Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1809: Knowingly can't do it

Huo Qingtong didn't expect to have a closed door. In her opinion, even if Song Qingshu disagrees with the alliance, she still has to do some face-saving efforts. How can she not see her behind closed doors?

If she had no other fetters, she would just turn around and leave when she encountered such a situation, but she was shouldering the fate and future of her people. She came to Central Plains on this trip to unite with some potential allies. Even if she was wronged, it wouldn't be a big deal.

In this way, Huo Qingtong's mood is much calmer. After all, she is the leader of one party, and she can distinguish the interests. It is not comparable to those spoiled eldest ladies.

Since the other party asked her to wait, she would stand outside the door and wait. Maybe he would apologize a little later when he came out, and then he would be able to take the initiative in the negotiation.

But suddenly her face turned red, because at this time she heard a faint voice coming from the room. Although the voice was deliberately suppressed, she happened to be standing at the door, and she was also a martial artist. How can people not hear?

Although Huo Qingtong is an unmanned girl, she is the leader of one party, and of course she is not like those young ladies who don't know anything about these things. You can understand what this sound is. .

Now she is embarrassed. Can she continue to stay here? Why is she as embarrassed as a little girl; but if she leaves immediately, she seems to be sincere enough...

At the same time she was embarrassed, Li Qinglu in the room was even more embarrassed, her pretty face was already so red: "Is someone looking for you outside?"

Song Qingshu replied directly: "Ignore her."

Li Qinglu's face blushed quickly, "What if someone else has important things?"

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "No matter how important is it than ours?"

Li Qinglu was so embarrassed that she turned directly into the bed: "How can I see people later like this~"

"The love between men and women is human nature, what's so shameful?" Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and said, "Please cooperate with us and end it soon. I can go out and drive her away in a while."

Li Qinglu screamed, her whole body softened...

I don’t know how long it took. When Song Qingshu came out of the house, he found Huo Qingtong standing in the courtyard, seeming to admire the moonlight: "Miss Huo is really elegant."

Huo Qingtong turned around, her originally pale skin was now tinged with a faint blush under the moonlight: "When it comes to Yaxing, how can it be compared to Song Gongzi." There was a bit of sarcasm in her voice. After all, no matter who was left outside for so long, it would not be in a good mood, not to mention that she, a girl, was forced to listen to so many red-faced things.

"You and I both have Yaxing tonight, it seems that they are still friends." Song Qingshu's face is thick enough and said solemnly.

"Who has that kind of elegance with you!" Huo Qingtong murmured, really wanting to scold him, but in the end reason got the upper hand and dispelled this tempting idea, "Since I'm a friend, the son treats me in the daytime. What do you think of the proposal?"

"What proposal?" Song Qing said in a dazed manner.

Huo Qingtong's breathing became hurried in an instant. After waiting outside for so long, she suffocated her stomach. She couldn't help but raise her voice: "Song son, I originally left with Master Chen Ruo and the others, but it was still halfway through. I secretly ran back to discuss with you, even if you deliberately left me outside, I would wait patiently. As a result, if you say this now, it would be too guilty of a gentleman's demeanor."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I am not a gentleman."

Huo Qingtong bit her lip and turned around and left. Song Qingshu saw that the time was about to come, and then said, "Miss Huo came to me in the middle of the night. Teacher Zhang may not like it."

Hearing his "retaining", Huo Qingtong also took the opportunity to stop: "He is him, I am me, don't say that I have not married yet, even if I am married, he can't control me what I want to do."

Song Qingshu's eyebrows twitched, thinking that it's no wonder that he can command thousands of troops and horses. He is independent and strong enough: "If you find someone else, he may not care, but if you come to me, he may not be able to bear it."

Huo Qingtong was startled, and then reacted that Zhou Zhiruo and Zhang Wuji of the Emei school almost came to court, but now they are Mrs. Song. According to legend, Zhao Min of Mongolia is not clear about the relationship with Song Qingshu. He killed his father and seized his wife. Hate, I think the relationship between the two is not much better: "I have also heard of the grievances between you, but when it comes to military affairs, Master Zhang is definitely not the kind of person who abolishes public affairs for private purposes."

"Oh, it seems that you have a good impression of Zhang Wuji?" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Of course, he is both civil and military, and he is my future husband. How can I have a bad impression of him?" Huo Qingtong still has some grievances in his heart, and can't help adding, "At least better than the impression of Song Gongzi. many."

Song Qingshu also didn't think so much: "Of course, there is beauty in the eyes of the lover."

Huo Qingtong was unwilling to talk to him anymore, and went straight back to the topic: "Young Master Song is a wise man. It should be clear that once Mongolia has completed the Western Expedition, the next step will be to deal with the Central Plains countries. By then, it will be difficult for Young Master to take care of himself. The principle of death, the son will not fail to understand."

Song Qingshu laughed: "Miss Huo should have heard about the matter between me and the Mongolian princess. There is this relationship. Even if Mongolia dominates the world, I will still be able to make a mess. What's wrong?"

Huo Qingtong glanced at him deeply: "Why the son deliberately pretended to be ignorant. Although you are now negotiating with Mongolia, Master Zhang has already told me everything, including your alliance to deal with Mongolia. ."

Listening to her, Song Qingshu finally put away his cynical smile. When he was on the Blackwood Cliff, Song Qingshu had a chance to leave the life of Zhang Wuji or Mingzun, but he still needed him to lead Mingjiao to hold Mongolia. The pace, this gave him a way out.

"Master Zhang can give up personal grievances and still form an alliance with the son. I really admire him for this." Huo Qingtong's eyes sparkled when he spoke.

Song Qingshu glanced at her: "It seems that Ms. Huo is quite fond of this fiance."

Huo Qingtong's face flushed: "The relationship between us will not bother the son. I came here this time in the hope of getting help from the son and telling the countries in the Central Plains to work together to fight against Mongolia, so that everyone has a way of life."

Song Qingshu sneered: "The countries in the Central Plains have attacked each other over the years, and want to work together? Why does Ms. Huo say such naive words."

"It's really difficult, but..." Huo Qingtong's face was filled with the brilliance of faith, "For the safety of the tribe, I can only do it when I know it is impossible." (https:)

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