Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1788: you saw it?

Song Qingshu really did not expect that he thought it was just a little palace lady that Li Qiushui randomly found in the palace. After all, the palace lacks everything, but there is no shortage of pretty little palace ladies, but he did not expect this little palace lady to be a Tianshan child grandmother!

At this time, Tianshan Tong's grandmother was flushed, and she didn't know if she was ashamed or angry. She had just practiced on it and was suddenly restrained by Li Qiushui. She thought that the other party was going to kill her, but she knew that the other party just stripped her clothes. Then give her a pink pill.

Her first reaction was a poison like Broken Muscles and Bone Breaking Pills, but after a while, there was no sign of poisoning. On the contrary, her body became more and more people. Li Qiushui looked at her with a strange and playful smile: "Sister, I’m still considerate of you as a junior, knowing that you are lonely all your life, so that you can taste a man.

Then she was sent to Song Qingshu's bed. Tianshan Tong's grandmother wanted to stop it, but she had a drug attack on her body, and she fell into a half-dream and half-awake state, leaving only some instinctive reactions.

It wasn't until Song Qingshu's luck dispelled the medicinal properties in her body that she slowly woke up and realized that she was intertwined with his limbs indiscriminately. She almost wanted to die, and she wished to have a seam in it. .

She quickly noticed that Song Qingshu did not recognize her identity, which caused her to struggle, and simply continued to pretend to be in a coma. When the whole thing did not happen, she would spend tonight first.

But it's not easy to pretend like this. Although the other party was very gentle and didn't violate her but detoxified her, she had never had such close contact with a man in her life, let alone wear no clothes.

Feeling the other party's hot hands slowly brushing the acupuncture points on her body, she almost shuddered.

She was suffering. When she didn't know what to do, when she heard that the other party discovered that she could martial arts, she realized that she couldn't put it on anymore, so she could only stop the other party's acupuncture points like lightning.

"How could it be you?" Song Qingshu looked at the little girl in shock, and gradually realized that in his heart, most of it was deliberate by Li Qiushui's fellow. He hated the master sister for being a virgin in front of her all day long, so She tried every means to ruin her virginity, so she could laugh at her afterwards.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother bit her lip and did not speak. She was looking for clothes to cover her skin, but Li Qiushui hadn't known where he threw his clothes. Where could she find it, so she could only take the quilt and wrap it in Body.

"In fact, don't be so angry. After all, nothing happened to us." Song Qingshu was not worried about his situation, but instead offered words of comfort.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother's skill has not recovered, and he couldn't hit his acupoint at all just now. He just pretended to be acupuncture by her deliberately because he didn't want the scene to be too embarrassing.

"Stop talking silly things!" Tianshan Tongmao gave him a fierce look, and muttered a little, "I've been watched by you and nothing happened..."

Song Qingshu was also a little helpless, thinking what you thought I wanted to happen to your old lady, suddenly he moved in his heart and couldn't help saying, "Do you know why I asked you to undress before?"

"You still say?" Tianshan Tong's teeth clenched, and even began to think about whether to bite his neck like he did with the injustices to **** blood and practice.

"Because I think your body meridians are not like a ninety-year-old woman, like a teenage girl, so I want to check it carefully," Song Qingshu paused and continued to add, "Just now... a coincidence, I I can feel that your meridians are the same as those of a normal teenage girl."

"Nonsense, I would have rejuvenated after 30 years of practicing this martial arts!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother was still a little angry.

"No," Song Qingshu shook his head, "If you are really practicing martial arts and you are rejuvenated, you should see some abnormalities in the meridians, but your meridians are almost the same as a normal girl, and you can't tell at all."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother sneered: "What do you want to say, don't you want to say that I am a little girl in her early ten years?"

Song Qingshu was also a little uncertain: "Although it is a little weird, the physical characteristics are indeed like this."

"It's nonsense," Tianshan Tongmao said angrily, "I don't know how old I am? Will Li Qiushui's **** not recognize me? I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'm going to find that **** and make a good calculation This account!"

After finishing talking, he ran to the upper level of the ice cellar angrily, but because he was wrapped in a quilt, he almost fell over several times.

Seeing her escape and leave, Song Qingshu also fell into doubt: "It's weird, what is going on?" At this time, he wondered if it would be good if a person had growth rings like a tree, then it would be easy to judge her reality. Age, or an X-ray machine, can measure her bone age...

While thinking about it, it didn't take long before Tianshan Tongmao ran down again, walked straight to Song Qing's writing, and looked at him directly.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Why are you back again?"

Tianshan Tongmao said bitterly: "That **** seemed to have known that I was going to retaliate against her, so he was not on the first floor at all and didn't know where to hide."

Hearing her words, Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing, and ran away after doing bad things. This is the self-cultivation of a bad person, and Li Qiushui is also clever.

"Forget it, even if you find her, you can't beat her with your current martial arts." Song Qingshu comforted.

"I know!" Tianshan Tongmao was also depressed, and suddenly turned to stare at him, "Take off your clothes!"

"Huh?" It was Song Qingshu's turn to be dumbfounded. He made this request to her not long ago, but he didn't expect Feng Shui to turn so fast in turn.

Seeing his expression, Tianshan Tong Grandma's face flushed suddenly, and said angrily: "What do you think, mainly because Li Qiushui that **** doesn't know where to throw my clothes. I'm going out. It’s impossible to dress like this."

Seeing her wrapped in a quilt with her shoulders half exposed, Song Qingshu also felt that it was inappropriate to go out and be seen by others. At the same time, she curiously said: "What are you doing out? Now your martial arts have not recovered, just in case Ouchi is disturbed. The guard is in danger."

"Although I haven't recovered from martial arts, I'm familiar with this palace. The guards in the area are nothing." Hearing him caring about himself, Tianshan Tongmao's expression eased a bit, "Anyway, I have important things to do when I go out. Can't you take it off?"

Song Qingshu helplessly said: "I was acupuncture point by you, how can I take it off?" Although he can move, if he is exposed now, the ghost knows whether the other party will become angry. He is most afraid of trouble and simply continues to pretend.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother bit her lip, and finally gave up the plan to relieve his acupuncture point: "Okay, I will take it off for you." After she climbed onto the bed, she half-kneeled beside him and began to untie him.

"Hey, do you count as molesting a good wife and man like this?" Song Qingshu said playfully, seeing the whiteness of her shoulders through her messy hair.

"Shut up!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother blushed, and suddenly noticed the expression in his eyes. When she lowered her head, she suddenly retracted like a frightened rabbit, wrapped tightly in the quilt, her face was not good, "You See it?" (https:)

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