Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1803: Nine products and one positive

Although Duan Yu was a little reluctant to leave Sister Shenxian, he didn't dare to disobey, and couldn't help but muttered: "Yes." While returning to Master Ku Rong.

On weekdays, I have seen Duan Yu entangle Wang Yuyan so much, Zhu Danchen, Chu Wanli and others have also been persuading them, but they are only Duan's family members, and Duan Yu is the son of the world, and it can be imagined to have some effect.

Master Ku Rong is different. Even Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun have to bow before him. Duan Yu was rescued by him in Tianlong Temple before, and he taught the Six Meridian Sword. It can be said that he is half a master, and he is naturally in front of him. Don't dare to make mistakes.

After Duan Yu returned to his side, Master Ku Rong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Before Kumozhi made a riot in Tianlong Temple, he almost captured Emperor Baoding. Finally, he caught Duan Yu and asked the Dali Duan family to cast a rat avoidance device. He was afraid that the old thing would happen again today. .

"Oh Wawa King, we meet again." Ku Rong bowed his hands together.

Kumazhi replied with a salute, and his face was still so bright: "Who am I? It turns out to be Zen Master Ku Rong. Your Excellency is not sitting in Ku Rong Zen at Tianlong Temple. Why did you come to Zhongyuan?"

Master Ku Rong said faintly: "The Central Plains monsters are rampant, so naturally they come to ward off the demons and defend the way."

"Oh?" Kumazhi raised his eyebrows. "I was really disappointed when I learned the Six-Medition Excalibur Sword Formation of Gui Temple last time in Dali. Besides, this time the master's nephews are not there and the sword formation can't be set up. I'm afraid I want to kill the devil and defend my strength."

The nephew he referred to was the Benin and Ben of Tianlong Temple. It is necessary to know that the generation of Benin and other people is the uncle of Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun, and Ku Rong is the uncle of Benin and others. The seniority is very rare.

Grandmaster Ku Rong's expression was calm: "The way of demonization and defense depends on the deepening of the Buddha's teachings. The Ming Wang Mingming has a profound Buddha's teachings, but he is too obsessed with martial arts. I am afraid that he has some appearances."

Kumachi put on his generous monk's robe, and interrupted directly: "It turns out that the master uses his mouth to remove demons and defend the way. It is only for the sake of his tongue, isn't it also for reasons."

Song Qingshu secretly laughed. Ku Mazhi was not only a martial artist, but also a famous Tubo monk. He often gave lectures. He was eloquent and good at using sophistry. Why did Ku Rong stay at home for many years? Can you tell him?

If Kumazhi is hereafter, it is guaranteed to be the famous spray on the forum, and it will make you convinced by the spray.

Ku Rong has cultivated Ku Zen for a lifetime, so naturally he will not be broken by his few words, but the Duan Yu on the side is different. He has eaten in the hands of Kumazhi several times, and he almost burned it as a living sword book by him. It can be described as a slight favor to him. No, and noticed that Wang Yuyan was dressed up as a young novice monk. He was obviously captured by the other party. There was also the fairy sister who was mostly captured by him. His heart surged with pride, and she must save the two fairy sisters. Come out—wait, the girl next to them looks a lot like Sister Shenxian. Isn’t it Miss Wang’s sister, but I’ve never heard of Azhu Abi and others mention it.

When Duan Yuzheng was thinking about it, he saw Ku Mazhi triumphantly grabbing the shining glory, the young man finally couldn't hold back his temperament, and said directly: "Ku Mazhi, don’t you want to see the Six Meridian Excalibur? Today, let you see my Dali. The Duan's unique skills are amazing."

As he said, he shot out with a rushing sword with a finger, a few fairy sisters beside him, his heart was full of pride, and the six-channel divine sword, which was always ineffective, succeeded all at once.

Perceiving an invisible sword aura that opened and closed, Kumazhi's face changed slightly, and he immediately left the place with a light skill. The wood chips flew across the pillar behind him, and a deep hole appeared.

"Six-Maid Sword!" Li Qiushui exclaimed. Back then, she and Wuyazi collected martial arts studies in the world. The most regrettable thing is that the Shaolin Yijinjing is missing, the beggars help to drop the dragon's eighteen palms and beat the dog, and the Dali section. Clan's Six Meridian Excalibur, now being able to see it in person, can be regarded as making up for the regret of the year.

The Tianshan child grandmother on the side also watched the battle in the field intently, with stormy waves in her heart. He heard that cultivating the Six-Medition Excalibur requires extremely deep internal strength, and cannot be trained with Master Ku Rong’s decades of skills. He can only specialize in one line. Looking younger than Song Xiaozi, the young man can actually practice a full set of swordsmanship?

"I haven't been to the Tianshan Mountains in decades, and now the young generation of martial arts in the Central Plains is so powerful?" Thinking of losing to Song Qingshu before, today this young man is so powerful, Tianshan Tong's grandmother has no doubts in life.

When encountering the legendary Six-Medition Divine Sword, even Li Qinglu's eyes widened, for fear of missing a little detail. On the contrary, Wang Yuyan had seen it many times and didn't know how many times. Instead, she didn't care so much. She couldn't help but look at Song Qingshu on the side. However, he found that he was sipping tea in his spare time, and it seemed that the battle on the field did not attract him at all.

"Why is Brother Song so relaxed?" Wang Yuyan blinked a pair of beautiful big eyes and looked at the man beside him curiously.

"Miss Wang didn't watch it either." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, picked up the teapot and poured her a cup.

Wang Yuyan's face turned red, and she subconsciously looked at the cousin on the side, and found that she was staring at the two people in the field. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In order to hide her embarrassment, she couldn't help asking: "Big Brother Song thinks which one of them wins? Who loses?"

Song Qingshu smiled: "Although Duan Yu has a very high book configuration, his foundation in martial arts is too shallow. Compared with King Ming, it is really far behind."

As soon as his voice fell, Kumozhi had already leaned to Duan Yu's side and grabbed his shoulder with a paw. As long as he grasped it firmly, he could no longer show his ability.

He and Duan Yu are also old acquaintances, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of his martial arts, so they didn't use the flame knife to fight him head-on. Since the first sword, he has used light skills to avoid sword energy while keeping the two closer together. After evading a few swords in a row, his figure flashed strangely, and many people in the field just felt that there was a flower in front of him, and he had bullied Duan Yu's side.

Duan Yu was also panicked at this time. The Six Meridian Divine Sword used his left and right hands together, trying to force the opponent away, but the more he panicked, the less he listened to his call. He was able to shoot sword energy before. As a result, he failed to use the sword energy in several consecutive moves. Make it out.

Kumomachi snorted and grabbed directly on his shoulder well. He only waited for a spit to subdue the opponent. At this moment, he felt his palm numb and hurriedly pulled away and pulled away.

He always felt that the old white-browed monk by the edge of Ku Rong was a bit unpredictable, so he secretly guarded it, but if he was so, he almost got the trick.

"Amitabha Buddha, good is good." The old white-browed monk folded his hands together, and did not take the opportunity to pursue it, as if he hadn't moved from beginning to end.

Seeing his grace and grace, and the integrity of his shots, Kumozhi also admired him a bit, and said in response: "I heard that the Dali Duan clan has a total of nine grades of Yang Zhi, and the abbot of Tianlong Temple can only reach the fourth grade, Ku Rong. Although the master's skill is higher, it is not as good as the third-rank appearance. Compared with your master, the skill on the one Yang finger is far inferior. Could it be that your master has already reached the legendary first-rank realm?"

The old monk was startled, and then replied: "The King of Ming is really familiar with martial arts in the world, but Yiyang refers to the unpredictability of the first rank. How can a poor monk pretend to have achieved it. He has practiced hard for decades, and now he has only just seen it. It's just the threshold, it's still far from the real first product."

Kumazhi frowned: "Master, don’t want to blame me. Although Yiyang Zhi is a peculiar learning of the Duan family, it is nothing but a clever acupuncture technique. After all, it has its limits. Yipin, isn't that Yangzhi the number one magical skill in the world?"

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