Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1797: A natural request

Song Qingshu didn't pay attention to this at all at this time, and all his energy was thinking about how to deal with the boiling real energy in the Tianshan child's grandmother.

In his previous life, he watched martial arts TV and felt that the decent people who had studied for decades were not as good as some young masters of the evil sect. At that time, he felt that the martial arts of the decent sects were too rubbish, but after he came to this world, he discovered that these decent sects were too decent. Although the progress of martial arts is slow, the victory lies in its solid foundation and small side effects. Although the wicked martial arts are progressing vigorously, they often have various side effects, such as the conflict between the star-absorbing power and the true energy, such as the small JJ of the Sunflower Collection... …

The same is true of the Bahuang Liuhe Monopoly Art. Song Qingshu is holding the Tianshan child grandmother at this time. At such a close distance, you can clearly feel that the true energy in her body is agitated, and there is a tendency to gradually boil. If you ignore it, you will eventually burst into death. .

She usually suppressed her by drinking blood and practicing qigong, but Song Qingshu didn't want to see her become a vampire monster, so she decided to correct this bad problem for her. Of course, this is easier said than done. If Song Qingshu's skill is not high enough, coupled with the understanding of yin and yang,

Nor could she use Zhen Qi to channel the restless Zhen Qi in her body.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother gradually calmed down, but Song Qingshu still looked solemn. His guidance for her was only a temporary solution but not a permanent cure. The true energy in her body would still be restless every noon.

Song Qingshu secretly thought about it, and just healed her, I could feel that the true qi in her body was concentrated in the Sanjiao meridian of Hand Shaoyang. It was obvious that something went wrong there, and it seemed that we could start from this meridian...

At this time, Li Qiushui’s playful voice sounded: "Qinglu, your lover is very charming. Seeing the majestic Lingjiu Palace Master being hugged by him, this expression of enjoyment, maybe you There will be one more love rival in the future."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother realized that the qi in his body was gradually calming down from boiling, and was feeling the magic of Song Qingshu's martial arts. Hearing Li Qiushui's words, she realized that she was being held by a man at this time, and the other hand was on her lower abdomen. It seems to be getting hotter and hotter.

"Song boy, let me go!" How could Tianshan Tong's grandmother be so damaged by the old enemy.

Song Qingshu found that the zhenqi in her body had almost calmed down, so he no longer insisted, and put her on the running horse with a hand.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother secretly admires that she wants to put herself next to the running horse on the Mercedes-Benz horse. This softness is really clever. I am afraid that I can do it in his heyday, but there is no trace of pliability like him. Bumps, then absolutely can't do... But this is not the point, the point is that he seemed to be holding his **** just now?

He gave him a fierce look and saw that he was driving the horse as usual. She didn't seem to realize what had happened just now. She couldn't say anything. After all, there was a Li Qiushui next to him. If she knew her **** was touched. , Wouldn't it be laughed at by her?

A group of people rushed eastward with different thoughts. Unknowingly, they rushed for more than two hundred miles. The night fell gradually. Song Qingshu couldn't take them day and night together even if he was anxious. They just happened to run into a town and chose an inn. Plan to rest for one night.

Checking in the inn involved a few rooms. Song Qingshu couldn't help but remember that when he first came to this world and stayed with Bing Xueer, the store cooperated and said that there was no room, so he couldn't help but smile.

This inn is in Xixia and has not learned that marketing method. To be honest, there are plenty of guest rooms. Tianshan Tongma and Li Qiushui naturally live in one each. In order to avoid conflict between the two in private, Song Qingshu put them both Arranged to the left and right of her room, Li Qinglu couldn't help feeling a little sad. No matter how she was arranged, her room was definitely the furthest away from Song Qingshu. Although the two had not known each other for long, she was unavoidable considering the closeness between the two. Somewhat lost.

Looking sadly at the granddaughter's eyes, Li Qiushui couldn't help but said: "Qinglu live in my room, I live on the far side."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Why sleep in your room, she can live in the same room with me."

Li Qiushui: "..."

Tianshan Tongmao: "..."

Li Qinglu: "..."

Song Qingshu went on to say: "I have known her for too short a time, so I have to take advantage of this time to communicate and get acquainted."

Hearing what he said, Li Qinglu blushed, and after opening her mouth she didn't say anything, she looked shy and coy.

Tianshan Tong Grandma couldn't help but gave a thumbs up: "Song boy, I admire you a bit."

Li Qiushui couldn't help but smiled: "We don't have as many red tapes as other countries here. This is what a man should be like. If that's the case, that's the case. I'll go back to the room for treatment first."

"I'm going to practice exercises too." Tianshan Tongma left a sentence and turned around and left, leaving only Li Qinglu and Song Qing looking at each other in writing.

"Go in first." Song Qingshu smiled.

Li Qinglu blushed and walked in with some guilty conscience. In fact, she is not such a shy person on weekdays, but the relationship between the two of them is really weird. She didn't know much before, and the result was the closest relationship. , As for her arrogance and confidence as a princess in charge of Yipintang, she is not worth mentioning in front of this martial arts man. She has a feeling of looking up at each other from beginning to end.

When I didn’t know how to face the other person, there was a knock on the door outside the door, and he looked at Song Qingshu suspiciously, only to hear him say: “I just went to the inn to prepare hot water for bathing.”

Although there was no tap water or water heater in ancient times, it couldn't hold the manpower cheap. As long as you have money, you can enjoy comfortable services. The same principle has been true from ancient times to the present.

Li Qinglu has been running around for a day today, and she is indeed very slimy and uncomfortable. She also bathes every day in the palace, but now she shares a room with another man...

Concerned about gains and losses, unconsciously, the maid at the inn was ready to close the door and retired.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, "Why don't you take a bath?"

"Are you here?" Li Qinglu was a little embarrassed.

"Sorry?" Song Qingshu smiled, "We have this relationship, do we care about it."

Li Qinglu thought that there was some truth to what he said, so she hummed, planning to go behind the screen and undress, suddenly glanced aside Song Qingshu, and she couldn't help but be surprised when she saw his actions: "You...what are you doing?"

"Of course it will be washed together," Song Qingshu said naturally, "With the efficiency of boiling water in this era, plus the time they took to bring the water in, it would be midnight if they waited for the next bucket of water."

At this moment, Tianshan Tongmao, who was eavesdropping on the wall in the next room with her ears erected, couldn't help but spit out: "It's really shameless."

Li Qiushui on the other side giggled: "What a bad embryo~"


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