Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1787: Never imagined

At the bottom of the ice cellar, Song Qingshu has already extinguished the candlelight in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Fortunately, the huge ice cubes around can emit a faint light-it is difficult for ordinary people to see with the naked eye, but it is enough for a person like him. .

I can see that there is a person wrapped in the quilt that Li Qiushui is holding. Yun's temples are scattered and her shoulders are half exposed. It's a pity that she can't see her face, but she can be seen that she is petite and should be young, which is normal. Things, in ancient times, were no better than later generations, who were still new to junior high school at this age, but the beautiful girls in ancient palaces often demanded this age.

Li Qiushui smiled charmingly: "Originally, the concubine could accompany the son in person, but along the way, I also knew that the son's temperament might not be as good as the concubine, so I went out to find a young palace lady. , To ensure the beauty of the flowers and the moon, pure and innocent, and please let the son accept it."

Song Qingshu shook his head and said, "I don't need to take her out!" He hasn't reached the point where he can't fall asleep without a woman, and seeing that this is mostly due to some coercion, how can he agree.

Li Qiushui looked embarrassed: "This is difficult. If the son doesn't look at her concubine, she will naturally take her away, but she knows where we are hiding, and the son knows my temper. In order to be foolproof, I will definitely take her away. The one who killed her, pitiful for such a little girl who is like a flower, is still as old as a flower, and she will go to the yellow spring if she has never enjoyed the prosperity of this world..."

"Don't kill her!" Song Qingshu frowned.

Li Qiushui shook his head: "The son is too soft-hearted, and the concubine will tell the truth. Even if I promise the son not to do anything, I will definitely find a chance to kill her afterwards. The son's supernatural power is naturally not afraid, but the concubine body Now that I am seriously injured, I can’t take any risk. I killed her secretly, but the son may not know about it, so the son doesn’t want her now, just for the sake of peace of mind, but it actually harmed her."

Song Qingshu knew that what she said was true. With Li Qiushui's temperament, she would definitely not let this little palace lady go. She couldn't keep looking at her at all. She secretly killed the little palace lady without knowing it.

Seeing his hesitation, Li Qiushui's lips showed a triumphant smile: "In this case, the concubine put her here with the son, let her serve him well these days, and wait until we leave. She, I don’t need to kill anymore."

Without waiting for Song Qingshu's objection, he put the quilt wrapped in the little palace lady on the bed, and then ignoring the other party's drinking, directly used Ling Bo to walk away.

Song Qingshu was angry and funny. This Li Qiushui really did everything to please himself. What's the difference between this behavior and the old bustard?

Taking a look at the little girl lying not far away, Song Qingshu sighed secretly. This world is really not as dead as a dog. Although there were all kinds of bad things in the world before, ordinary people can live better than this. The world is so much better.

However, he is not a Virgin, so he can only save the other person's life as much as possible and let her spend a few days safely. It is indeed impossible to put her back now.

He began to practice the sound transmission and soul search again. He has now thoroughly deduced the principles and application of this martial arts. The only thing missing is practice. He almost couldn't help but experiment a few times in the middle, but his reason still prevailed. .

The movement of this martial arts was so loud that the entire Lingzhou City would know it, wouldn't it be time to tell Li Liangzuo that his party is nearby?

"I'm so cold..." I don't know how long it took, a jade-white arm suddenly stretched out from the quilt beside her. Maybe it was too cold in the ice cellar. She felt that Song Qingshu was the only slightly warm object in this room, so she felt that Song Qingshu was the only warm object in the room. Instinctively leaned over to get warm.

"I'm so cold..." The little palace lady only knows to repeat these words, her voice is extremely tender.

Feeling her whole body approaching, as if she had found a savior, she hugged him tightly, Song Qingshu smelled a sweet fragrance, knowing that it was the deodorant scent from the little palace lady, she couldn't help but frowned, and stretched out her hand to try to push it. Opening the opponent, just holding onto the soft and slender shoulders, the soft and warm feeling made his heart beat.

Song Qingshu hurriedly converged, directly transported internal force into her body to drive her away from the cold, while secretly smothering her tongue: If in the previous world, it was a three-year start, the beautiful women who entered the palace in this world were all at this age, feudal. These emperors and nobles in society really know how to enjoy.

Of course he also understands that it is indeed not very appropriate to use the moral system of later generations to judge these customs in history...

While she was thinking about it, the little girl had already posted her whole person, and she still murmured: "You are so warm here..."

Song Qingshu realized that no matter where he wanted to push her away, the beginning was soft and greasy. Only then did he understand that Li Qiushui's servant had directly taken off her clothes.

"That woman really does everything." Song Qingshu frowned, because he found that this little palace lady was not only stripped of her clothes, but also took the medicine of aphrodisiac. Now she is half awake and half awake. Driven by instinctive impulse.

Song Qingshu is not a saint, but also has seven emotions and six desires. Although he kept complaining about Li Qiushui in his heart, his physical reaction was quite useful.

After all, he is not the state of mind he was back then. Now he understands that it is easy to get in touch with flowers, but it is extremely difficult to be responsible. He is not Duan Zhengchun who is merciful but irresponsible and walks away with his pants.

Thinking of so many confidantes of their own, even if there are still Mu Wanqing and Yelu Nanxian waiting for him in Lingzhou City, how sad they will be when they bring them back with a sister?

"Little girl, I think you are lucky if you run into it today." Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, condensed the chaotic mood, and began to help the little palace girl in her arms to relieve the love-medicine in the conductor.

He has encountered such a situation several times over the years. With his skillful manipulation of the yin and yang, he has worked out a method to cure this kind of medicine.

Fingers tapped the meridians throughout her body, slowly easing the medicinal properties of agitation in her body. The two were so close together, and the little palace lady didn't wear clothes. It was inevitable that she would have a blind date when she was tapping acupuncture points. However, Song Qingshu was solemn at this time and only regarded herself as a doctor who treats patients and saved people, but there was no difference between men and women in her eyes.

"Huh?" Suddenly Song Qingshu's expression changed and he noticed the abnormality in her body, "You can martial arts?"

At this time, the little palace lady in her arms suddenly hit the acupuncture points on his body. Before, the clouds scattered around her temples, and her black hair covered most of her cheeks with sweat, and the third layer of light in the cellar was really close to nothing. , So that he did not see her complete appearance.

It wasn't until this time that the other party suddenly made a move, and his original face was revealed when his hair fluttered. Only then did he recognize the other party's identity, and he couldn't help but lose his color: "You are... the heaven... Tianshan child grandmother?"

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