Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1786: Li Qiushui's gift

"What did you say?" Tianshan Tongmao's first reaction was that he had heard it wrong.

Song Qingshu repeated it again: "I said you took off your clothes."

"Smelly boy, I'm going to kill you!" Tianshan Tongmao suddenly exploded on the spot, and screamed and rushed over, but now she has not recovered her skills, plus short hands and short feet, she was held down by the other's arm. Forehead, the whole person can't move forward a bit, can only spread his teeth and claws in place, but never touch the corner of the other party's clothes.

Song Qingshu frowned: "Where did you think about it, I'm just checking your body."

It's okay for him not to speak. When he spoke, Tianshan Tong's face instantly flushed, and he was obviously angry to the extreme.

Looking at her expression with teeth and claws, Song Qingshu looked weird: "You're all an old woman, aren't you still shy?"

"Of course I am not shy!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother raised her head and replied subconsciously, but soon felt wrong and hurriedly changed her words, "This is not a question of being shy, but... but... how can a woman be here casually? Undressing in front of a man, no matter how old she is."

"Smelly boy, if you don't tell the whole story clearly, I will not drag you to bury you even if I try my best." Tianshan Tongmao said viciously, but the two of them have been in contact for so long, and she also knows each other's temperament. , But not really that kind of despicable lewd-thief, he said this for most reasons.

Song Qingshu hesitated: "I just have a doubt that needs to be verified..."

"What doubts require me to take off my clothes for verification!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother only felt that white smoke was coming out of her head.

"This..." Song Qingshu hesitated, "It doesn't make sense to say it now. Maybe you will only treat me as a neurotic, but I'm really curious. I need to verify it before considering whether to tell you."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother laughed angrily: "Just for a reason you can't tell, I'm going to take off my clothes and show it to you? Do you usually deceive those little girls with such crappy reasons?"

"Yes," Song Qingshu replied solemnly, "Those little girls are much more obedient than you. If I tell them to take off their clothes, they will definitely follow suit."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother looked stiff: "..."

At this time, a smile came: "What's so good about the little kid, you can find your sister if you want to see it." It turned out that Li Qiushui had already come back at this moment. She was very familiar with the palace, and she found it soon after she went out. Something like bedding, I happened to see this scene when I came back.

"Bah, a **** with a dog, forever." Tianshan Tongmao gave a bitter bite.

"Do you have any misunderstandings about the term elder sister?" Song Qingshu was also dumbfounded, but the other party had already come back, and it was indeed not suitable to be checked.

Since hearing his weird request, Tianshan Tong's grandmother felt more and more uncomfortable to stay next to Song Qingshu, and left a sentence: "I will go to the upper floor to rest." After speaking, she took a roll of bedding from Li Qiushui's hand and her face was calm. Went up.

After she left, Li Qiushui said with a grin while laying the bedding, "I didn't expect the son to have this tune."

Song Qingshu has a black line on his face: "It's not what you think!" At the same time, he was lost in thought. Tianshan Tongmao would definitely not agree with his inspection method, but the doubt in his heart is hard to let go. What should I do...

"The son rescued me from the master sister in the main hall before, and this time rescued the grand sister from my hands. I really wonder where the son is helping." Li Qiushui asked softly.

Song Qingshu faintly replied, "You don't have to think so much. The reason why I saved you is to deal with Li Liangzuo. As for the reason for saving Tianshan Tongma, I won't bother you."

Li Qiushui chuckled and said: "I can guess without telling you, most of it is for her Lingjiu Palace."

Song Qingshu snorted: "Sometimes a woman is too smart to be jealous of a beauty."

Who knows that Li Qiushui didn't startle but laughed instead: "So in the eyes of the son, people are still considered rosy. On the way, you are so kind to the master and sister, but you are so indifferent to me, making people think that you are too ugly to look at. "

Song Qingshu was startled, and realized that there was indeed a problem with his attitude along the way. Perhaps it was because of the rumors of Li Qiushui's past life style that he was not happy, so he unknowingly revealed a look of disgust.

Li Qiushui didn't want to arouse his disgust, so he changed the topic at the right time: "In fact, it is not difficult to take Li Liangzuo's life with the martial arts of the son, why is it so troublesome?"

Song Qingshu glanced at her with a faint smile: "Are you trying to persuade me to kill Li Liangzuo, and then take the power of the fisherman?"

Li Qiushui's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said: "The son has misunderstood, I'm just purely curious."

Song Qingshu said, "It's easy to kill him, but what good is it for me?"

Hearing what he said, Li Qiushui couldn't help thinking.

"Go up and heal, I also have to rest." Song Qingshu pushed Li Qiushui away, he was really a little scared, this woman looks no different from a young woman at such an age, and she has a seductive temperament on her body, and she takes the initiative from time to time. Seduce yourself. Although rationally he never wants to have anything to do with her, he has never been very firm in the love of men and women. In case of impulsiveness, how will he face Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan in the future?

Seeing that he had issued an order to evict guests, Li Qiushui would not lose face and stay here. He smiled and said a few words and walked up: "Then I will go to the first floor. You can find me if you have something to do."

Song Qingshu's heart suddenly moved: "Wait, I do have something to ask you for help."

"My son, please tell me, there is a definition of what a concubine can do." Li Qiushui looked at him with a smile.

"Don't promise to be so fast," Song Qingshu laughed twice, "I want to learn your sound transmission method, what conditions do you have, I can exchange martial arts with you."

After Ren Yingying disappeared in Lin'an City last time, he hated himself for not knowing this martial arts, otherwise it would not be so difficult to find someone, thinking that if he meets Li Qiushui, he must learn this skill. As a result, I really met Li Qiushui this time, but almost forgot.

Hearing his request, Li Qiushui was a little stunned, but he quickly pursed his lips and smiled: "What am I supposed to be? This sound-transmitting soul search technique is just a small skill. How can it be compared with the son's magical skill, just the son's life-saving last time I haven't had time to repay the kindness. If this martial arts master doesn't dislike it, I will teach the master to repay the kindness of saving his life."

Seeing her saying this, Song Qingshu didn't insist on it. Soon Li Qiushui came up with the formulas and the secrets of the sound transmission and soul search Dafa.

Song Qingshu kept it in his heart, and soon he learned how to look good. Li Qiushui was surprised to see: "We don't know how many amazing people in the Xiaoyao school, but like the young master, he can learn it right away. It's really true. Unheard of."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "One law is universal, and everything is universal." Of course, he would not tell her about opening up.

"Well, the son slowly studied and realized, the concubine retired first." Li Qiushui complimented for a while, and then left in amazement.

Song Qingshu sat cross-legged on her paved bed and began to figure out the mystery of this martial arts. When his cultivation reached his level, cultivation was sleeping, and sleeping was cultivation.

I don’t know how long it took, Li Qiushui suddenly mysteriously hugged a quilt and tiptoed down the stairs: "The concubine was worried about the son’s loneliness late at night, so I went to find a petite and pretty maid to take care of the bed, and I hope the son will smile. ." (https:)

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