Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1785: Shocking request

"Okay, Master Sister, you are very well!" Li Qiushui was shocked and looked at Tianshan Tong's grandmother and couldn't help gritting her teeth, but she also knew that Song Qingshu is now there, and there is no way to kill the other party, so she can only temporarily press down on the jealousy in her heart. , But the words still reveal uncontrollable murderous intent.

Tianshan Tong Grandma didn't care: "Of course I am very well."

"Shut up!" Song Qingshu was a big head, saying that there are three women in a scene, and the two women here are about to become a vegetable market.

Feeling his anger, the two women looked at each other, snorted, and turned their heads together.

After all, Dulong Peak was not an abyss. It didn't take long for Song Qingshu to take the two of them to the foot of the mountain. The two women looked up at the towering mountain peaks, one by one was afraid.

"Well, I don't want to deal with the people on the thirty-sixth hole and seventy-two islands anymore, now I find a safe place to settle down." Song Qingshu said, originally Jietan Temple is a good place, but he doesn't want to The two old witches led to Yelu Nanxian and Mu Wanqing, and the ghost knew what would happen.

"A safe place..." Li Qiushui pondered for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "It's better to go back to the Xixia Palace!"

Tianshan Tong's grandmother objected immediately, saying that she basically never agreed with the other party's opinion: "There is your site, I won't go."

Song Qingshu was thoughtful and looked at Li Qiushui suspiciously: "The current palace is not the previous palace. Li Liangzuo is catching you all over the world. Are you going back this time?"

Li Qiushui smiled slightly: "A few days ago, he dug the ground three feet and searched in the palace. At that time, it was indeed dangerous to go back, but now he would not expect me to return to my old place. The most dangerous place is the most dangerous place. The safest place."

Tianshan Tongmao's eyes lit up at this time. She finally remembered that Xixia is no longer the place where Li Qiushui has covered the sky. Not only is there no danger to herself when she returns to the palace, but she can also quietly inform Li Liangzuo and let him deal with that bitch. ...

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, nowadays Li Liangzuo is in the world, and there are spies and soldiers everywhere. It really may not be safe in the palace."

Although he is not afraid of the masters of Yipintang, he is most afraid of troubles. One thing that can be missed is one thing.

After unifying their opinions, the group of three people went to the palace. Song Qingshu couldn't be helped by the tall palace walls of the Southern Song, Qing, and Jin, and the low palace walls of Xixia were not worth mentioning. Even though it was with the day and two draggers, he still sneaked in silently.

"The young master's light work can be called the best in the world." Li Qiushui admired from the bottom of his heart. She would have been able to move slightly, and she has never served anyone in the light of the world, knowing that she has been stimulated one after another today.

The Tianshan child grandmother on the side sneered again and again: "No matter how flattering you are, people won't like you."

Li Qiushui was furious at once: "You have to stand up against me, don't you?"

"There is still more to be done?" Song Qingshu was also angry. If the two young girls quarrel there would still have a sense of appreciation, I can imagine that the age of these two people really lacks beauty. "Li Qiushui is familiar with the palace, find one Where we are."

Although the most dangerous place is the safest place, you can't blatantly find a house in the palace to live in.

Li Qiushui pondered for a moment, and said, "Lenggong was originally a good place, but Li Liangzuo was always attentive, and he might have kept his eyes and ears over there... By the way, you can go to the ice cellar of the imperial palace."

"Ice Cellar?" Song Qingshu looked weird. Is this the corrective power of the plot? How can it be made the same as the experience of the little monk Xuzhu in the original work? There will be no Menggu Menglang drama, right?

"Is there anything wrong with the ice cellar?" Li Qiushui also looked nervous, and now Song Qingshu has convinced her with absolute strength, for fear of causing unpleasantness.

Song Qingshu recovered and hurriedly replied, "No, the ice cellar is pretty good."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother thought that the **** was mostly because I had not recovered from my martial arts, and planned to use the cold in the ice cave to deal with me... But she was always strong, although she guessed the other party’s mind, she was unwilling to subdue her. Silently refuted.

Under the path led by Li Qiushui, a group of people soon came to a large stone house. The walls of the stone house were all built of big stones four to five feet square, which were unusually thick. The gate was cut from a row of eight original pine trees. Nailed half way.

Li Qiushui said to Song Qingshu: "Troubled son to open this iron gate, the concubine is now seriously injured and weak, and most of it can't be opened."

The Tianshan child's grandmother on the side curled her lips: "Pretend there again~"

Song Qingshu stepped forward to grasp the big iron ring on the door, and opened the door, only to find that the door was really heavy, and it was indeed difficult for ordinary people to open it. Worried about being discovered by the guards on patrol, a group of three quickly rushed into the door, and Song Qingshu closed the door again.

Going forward, there is another door immediately after the door, and a burst of cold air seeps out from the door. At that time, the weather was getting warmer, although the peak was still snowing, the flat ground had already melted and the snow disappeared, and the flowers bloomed like beautiful flowers, but a thin layer of hoarfrost formed on the door of this inner door.

Under Li Qiushui's guidance, Song Qingshu reached out and pushed, and the door slowly opened, only a gap was opened, and a cold air rushed toward his face. Pushing the door in, I saw that there were piles of sacks full of sacks of rice and wheat. The height was connected to the roof, which was a granary, and a narrow passage was left on the left.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Isn't it an ice cave? How can it be a granary?"

Li Qiushui smiled and said: "The son is misunderstood. These sacks are not filled with grain, but cotton. They mainly prevent the cold air from dissipating in the ice cave and at the same time prevent the hot air from coming in."

"So that's the case." Song Qingshu nodded, remembering that when he was a child he had seen people who sold popsicles carrying a basket on their backs. They were often covered with a layer of quilt on the basket. I don't understand the reason until I grow up.

When the two doors were closed, the warehouse was dark, and you couldn't see your fingers. Song Qingshu can see things at night, and the impact is not great. Go straight in from the left side. The more you get inside, the more cold you get.

At this time, Tong's grandmother was already dazzling, and in an instant, a strange scene appeared in front of the three of them. They saw a large, squarely cut piece of ice, and the flames flickered. Shining on the ice cubes, flickering and blue, it is very fantasy.

Li Qiushui said: "Let's go down to the end." She supported the ice cubes, took the lead, turned a few times among the ice cubes, and walked down a big hole in the corner of the house.

Song Qingshu followed, and saw a row of stone steps under the cave. After walking through the stone steps, there was another ice cube underneath a large house. He could not help but secretly startled: "This design is also clever. There is a floor." Sure enough, under the second floor, there is another large stone room, which is also full of ice.

Li Qiushui didn't know where to take out an oil lamp, lit it and sat down, and said, "We have gone deep into the third floor underground. No matter how ghostly and spirited Li Liangzuo is, he may not be able to find us."

After speaking with a long sigh, although her face looked very calm, she was really anxious in her heart. Li Liangzuo was assisted by Yipintang, Kongtong School, and Lingjiu Palace. His subordinates can be described as masters like clouds and go deep into the palace courtyard. And to avoid the eyes and ears of the masters, half must be alert and cautious, and half must be based on luck. Until this moment, he was a little relieved.

"I'll go outside and find some quilts, cushions and the like. I can't sleep on ice cubes then." Li Qiushui took a rest and stood up.

Song Qingshu frowned, "I didn't plan to stay here long." He came out this time to instigate Lingjiu Palace to deal with Li Liangzuo. Now he has taken control of the Tianshan child grandmother, and it is half of the success, but if the delay continues, Let Murong Fu bring the people from the thirty-six holes and seventy-two islands to the Lingjiu Palace, and the loss would be great.

Li Qiushui said with a smile: "It's not too early today, and the son is not in a hurry where he is going. I have to rest for a night no matter what."

Song Qingshu was right when he thought about it. It was dawn when he rescued the Tianshan child grandmother on Dulong Peak, and then he delayed on the mountain for a while, and finally rushed to Lingzhou City, two hundred miles away, and avoided chasing soldiers all the way. , Avoid the palace guards, it's already evening outside.

In addition, he still has a doubt in his heart, and he can just borrow to stay here for one night to investigate.

However, Li Qiushui's smile just now seemed to contain an inexplicable meaning, and he didn't know what she was planning...but he didn't take it to heart. Now the martial arts cultivation base has reached this level, and she can completely ignore her conspiracy. Up.

"I also went out to find something to eat back." Tianshan Tongmao also stood up.

"Are you not afraid that I will take the opportunity to kill you?" Li Qiushui said with a smile.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother glanced at her, then at Song Qingshu: "This stinky kid still needs me, you can't live if you kill me." After all, she has a lot of experience, and now she has come back to her senses. Song Qingshu is on this road. Generally help her, most of them are asking for something.

Li Qiushui smiled and said: "For the sake of the son's face, I really will not kill you, but I am afraid that you will go out and tell Li Liangzuo to betray me."

Tianshan Tongmao shook his head: "I did have this idea at the beginning, but I want to understand now. Li Liangzuo has a deep thought and cruel heart. If I am in a normal state, I can naturally cooperate with him, but now I am here. Most of the time he went to find him was a self-inflicted trap. He would take this opportunity to bring Lingjiu Palace under his command. I only have a dead end.

Li Qiushui was startled: "Master sister, I found that I had always underestimated your IQ before."

"What are you talking about!" Tianshan Tongmao's eyebrows were straightened.

"Okay," Song Qingshu stopped the two of them from playing in time, "Li Qiushui, you go, and you stay."

After Li Qiushui left, Tianshan Tong's grandmother said impatiently: "What do you keep me for, brat?"

Song Qingshu said indifferently: "You are my prisoner now, and you have a better attitude, otherwise I don't guarantee what you will do."

"You!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother opened her mouth. After all, thinking of her current situation, she snorted and didn't irritate the other party any more, "What are you leaving me here for?"

"Take off your clothes." The other party's words were shocking.

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