Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1812: Beast blood boils

"The Cuiyu yellow jersey from back to Xinjiang is resourceful and resourceful. I saw it today, and I almost folded it in your hands several times." Huo Du stopped the wound from bleeding, his tone of admiration was hard to hide. You must know that he himself is good at it. People with conspiracies and people who are higher than their own martial arts can often win with wisdom. As a result, they faced Huo Qingtong today and almost lost his life several times in a row.

Huo Qingtong knew what kind of humiliation would be if he fell into his hands. Originally thinking about the safety of her people, she even wanted to bear the humiliation, but she soon thought that if she loses her body to this person, even if she escapes by chance, Mingjiao knows. After this incident, the marriage will definitely be canceled, and the two sides may turn into enemies. Without the help of Mingjiao, it will be difficult to return to the tribe, and the final outcome will only be perish. If this is the case, why should we be humiliated by this person.

With thoughts like electricity, Huo Qingtong has analyzed all the possibilities clearly. She, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, is really unwilling to face the next insult, and directly wipes the sword on her neck.

It's a pity that Huo Du has long been prepared for this. He is already familiar with the bullying of men and women. How can he let the cooked duck fly? Threw the iron fan in his hand directly, and knocked out the self-caught long sword in the opponent's hand.

"Why girls are like this, there are so many wonderful things in the world, why should you seek your own short-sightedness?" If an unaware person sees all this, he will only think that he is a compassionate and compassionate man and is admonishing a girl who commits suicide.

"With you shameless thieves, this world would not be beautiful." I don't know why, Huo Qingtong thought of Song Qingshu, and even hated him, if it wasn't for the **** who made her wait for most of the night, then After making such a shameless request, how could I run into Huo Du here so accidentally and fall into such a realm.

"Who said that, Xiao Wang will immediately let the girl experience the joy of being a woman." The wound on his chest inspired Huo Du's animality, and he walked towards Huo Qingtong with a grinning grin.

Seeing the other party approaching step by step, Huo Qingtong was a little desperate. She had tried various methods, but failed one by one. Although she was resourceful, there was nothing to use for both of them in the wilderness. She is also a clever woman who cannot cook without rice.

"A few years ago, it was so heroic to watch the girl riding on a tall horse and commanding thousands of troops and horses. I didn't expect Xiao Wang to be able to ride the rouge horse in the green feather yellow jersey under him today. It is really the most enjoyable thing in the world." Huo Du's eyes barely glowed green at this time.

"This rouge horse belongs to Master Zhang of Mingjiao, you want to ride it over your own capacity, do you think it's a long life?" At this time, a joking voice came from above his head.

"Who?" Huo Du was horrified. He had just looked around on purpose. It was a wilderness, and there was no one in a radius of a hundred meters. How come people's voices came from the top of his head in the blink of an eye?

Huo Qingtong also followed the prestige, and saw a familiar figure sitting leisurely on a branch, jokingly looking at everything below.

"It's you bastard!" Huo Qingtong suddenly lost her anger. She has recognized the identity of the other party. Who else can anyone besides Song Qingshu?

"Hey hey hey, is this your attitude towards lifesavers?" Song Qingshu suddenly became a little dissatisfied. In fact, Huo Qingtong rushed away just now, and he didn't bother to pay attention to her. Although he knew that the other party had misunderstood him, he did not catch up. Explain the meaning.

Who knew that the noise in the yard attracted Li Qinglu, Wang Yuyan and others, and they all accused him of deliberately using such words to make people misunderstand.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to explain that he had no intention of forming an alliance with Huo Qingtong for the time being, and he deliberately said such ambiguous words to let her retreat.

Although Li Qinglu understood, she still urged him to explain. It turned out that she didn't want her lover to be an image of a demon in others' hearts. Even Wang Yuyan was helping her. Although she didn't speak bluntly, she was also blaming in her eyes. There was indeed something wrong with his words and deeds just now, and his reputation would be easily blacked out if he spread to the world.

But a few women kept chatting, Song Qingshu had no choice but to run out to find Huo Qingtong to solve the misunderstanding, but he just happened to run into this wonderful scene.

"Who wants you... rescued..." Huo Qingtong said halfway, his aura fell. After all, compared with Huo Du, it is better to deal with **** like Song Qingshu-at least he can still negotiate terms. Huo Du simply wanted to satisfy the animal desire.

At this time, Huo Du also recognized Song Qingshu, and he couldn't help being frightened. After the two had dealt a few times, he naturally knew the horror of each other. At this time, he was completely unable to resist, and squashed his head to apologize: " It turns out that Ms. Huo is Song Gongzi’s woman. The villain deserves to die. She offended her and asked Gongzi to show her gratitude."

Huo Qingtong was startled. She didn't expect that Huo Du, who was still in front of her just now, saw the surname Song, and turned into a kowtow insect in an instant. The contrast was so great that she couldn't recover for a while.

Song Qingshu seemed to smile, "You can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense. Ms. Huo is the fiancée of Master Zhang of Mingjiao, but not my woman."

Huo Du kept his lips secretly, thinking that everyone is a man, don't I understand what your thoughts are? What's more, Zhou Zhiruo was Zhang Wuji's fiancée at the beginning, and Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji were also recognized lovers. In the end, weren't they all admitted to the house? This Huo Qingtong must not escape your clutches in the end.

Although he was mad in his heart, his mouth was respectful and respectful: "Zhang Wuji's fireflies, how can he compete with the son Sun and Moon? Sooner or later, Ms. Huo will recognize Zhang Wuji's true face and turn to Ming to become the son's confidant."

The words made Huo Qingtong tremble with anger: "What are you talking about! Who would go blind with him?"

Huo Du rolled his eyes, ignored him, and looked at Song Qingshu on the tree respectfully.

"You kid is very good at talking," Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel a little amused. "My son is happy today, you can go."

"Thank you son, thank you son~" Huo Du's head was like a garlicky head. In order to show respect, he didn't turn around and hurried away, but walked back while thanking him.

"You just let him go like this?" Huo Qingtong was a little unbelievable.

"Otherwise?" Song Qingshu shrugged, "You're not my woman, and he didn't provoke me, why didn't I let him go? Ask him to settle the account and go directly to your Master Zhang."

"I was moved by a few words of flattery from him. It really was a raccoon dog!" Huo Qingtong's eyes reddened and he almost cried out of anger.

"Whatever you think." The reason why Song Qingshu let Huo Du go was mainly because he was unwilling to subordinate to his ambition. As a descendant of Zamuhe, he and Temujin have a deep hatred of blood. Sooner or later, he will stay in Mongolia. One day I can help myself.

However, there is no need to explain all this to Huo Qingtong.

Huo Qingtong's impression of him was extremely bad at this time, and he was unwilling to stay with him any longer, struggling to get up from the ground, staggering to go far.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Does the girl leave now?"

"I don't want to stay with someone like you." Huo Qingtong gritted his teeth and said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to be with me, but if you are drugged, you will faint in the wild after a short time. If a jackal, tiger, or leopard passes by, the dignified green feather yellow jersey will become a beast's belly. "Song Qingshu's voice continued.

Huo Qingtong ignored: "Huh, in the Central Plains, there are towns nearby, where are so many wolves and tigers and leopards!"

"Then what if a man passes by and sees such a lovely beauty lying on the side of the road, in case his beast blood is boiling, and he will leave immediately when he is finished, you don't even know who the other party is." The nasty voice behind him again Came.

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