Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1808: Inside and outside

"Zhang Wuji?" Hearing this name, Song Qingshu had no trouble in his heart now, but he was a little surprised to know that he and Huo Qingtong had entered into a marriage contract, but soon he was relieved. You must know that Mingjiao and Huibu live next to each other. Facing the pressure of Mongolia together, it can be said to be cold and toothless. The union is an inevitable choice. In order to get closer to each other, marriage is the simplest and most effective method. As the daughter of the tribe leader, Huo Qingtong is born beautiful. Doing my part has become the protagonist of the marriage.

"I don't know if Princess Xiangxiang will also be the target of the marriage." Song Qingshu thought of the woman in the original book, wondering if her appearance in this world is so exaggerated.

But now Zhang Wuji should have become Zhang Wuji...

Recalling the last time I was on the Blackwood Cliff, I had made hands and feet in Mingzun’s "Sucking Stars-Dharma". The Yin and Yang Qi in his body would be unknowingly disordered, and eventually he would completely lose some aspect of its function. Actually marrying others cheeky.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but deeply contempt for this, but it is also possible that the marriage contract between the two had been finalized a long time ago.

Taking a look at Huo Qingtong, who was beautiful and beautiful in the distance, Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic. In the original work, her fate was not so good. Unexpectedly, the world was even harder, and her weak shoulders not only had to bear the responsibilities that did not belong to this age, but also To marry an unfamiliar man for the benefit of the tribe, that's all right. Before getting married, you are destined to live your widowhood for a lifetime. This is sad enough.

"Does your kid have any special hobbies and just stare at his fiancée?" Tianshan Tongmao on the side noticed that his eyes kept glaring at Huo Qingtong, and she couldn't help but say with a weird smile recently. .

Song Qingshu's smile froze. At this time, Li Qinglu and Wang Yuyan looked at him. Especially when they came into contact with Wang Yuyan's pure and suspicious eyes, he couldn't help being annoyed: "What nonsense, I'm just thinking about going back to the ministry and forming an alliance with Mingjiao. "

"Really?" Seeing Tianshan Tongmao's expression, it was obvious that he didn't believe a word.

Song Qingshu was angry: "Being a prisoner must have the consciousness of being a prisoner. Do you dare to talk back, believe it or not, I will sell you to Yihonglou?"

"You!" Tianshan Tongmao instantly exploded her hair.

"Why, want to do it?" Song Qingshu smiled disdainfully, "First, you can't beat me; second, don't you want the cure?"

Tianshan Tongmao then remembered that he had hit his Three Corpse Brain Pill, so angry that she gritted her teeth and thought, but she could only sit down again, turned her head and sulked.

Kumazhi secretly smacked his tongue, how is Tianshan Tongmao's martial arts, he couldn't be more aware that such a big evil demon standing at the top of the rivers and lakes was actually a prisoner of Song Qingshu?

Even Wang Yuyan couldn't help but look at him more. After all, after walking together for so long, she still didn't know that there was such a relationship.

Lingjiu Palace has always been Yipintang's number one enemy. Seeing the Tianshan child's grandmother, who was regarded as a confidant, was so horrified in front of her lover, Li Qinglu looked at Song Qingshu with more admiration.

As for Li Qiushui, seeing the embarrassed look of her old opponent, she was naturally dying of joy. If it weren't for worrying about the other party's suffocating anger on her body, she had already begun to fall into the trap.

A group of people ran out of food with their own thoughts. Shaolin Temple and the Duan Clan of Dali walked together, plus Chen Jialuo, Yuan Shixiao, and others. It was obvious that they walked so close together to keep warm, in order to guard against the greatness in their hearts. Demon.

They were all in one place, and it was enough to make the world tremble. Song Qingshu didn't have to deal with it so easily, not to mention that he had important things in his trip, and he didn't want to make extravagances.

So after eating, Song Qingshu and his party went to some rooms in the backyard of the inn to rest. The monks of Shaolin Temple originally planned to settle here, but Song Qingshu was here. They only felt uncomfortable, so they got up and left to find another place.

Ku Rong and Yi Deng were originally communicating the Dharma with them, and the two of them were in the same spirit, so naturally they could only advance and retreat with them. Duan Yu was actually very reluctant to leave the fairy sister, but he couldn't be stunned by the elders such as Ku Rong, so he had to walk back three steps. Up.

As for Chen Jialuo and the others, they were at a loss. He originally wanted to use Shaolin's power to frustrate Song Qingshu's spirit, but he didn't expect that Shaolin people would avoid each other, making it like a retreat. No wonder he didn't know it. After all, the Shaolin crowd last time. The master was defeated by Song Qingshu and no one else was present. Shaolin naturally kept secret about this.

But letting him stay alone to face Song Qingshu was a bit big, and he simply left with the people from Shaolin Temple. Huo Qingtong didn't want to leave, but after all, walking with Chen Jialuo and Yuan Shixiao, he could only leave thoughtfully.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile: "Look at the boy Duan Yu looking back three times. Look at this one for a while, then look at that one for a while. I don't know if he is reluctant to bear the king girl or the fairy sister. , Or reluctant to bear the princess."

These words made a few women irritated. Compared with the shy girl, Li Qiushui was much more calm: "I think that girl Huo is also looking back three times. I don't know if the son thought of her appointment for the evening. I came to you but couldn't achieve it. I felt a little disappointed."

Song Qingshu: "..."

Jiang was really old and spicy, which made him wisely not entangled in this topic.

At night, it was naturally Song Qingshu and Li Qinglu in the same room, Wang Yuyan and Li Qiushui in the same room. The grandparents and grandchildren had not seen each other for so many years. After all, they had something to say. On the other side was Tianshan Tong's grandmother, and Kumozhi’s room was the most. Aside.

After closing the door, Li Qinglu was hugged by Song Qingshu. She naturally understood what he was going to do. Her face flushed, and she whispered softly: "Wait a little bit quieter, the next door is all people." No wonder she was embarrassed, with grandmother and grandmother on one side. My younger sister has a poisonous tongue on one side. Although Kumozhi is far apart, his skills are profound, his ears and eyesight are clear, so he can't escape his eyes and ears with any strange sound.

Holding the soft and boneless girl in her arms and smelling the faint fragrance of the girl, Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and said: "This sentence should be said to you, anyway, I don't make a lot of noise."

"Hate~" Li Qinglu's face turned red with a few words.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Song Qingshu poked his head out of the bed impatiently: "Who?"

"Song son, it's me." Huo Qingtong's clear voice came from outside the door, "I have an appointment with the son during the day. There are some things I want to discuss with the son..."

"I'm not free now, wait a minute." Song Qingshu got into the quilt again and hung her out of the house.

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