough voice said, "Is it the Gusu Murong who'takes the way of the other, and returns the body to the other'?"

Song Qingshu thought that although Murong Fu had been embarrassed by losing to top players several times in the past two years, he was still quite famous in the hearts of ordinary Jianghu people.

Murong Fu said: "Don't dare, it's just the difference."

That humanity said: "Gusu Ge Rong is not a general generation. Palm the lamp! See you everybody!"

He said, suddenly a yellow light rose in the southeast corner, followed by red lights on the west and northwest corners. Suddenly, there were lights rising in all directions, some were lanterns, some were torches, some were Kongming lanterns, and some were pine firewood. The lanterns carried by each cave owner and island owner were quite different, some were crude and simple, some were very delicate. , I didn’t know where to hide before. The lights flashed brightly on everyone's face, strange and inexplicable.

These people are men and women, handsome and ugly, monks and Taoist priests, some with fluttering sleeves, some with short dresses, some old men with long beards, some women with high-rise clouds, and most of their costumes are weird. , Which is very different from the people in China, most of them have weapons, and most of them are weird in appearance.

Murong Fu Tuantuan made a quarrel, and said loudly: "Everyone please, in the next Gusu Murong Fu is polite." Some of the people around returned polite, some ignored it.

A person from Xishou said coldly: "Murongfu, your Gu Su Murong loves to pretend to be in the Central Plains, and that's up to you. But the unscrupulous rampage at the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference does not take us down? You claim to be' Use the way of the other, give back to the other body', I'm here to ask you, how do you use my way and give back to the body, but how do you use it?"

Murong Fu looked around, and saw a short fat man sitting cross-legged on the Xishou rock. His whole person was like a ball, holding something that looked like a small tripod in his arms.

Murong Fuwei clasped his fists and said, "Please! Your first name?"

The man cupped his belly and laughed, and said, "The old man takes a test of you, it depends on whether Gusu Murong really has real talents, or has a false reputation. I just asked you: "If you want to follow my way, you will give it back. My body, but how to cast the spell. As long as you get the right answer, I can't control other people, but the old man no longer embarrassed you. Go where you like to go!"

Murong Fu saw such a situation, knowing what happened today, he must not give up with empty words, he is bound to show a few tricks, and said: "In this case, I will accompany you with a few tricks, seniors please do!"

The man cupped his belly and laughed again, and said: "I'm trying to compare you, not asking you to stretch me out. If you can't answer, then the words'in the way of the other, give back to the body', Just put it away for me in the morning!"

Murong Fu frowned, and said in his heart: "You sit there motionless, I do not know your school, nor your name, how do you know what tricks you are best at? I don't know what kind of "dao" you have, but how Do you still?"

As he pondered for a moment, the short fat man sneered and said, "My friends from Thirty-Six Caves and Seventy-two Islands are scattered around the ends of the world, ignoring the meddling of the Central Plains. There is no tiger in the mountains, and the monkey is the king, just like you. Waiting for the stinky kid, he actually said something like'North Qiaofeng, Nan Murong', ha ha! Funny, funny, shameless, shameless! I tell you, if you want to get out today, it’s not difficult, you and the dead camel Every owner of the 36th hole, every owner of the 72nd island, knocked on ten ringing heads, a total of 1,080 heads, we will let you two go."

Song Qingshu frowned when he heard it. He was sitting here and watching, but he didn't expect that the other party would also bring himself. To be honest, with his current status and status, he was too lazy to entangle with these second- and third-rate characters, so he spoke directly. Said: "Duke Sangtu, you are here clearly planning to deal with a powerful enemy, but at this time you provoke the prestigious Young Master Murong, are you stupid?"

His eyes were sharp, and he had already seen the word mulberry carved on the small cauldron in his arms. The pattern on it was almost exactly the same as the bronze cauldron just now. It was naturally easy to guess his identity.

Of course, the tripod in his arms is very small, and the characters and patterns on it are even smaller. In addition, there is only a faint flame now. Even Murongfu can't see it at such a distance. Only Song Qingshu has this ability. .

However, as soon as this statement came out, the other people watching the theater suddenly exploded, and each of them looked like earthy faces: "It's over, it really has been revealed."

Duke Sangtu also changed his face greatly, and directly turned the small tripod in his arms. Murong Fu immediately heard a few unusual noises, mixed in the sound of the wind, almost indistinguishable. He also reacted very quickly, dancing with his sleeves, waving a strong wind, and counterattacking out, seeing the silver light flashing, and hundreds of tiny needles shooting away from all directions.

Song Qingshu's current martial arts naturally did not fear these stubborn needles, and resolved the poisoned needles calmly, but the people around were not so lucky, and they shouted: "Ah, no!"

"Poisoned shot."

"This vicious hidden weapon, his grandma's!"

"Oh, how did you shoot Lao Tzu?"

The shouts of the people around have already rang: "Oh, get the antidote! This is the ox-hair needle of Biphos Cave. It can be the most powerful for an hour to seal the throat and heart. Where is the thief, Lord Sangtu? Where? Pull him out to get the antidote."

"This stinky thief has gotten ridiculous needles, and even my old friend is hurt. Where is Lord Sang Tu? Get the antidote, get the antidote!"

"Where is Lord Sangtu? Get the antidote!" The voice rang. Some people who got poisoned needles jumped wildly, some hugged trees and yelled. Obviously, the poisonous needles on the ox hair needles are very toxic, which makes the people who got the needles very itchy.

The instigator, Sangtu, was no longer on the boulder just now, and he didn’t know where he hid. Murong Fu wanted to show off his skills first, and secondly wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to buy people’s hearts. The star and the moon were dark, but the lanterns and torches were shining brightly. Everyone was surprised to see Murong Fu gliding freely in the air. Amidst the screams and curses, there was a burst of cheers like spring thunder, which concealed a shrill cry.

Murong Fu's eyes scanned the audience sharply, his left foot propped on a tree trunk that spanned the air, and he threw his force to the right. When he jumped up earlier, he was floating and moving slowly, but this time he threw out as fast as a falcon. A gust of wind passed by, and his feet stepped on a rock.

Everyone was still a little puzzled why he stepped on a stone, but suddenly they found that the stone was rolling on the spot, moving quickly, like a ball rolling in the ground, it was actually Duke Sangtu pretending to be! There is an earth word in his name, and he is naturally good at the art of earth escape. In addition, the clothes are unique in shape, and the clothes are completely wrapped in the appearance of rock. If Murong Fu's eyes are like a torch, how can he recognize it?

Murong Fu stepped into the air and slapped his palm, hitting the opponent's back. The dwarf was about to stand up and fell to the ground again with the palm. He stood up tremblingly, swayed a few times, his knees softened, and he sat down on the ground.

More than a dozen people in the four weeks shouted, "Duke Sangtu, take the antidote, come get the antidote!" They hugged him.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I just take the antidote." After seeing Murong Fu's martial arts, Duke Sangtu knew that he was a frog at the bottom of the well, and he no longer had the arrogance he was just now.

Murong Fu originally wanted to build his prestige and didn't intend to kill anyone. After hearing this, he clicked on his Qihai acupuncture point to seal his power to prevent him from escaping. Then he said: "Then I will trouble the Sangdong Master to detoxify your friends."

Obviously, both parties paid the death and the life just now, but now that he doesn't think about the old evil, he takes the initiative to detoxify Duke Sangtu, and the people around him who have been poisoned by the needle can't help but feel good about him.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Murong is really good at martial arts." Duke Sangtu was afraid that he would kill him, and while flattering, he took out a magnet and sucked out the hairy needles on each person's body. At the same time, he took out the antidote and let everyone apply the wound. on.

Seeing that the time was about to come, Murong Fu took the opportunity to express his intention: "It's true that I will come here this time. I was invited by Mr. Gao Fengmu Mu to come here to help you and deal with the big opponent together."

Hearing him mention the big opponent, the previous group of ferocious island owners, Dongzhu, showed a look of horror.

"Saibeiming Camel Peak?" Someone had heard of his name, "How did you learn about this?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and stepped forward and replied: "Actually, I was also invited by my friend Duanmu Dongzhu, the Red Flame Cave, Wuzhishan, Wuzhishan, Hainan Island, to come and help you all."

"Duanmuyuan?" The man let out a horror. "He went to Lingjiu Palace with An Dongzhu, Wu boss and others to listen to information. Now he is not here. How do we know if what you said is true or false." :)

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