Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1798: Sister who is not sister

"Let's wash it together?" Li Qinglu opened her red lips slightly, with a shocked expression. Although Xixia is more open to the folk customs of the Southern Song Dynasty, but due to the limitations of the times, she still feels that such behavior is too ridiculous.

"We are so close, are you still shy?" Song Qingshu laughed, "In our hometown, it is very common for lovers to take a bath together."

As the leader of Yipintang, Li Qinglu has never studied the information of these celebrities in the world. Naturally, she knew that her hometown was near Wudang. When did Jingzhou have such a custom?

Despite the doubts in her heart, she still didn't question this after all, after all, she was already his person now, so it didn't seem to be a big deal.

Maybe Li Qinglu didn't even realize that her arrogant and arrogant subconscious actually had a trembling heart that obeyed the strong.

The blushing face quietly took off his clothes and went into the tub. It didn't take long for him to feel the lover also enter the bucket, and his face became more and more red.

In fact, Song Qingshu was also a bit entangled. It was typical of Li Qinglu who got on the bus and then made up the ticket. He also wanted to say something to bring the two parties closer, but the two didn't know each other before, and he couldn't talk about it when he wanted to find a topic.

At this time, the water mist in the barrel was steaming, and Li Qinglu was shy, so she didn't dare to face him at all, but leaned far away on the wall of the barrel on the other side, revealing only her round shoulders and black and beautiful hair. Just to avoid getting wet by the water at this time, she deliberately rolled it up on her head, fixed it with a hosta, and matched her long and white neck like a swan, which added a touch of nobility.

Although most of her body is hidden in the water, the water is crystal clear, and you can still see her shoulders cut, her waist smooth, and her graceful back. I don’t know if it’s because of the steaming heat or the shyness. On the back, a layer of bright red color appeared faintly at this time, coupled with some water droplets hanging on the skin, it is true that the white jade inlaid beads are not as good as its color, and the rose can not be clear and beautiful at first.

"Menggu, you are so beautiful!" Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire. It really deserves to be the existence of the young generation of Tianlong Babu.

Hearing the name agreed upon when the two were private before, Li Qinglu's nervous mood suddenly relaxed, biting her lip and replied "Menglang~"

Hearing her voice was sweet and greasy at the moment, especially when she noticed a faintly faintly fascinating expression between her eyebrows when she turned her head, Song Qingshu couldn't help but moved in her heart and gently pressed it up and hugged the girl into her arms.

"Meng Lang~" Li Qinglu opened her lips lightly, exhaling like blue.

Song Qingshu originally thought about saying a few more words with her to get acquainted with and exchange feelings first, but now that he simply gave up, it is better to follow the method of the original book after thinking about it. After all, feelings can also be made. The original book is as dark as Xuzhu. After staying for a few days, I finally fell in love with each other all my life. I even wanted to recruit relatives all over the world with great fanfare to find the lover of my dreams. No matter what aspect of my work, I should not be weaker than the silly monk in the original book.

Li Qinglu felt soft as soon as he touched her body. She didn't know how sultry the situation was. Soon the sound of water waves beating against the shore was heard in the room, with red-faced sounds from time to time.

Tianshan Tongmao, who was eavesdropping next door, blushed, took a sip and hurriedly left the wall and returned to the bed to sit up and start practicing, but she only knew whether she could concentrate.

Li Qiushui did not seem to be scalded like Tianshan Tongmao, she continued to lean against the wall, listening to the young couple next door, her thoughts could not help but return to the Boundless Mountain in Dali, that should be her happiest time...

On the next day, compared to Li Qinglu and Song Qingshu’s radiant face, Tianshan Tong’s grandmother had big dark circles under her eyes and glared at Song Qingshu from time to time. When she was practicing Qigong, she almost went crazy.

She opened her mouth several times but she wanted to talk and stopped. After all, eavesdropping was not a glorious thing. After all, she couldn't hold her face to talk about it.

Li Qiushui was generous, and took a moment to pull Song Qingshu and said, "The son is very stamina, but my good granddaughter Bigua has just broken, and I hope the son will feel sorry for it."

One sentence made Li Qinglu a blushing face, and she couldn't help but scream "Tuofei~"

Li Qiushui smiled, "Silly boy, this is a good thing. If there is anything to say, you will know how happy you are in the future." At the beginning of last night, she admired the sweetness of the couple next door, and cherished her memory of herself and Wuyazi. She used to have happy times, but her smile stiffened afterwards. After all, Wuyazi could never last for that long. She couldn't connect the two together, and the memories of the past were shattered.

Li Qiushui didn’t know when to go back to bed, anyway, she was hot all over her body. She always liked beautiful boys the most, and even had the urge to hook up with each other desperately, but the opponent’s martial arts was too high, so she couldn’t help it. After all, he was Qing Lu's lover, so she didn't get entangled.

A few people along the way rushed like this during the day, Song Qingshu helped Tianshan Tongmao to channel the boiling innocence, and at night, he and Li Qinglu hid in the room to fully communicate... The relationship between the two is no longer as raw as it was at the beginning, and soon it was like a passionate love. Lovers are generally like glue.

Unknowingly, he has left Xixia for a long distance, but he really complied with that idiom.

On this day, the group of people stopped to rest by a lake. Song Qingshu took out a map and studied it. “It should be in Songzhou in a few days.” Wuyazi now lives with his disciple, Mr. Congbian, Mr. Congbian. He lives near Leigu Mountain in Songzhou.

"No Yazi~" Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui started talking together, looking excited.

Only Li Qinglu's expression was normal. She had always been indifferent to her grandmother, an old lover. She even felt dissatisfied that she had caused her grandmother to forget her revenge. Thanks to Song Qingshu's company along the way, she had no time to think about other things when she was trapped in Sweet China.

"You monk, you have the ability to go to my cousin. What is the ability to bully me from a female class who doesn't know martial arts!" At this moment, a young girl's voice came not far away, although the tone was audible. The host's anger, but the voice is still so soft and moving, as if there is a kind of inexplicable magic power, which can be heard at ease.

The group followed the prestige, and saw a tall and burly monk walking from a distance, and a young novice monk with delicate faces behind him...

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