Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1802: Past grievances

Kumazhi’s eyes were as big as a copper bell, and the opponent's steps were really weird. Just now, he was determined to hit the air with a move that she was determined to win. Who knew that this woman actually subdued the other party with an understatement. That move seemed to have a hole in the gap. This function is a bit more brilliant than his own crane control skill; this is not the key, the key is that it is really shameful to grasp the timing of the shot, and he thinks that he can't do it in the face of such a brilliant light work. As accurate as hers.

Kumazhi is only a senior, and he has not put this delicate woman in his eyes. He did not expect that the martial arts revealed by the opponent's casual blow just now seemed to be above him-of course this is him. He was arrogant, because he didn't know that Li Qiushui had been immersed in Lingbo's microsteps for decades, and he was so familiar with the changes, so he was able to lightly stop the opponent in such an understatement.

Suddenly Kumazhi was a little envious of Song Qingshu, and every time he was surrounded by many stunning beauties, he didn't expect to pull out martial arts one by one and it would be so shocking to the world. What should be done to other men, fortunately the little monk has already become a monk. Don't worry about these troubles...

While Ku Mazhi was shocked, Li Qiushui's heart was as shocked as his. Before seeing him defeated by the hand of the child's grandmother who was defeated by seven or eight successes, there was still a bit of contempt in his heart, especially when he saw what he called the seventy. The two stunts are actually driven by small phaseless power, and his small phaseless power is obviously incomplete, and he will only be suppressed to death when he encounters himself, but just now the other party’s void slashed, and the room was instantly swayed. Let her alarm.

Tianshan Tongmao on the side also kept looking at the long burnt black knife mark left on the floor, secretly smacked: Is this the flame knife mentioned by Song Xiaozi? If he used this at first, I really wouldn’t Easy to handle...

"Miss Wang, are you okay?" At this time, an ardent voice interrupted the contemplation of several people.

"I'm not... okay." Looking at Duan Yu who was a little embarrassed when he fell in front of him, Wang Yuyan thought I was sitting here, but you fell and asked me if there was anything wrong?

Seeing Wang Yuyan, Duan Yu's bones were a little crisp, and he was full of thoughts about where to start.

Li Qiushui spoke at this moment: "Where did the son learn Lingbo Weibu from?"

"I..." Duan Yu subconsciously wanted to answer, and suddenly saw Li Qiushui's appearance, the whole person was like thunder, "God... Sister God?"

Li Qiushui was also startled, and then she trembled with a smile: "What does the son call me?"

"Sister Shenxian, you are Sister Shenxian." Duan Yu was completely stunned, not even looking at Wang Yuyan beside him, and he crawled towards Li Qiushui, "You really exist..."

He called Wang Yuyan, the fairy sister before, because she looked a bit similar to the jade statue, but after carefully distinguishing the two, he still saw that the two were very different. The jade statue was tender and charming as the eyes flowed, but Wang Yuyan was more. The young girl is innocent, and he is so demonized that he can naturally distinguish the difference between them.

Now that I see the true Lord, how can we not be ecstatic?

"Sister Shenxian, Duan Yu thinks you have a hard time thinking." Duan Yu's eyes were confused, he only regarded the person in front of him as the jade statue in the Boundless Jade Cave, and subconsciously reached out to touch the other's face.

At the beginning, he got the silk silk on the soles of the jade statue, which recorded martial arts such as Beiming magical arts, Lingbo Weibu, etc., but he had never liked martial arts. These were not too much in his heart. Instead, it was the map on the cheat book. It is exactly the naked-body portrait of the fairy sister, with acupuncture points clearly marked on her body. Duan Yu is just at the age of blood and gang. Naturally, such a picture scroll can't put it down. I don't know how many days and nights he has been with him, so when I see it Real people would be so gaffey.

Although Li Qiushui has always been coquettish, she is not the kind of woman who can be touched by a stranger casually, and slightly backed away from the other's hand: "Is the son admitted to the wrong person?"

Duan Yu murmured to himself: "I think about my fairy sister, if I don't dare to forget it, how can I admit my mistakes?"

Wang Yuyan on the side frowned when he saw his whole person haunting her grandmother. She had always thought that Duan Yu had a deep affection for her. Although it was difficult to accept this feeling, she was moved in her heart. Now she is in this situation. Only then did he realize that it was just that he and the fairy sister in his mind looked a bit similar, and that was why he looked at him differently.

Secretly sighed, but she didn't say anything.

"Shizi, Shizi~" At this time, the several retainers who followed Duan Yu reacted one after another. It was really embarrassing to see their ancestors pestering other girls like a prodigal son, and shaking their heads one after another.

It's a pity that Duan Yu's obsession with Sister Shenxian has fallen into the devil, so there is no way to listen to their comfort.

"Amitabha!" Suddenly a Buddha horn came, like a big bell in a temple in the early morning, and the entire inn couldn't help but feel shocked.

Duan Yu seemed to be drunk with a smashed head, his eyes instantly regained his clarity, and he hurriedly saluted: "Duan Yu was so abrupt just now, and I hope that Sister Shenxian will forgive me." Although he is not as enthusiastic as before, the eagerness in his eyes is still good. cut back.

Li Qiushui covered his mouth and smiled: "Why did you call my fairy sister, and why did you Lingbo Weibu?"

This was originally a big secret of Duan Yu, but Sister Shenxian asked questions, he naturally did not hide it, and he accidentally fell into the cave one by one.

Hearing that he really knocked his head a thousand in front of the jade statue, Li Qiushui laughed bitterly: "What a idiot. At the beginning, I was just a whim and deliberately designed an embarrassing mechanism. I didn't expect it to be true. Someone is going to kowtow."

When he heard that he began to practice martial arts recorded on the picture scroll, Li Qiushui asked with a smile, "Have you seen the things on the picture scroll?"

Thinking of the fairy sister on the picture scroll, Duan Yu's face flushed, and he hesitated, "I didn't intend to be abrupt, but I had to practice to save talents..."

Song Qingshu naturally did not have time to take care of Li Qiushui's play with Xiao Xianrou. Instead, he turned his head and looked towards the entrance of the inn. The Buddha's horn just now has vigorous internal force, and the key is that it is still peaceful, not as aggressive as the roar of a lion, but also capable Duan Yu wakes up, this skill is really a master of masters.

I saw several monks came in at the door, the first two old monks, one of them was half withered and half glorious, looking a bit scary, Song Qingshu recognized him as the Ku Rong master of Tianlong Temple at a glance. He had just arrived in this world that year. I once played the idea of ​​the Six Meridian Excalibur Sword and fought a battle with several monks headed by Master Ku Rong. Although his martial arts cultivation is high, he has not yet reached the top level of the world. The name of the Buddha just now is obviously He didn't send it out.

He moved his gaze to the side, and a kind-eyed old monk stood beside him, with two long white eyebrows drooping from the corners of his eyes. Although the eyebrows contained sorrow, they had a graceful and luxurious look.

"Is there such a master in Tianlong Temple?" Song Qingshu was secretly surprised.

"Yu'er, come back quickly." Master Ku Rong said in a serious tone, with a sense of majesty in his tone.

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