Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1771: Scheming

Murong Fu was taken aback for a moment. He did not expect this change. If no one came to prove it, their trip would be a bit unfair. In addition, they had injured a lot of people just now, although he was not afraid of these people's revenge. , But it is too far from the expected conquering them.

Song Qingshu responded quickly: "Tianshan Tongmao's martial arts are unfathomable. You may have a glimmer of hope depending on the number of people. Just send An Dongzhu, Wu boss, and Duanmuyuan to send the sheep to the tiger's mouth?"

An Dongzhu’s biggest characteristic is a bit of stuttering, but no one dared to laugh at him because he is the number one master of 36 Cave and 72 Islands. Although Wu boss is not as good as An Dongzhu in martial arts, he is not much worse. It is one of the best in the crowd, but the original book is more awkward, and Xu Zhu is unwilling to kill. Tong Lao forced him to go to the mountains to catch deer to drink blood to practice exercises.

Sang Tugong explained at this time: "A few days ago, Tianshan Tong Grandma summoned us to come to Xixia to help Li Liangzuo deal with the masters of Yipintang. We naturally didn't dare not come. We thought it was a fierce battle, and many lives would be lost here. , But I didn’t expect that Li Liangzuo had foresight and instigated the masters of Yipintang. In the end, he won the victory without a **** sword..."

Murong Fu nodded secretly, he was also involved in this incident, naturally knowing that the whole process was full of surprises.

Sang Tugong continued: "After finishing the matter, Grandma Tong hurriedly left Lingzhou City with his men that day, and sent people to dismiss us, let us return to our own territory, we people are naturally scared to the extreme... "

Song Qingshu said strangely: "If you say that you are afraid to be by her side, let you go back, why are you afraid?"

Mr. Sangtu smiled bitterly: "Mr. Mu doesn't know anything. Every year if the people sent by the grandmother scold us severely, even if we have overcome the difficulties of the year, we will have a big banquet for several days on the island in the cave. Celebrate peace. Alas, it is really cheap to behave like this. If Tongma sends messengers not to scold our grandson as a bastard, and our 18th generation ancestors, the future will be difficult. You must know that if she didn’t send someone to scold her, she would send someone to beat her. If she was lucky, it was thirty sticks. As long as she didn’t break her leg, she would probably have a banquet to celebrate."

Duke Sangtu paused and continued: "If she doesn't order people to come and spank her **** with a big stick, she will often hit her back with a python whip, otherwise she will drive a few nails on our back. Lord Sima, you Please show the scars that were beaten by the python whip."

A scrawny old man said: "Ashamed, ashamed!" He untied his shirt, revealing three vertical and three horizontal, criss-crossing nine bright red marks on his back, which made people feel nauseous at first sight. Imagine that the old man was experiencing it at that time. It must be extremely painful.

A black man said loudly: "What's that? Look at the bone nails on my back." Unbuttoning his shirt, he saw three large iron nails nailed to his vest. The nails were rusted with yellow rust. Obviously it was too late. After a long time, I don't know how, the black man didn't try to get it out.

Another monk said in a dumb voice, "Yu Dongzhu suffered a lot, I'm afraid it's not as good as the little monk!" He stretched out his hand to untie the monk's robe. Everyone saw that there was a slender iron chain in the pipa bone around his neck, and the iron chain went down and passed through his wrist bone. With a slight movement of his wrist, the pipa bone will be affected, and the pain can be imagined.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but startled. Although he already knew that Tianshan Grandma's imperial court was extremely strict, these people weren't kind, and being cruel to them was worthy of sin. But seeing it with his own eyes was still a bit shocking, thinking about the harmless appearance of Tianshan Grandma. , It is impossible to connect her with the image of these atrocities.

Murong Fu said angrily: "It's the opposite, it's the opposite! There are such insidious and vicious characters in the world. We are determined to help each other, and we all work together to remove this evil from the martial arts." He said something in the end. The righteous indignation is somewhat selfish, but it is not known.

Mr. Sangtu was overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Murong, for your help. None of us gathered here has never been bullied and poisoned by a child's grandmother. What we say is the'Ten Thousand Immortal Conference', that is to put gold on our face and say yes. "Hundred Ghosts Convention", this is worthy of the name. The life we ​​have lived in these years is nothing more than the ghosts suffering in the Hell of Abi. In the past, everyone was afraid of her powerful methods, so they had to swallow their anger and bitterness. Fortunately, God has eyes. This old thief has a ruthless life, and sometimes has bad luck."

Murong Fu's heart moved: "How did you say that this old woman finally had bad luck?"

Sang Tugong explained: "A few days ago, Grandma Tong asked us to go back separately. Everyone felt uneasy, so they recommended me and the boss of Wu, the master of Tianfeng Cave An, the master of Duanmu Cave of Chiyan Cave, and the master of Qin Island of Haima Island. , I bought pearl treasures, silk fabrics, delicacies from mountains and seas, rouge pollen, etc., and sent them to please her..."

Murong Fuqi said, "Is this old woman an old monster? She said she was a grandmother, how can I still use rouge pollen?" Although I had seen a young grandmother in the palace before, the young grandmother was wrapped in a black robe at the time, and her face was naturally like this. It's impossible to see clearly. As for her body, although she looks petite and exquisite, no one thinks about it. It's only when she is older and people become rickety, so she looks small.

Sang Tugong explained: "The old thief is very old, but there are quite a few maidservants under her, and the young women use rouge pollen. It's just that there is no man on the peak. I don't know who they will show them after they are dressed up. ?"

Hearing his complaints, Song Qingshu laughed blankly. Men naturally couldn't understand women's beauty-loving nature. He didn't expect the women in later generations to be like this, and the women of hundreds of years ago were like this. It is a universal truth.

Sang Tu justified: "I went to the place where Tong's grandmother was staying with me, Dong Zhu, Wu, and others, and the nine of them were terribly scared. The old thief ordered a complete set of medicines three years ago. There are a few too many. Rarely, like the eggs of a three-hundred-year-old sea turtle, five-foot-long antlers, and this time we were called in advance, there was no time for the time. We could not fully prepare according to the instructions, and I expect that this time the punishment will be heavy. How can I know? I tremblingly handed in the items, and the old thief sent someone out and said: "The items I purchased are all right. Nine grandson bastards, hurry up and get my tail clipped and get out of here." We are just as if we met the emperor's grace. The amnesty is really overjoyed. I immediately descended the peak. I wanted to leave a moment and a moment earlier. Don’t ask the old thief to find out that the item is wrong. If you investigate it, you can bear the sin a lot. After the nine people left, they opened the blindfolded black. Bu, saw three people dead in the nearby river ditch. One of them, Lord An Dong knew as a master in the First Grade Hall of the Xixia Kingdom, and his name was Daoist Jiuyi."

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows: "This Jiuyi Taoist is the confidant of the Toffee, and he is a kung fu of'Thunder above the Nine Heavens', so I didn't expect to die like this." The two of them were in Xixia Yipintang, and naturally they knew each other. Yes, I know that although my martial arts surpasses the opponent, he can't do much.

Sang Tugong continued: "Qijuqi has two sword wounds on the Jiuyi Taoist. You must know that the martial arts of the heavenly child is unfathomable, and he claims that he does not need a second move to kill."

Murongfu didn't take it seriously. At the beginning, he hadn't seen Tianshan child grandmother take action in the imperial palace. He didn't need the second trick to kill people. But he used almost 20 tricks to deal with Ding Chunqiu.

However, he changed his mind to think, Ding Chunqiu, a mafia giant in the world, was originally a master-level figure in the arena, and coupled with a poisonous skill, no matter where he goes, he will be a fascinating existence. Tianshan Tongmao can be within 20 strokes. Although there was an element of sneak attack in taking his life, when did an old and cunning character like Ding Chunqiu really relax his vigilance?

I thought that I had fought against Ding Chunqiu a few days ago. Although I didn’t fear him, I couldn’t beat him, and the opponent was good at using poison, so I would choose to stay away when I saw him. I didn’t expect this. The character was easily killed by the Tianshan child's grandmother. Wouldn't it be that he could only resist more than a dozen tricks when he replaced him?

Such martial arts want to kill these island master Dongzhu, naturally, no second move is needed.

When he thought of this, Murong Fu felt a little guilty in his heart. If he hadn't known in advance that there was a problem with Tianshan Tong's martial arts, he would definitely turn around and leave at this time, and would never take a trip to this muddy water.

Sang Tugong continued: "

At that time, when we saw that Daoist Nine Wings had two injuries, we became suspicious, and then looked at the other two dead. Seeing those two people was not a fatal move. Obviously, it was after a fierce battle, and it was scarred. I was discussing with the brothers An, Qin, etc., this matter is really weird. Isn't the Jiuyi Taoist and the other three people killed by Tongma? But those women under Tong Grandma in Lingjiu Palace may not have the ability to kill Nine Wing Taoists within two strokes. Secondly, who would dare to steal the fun of Tong Grandma's murder? Jiuyi Taoist such a good player, it is fun to kill, such a chance is not easy to encounter, it is more disrespectful than snatching the delicious food from the child's mouth. We were full of doubts in our hearts. After we came back, we gathered together to discuss, and Master An Dong suddenly said: ‘Mo...Could the old lady...have been...sick...sick? ’"

"Everyone immediately remembered:'A man must die. No matter how high a child's grandmother is, it is not after all cultivation to be refined, a diamond body is not bad. This time, the items we enshrine are not complete, and she will not punish it, which is surprising. Daoist Nine Wings died nearby, and there was more than one wound on his body, which made people more suspicious.' In short, there must be a major weirdness in it."

"The old thief holds our life and death talisman in her hands, and no one can resist. If she is sick and dies, and the life and death talisman falls into the hands of the second person, won't we become the second person's slaves again? This lifetime, forever Can’t turn over! If that person is vicious and vicious, more than the old thief, wouldn’t the humiliation we suffer in the future be more severe than today? This is really an arrow on the string and we have to send it out. Knowing that the future is dangerous and dangerous, we only have To seize this opportunity to fight to the death, An Dongzhu, Wu boss and others first went to Lingjiu Palace and his party to listen to the situation, and we gathered people here. Once we get the exact information, we will kill them together and kill Lao Qian. Mother, regain the antidote to the talisman of life and death."

Song Qing's writing was weird, thinking that if the little Luoli heard the group of men open and closed their mouths to call her old thief, old pious woman, her face would be very exciting.

But there was a big rock in Murong Fu's heart. Before, I heard Li Qinglu mentioned that Tianshan Tong's grandmother had a problem with her practice, and she was worried that she was lying to herself. Now based on the information of these people, it seems that it is definitely right.

Just as he was about to tell what he knew, he suddenly felt a move in his heart: If you say it at this time, those people will be easy to succeed, and they may not think about my benefits. It is better to pretend not to know and help them when they are most afraid. I would be grateful to me, but there will be a problem in this way, but Mu Gaofeng knows about the Tianshan child's free work...

Looking at the hunchback on the side, Murong Fu's eyes flashed a bit of cruelty, and he directly stretched out his palm and patted the back of the opponent——

Thanks to the enthusiastic book friends such as Baima Wangzi for their rewards, I only noticed that it is now the period of double monthly pass. I don’t know if it’s an occupational disease caused by old age or sitting in front of the computer for too long. Nowadays, if I don’t sit in front of the computer for long, my back feels painful, my spine becomes sore, my neck feels uncomfortable, and my head feels dizzy, so sometimes I update It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't want to be able to do it. To be honest, I can’t get past the update speed like this. Everyone has always been inseparable. I am moved and embarrassed. I will take advantage of this time today to fight more and repay you for your love. In addition, I will do it in the future. Pay attention to exercise and see if you can get rid of this physical state. (https:)

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