Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1813: Not deeply involved in the world

Huo Qingtong stopped and said bitterly, "Do you think all the men in the world are as shameless as you?"

Song Qingshu sighed, "If all the men in the world are as pure and kind as I am, then it would be a pure land of bliss."

Huo Qingtong wanted to leave as soon as he didn't listen to his rumours, but thought that the kind of possibility the other party said did exist, if he fainted on the side of the road and encountered some unruly person, it would really be crying.

"Miss Huo knows what is more unbearable in this world than being insulted by a man?" Song Qingshu asked.

Huo Qingtong was startled, "What?"

"That means being insulted by a group of men. It's fine if you run into a man. In case you run into a group of **** men passing by, tsk tsk tsk, that picture..." Song Qingshu described as he couldn't bear to look directly. expression.

"Disgusting!" Huo Qingtong was really terrifying. If she was really caught by a group of men... Thinking of this, she would really want to tear that person's nasty mouth.

"Do you really want to leave?" Song Qingshu saw that she was already hesitant, and then said, "Huo Du hasn't gone far yet." Huo Qingtong's face changed slightly, and he snorted, "You want to drive me away." , This girl just won't leave!" Compared with the vague threats from the other side, Huo Du's existence is real. She didn't want to be bullied by Huo Du for half a day.

Song Qingshu jumped down from the tree, "In that case, come with me."

"Where to go?" Huo Qingtong looked alert.

Song Qingshu said strangely, "Of course you are going back to the inn, you are like this, are you going to sleep in the wilderness for a night?"

Huo Qingtong's dizziness was getting worse at this time, and he bit his lip and said, "Can't you help me get the poison out?"

"What kind of poison is this, it's just a little drug," Song Qingshu shook his head, "Since it's not a poison, it can't be forced out. It's fine to get some sleep at that time."

"Sleep?" Huo Qingtong subconsciously covered her chest, "What's your idea?"

Seeing her wary look, Song Qingshu couldn't help rolling his eyes. "What's your reaction? I'm hungry. You haven't seen her before. Which of the girls next to me is not more beautiful than you? Got to find you?"

Huo Qingtong's face flushed. Although she was very confident about her appearance, she was really so dazzled when she recalled the few girls around him during the day. She was a woman.

However, she was still a little bit nagged about the phrase "Which is not more beautiful than you", and couldn't help but snorted, "I am different from other people. After all, I am the fiancée of Master Zhang, who knows if you will have any evil thoughts due to this. "Originally, she just said it casually, but after saying this, she was suddenly shocked. This possibility is indeed very high. She can't help but regret it when she thinks about it.

Song Qingshu suddenly stopped and looked back and looked up and down on her. "When you say this, I suddenly feel that your charm has become a bit bigger. Zhang Wuji's woman is indeed very conquering."

Huo Qingtong stepped back in fright. "You... don't mess around." But she also knew in her heart that she couldn't even deal with Huo Du, but Huo Du was so scared in front of this person that he didn't dare to say anything. What, how can I resist?

Song Qingshu smiled, "Don't worry, even if I want Zhang Wuji's woman, I still want her to surrender to me willingly, and she can't do things like that."

"Bah, it's impossible for me to surrender to you willingly in my life." Huo Qingtong took a sip and said categorically.

"Don't talk too full." Song Qingshu glanced at her with a smile.

Huo Qingtong's heart jumped, and suddenly he thought that Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min had also left Zhang Wuji and embraced him. Could this man be capable of magic?

When she thought about it, she suddenly became dizzy. At this time, the drug attack occurred, and her body was soft and she was a little unsteady. She turned around, and when she came back to her senses, she found that Song Qingshu had been held in her arms.

"Quickly let me go." Huo Qingtong was instantly embarrassed and angry.

"If you want to get dizzy, just get dizzy. If you are so angry, if you have the ability to walk by yourself," Song Qingshu said disdainfully, "I don't have time to accompany you to blow the cold wind here. Wouldn't it be good to go back to the fragrant bed earlier and rest? ."

Huo Qingtong opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to refute her. Now she felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. It must have been a fight with Huo Du just now, and her blood energy accelerated, causing the drug to completely evaporate to her limbs, she even felt that as long as You can fall asleep in just one breath.

But she desperately made herself unable to sleep again. With this man, the ghost knew what would happen after falling asleep.

Seeing her clearly sleepy but trying to keep her eyes wide open, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile and said, "Why are you so nervous? You haven't been hugged by a man yet?"

Huo Qingtong turned her head, obviously didn't want to answer this question, but turned her head just to reach his chest, feeling the heat and the sound of heartbeat, she unknowingly fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it has been, and in a daze, she felt that someone was taking off her clothes, and she was so frightened to the extreme in her heart. She wanted to resist, but she was so weak that she didn’t even have the strength to open her eyes, so she could only turn into a sound " "Don't", "Don't"...

The morning sun poured into the room the next morning. Huo Qingtong gradually opened her eyes. She realized that she should be lying on a bed in a room. After the initial confusion, she suddenly thought of something. She hurriedly looked down and found that she had All of his clothes are gone, and at this time there is another set of intimate clothing.

At this moment, she was as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, her whole body was cold, her teeth clenched, "Song Qingshu, you despicable and shameless bastard!"

"Why are you scolding Brother Song?" At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a gentle female voice rang.

Huo Qingtong turned his head and looked, only to see a beautiful girl coming in, exuding the gentle temperament of everyone. She was one of the girls who stayed next to Song Qingshu yesterday, like a girl.

"The nasty and shameless surname Song, of course I want to scold him!" Seeing Wang Yuyan's pure face, Huo Qingtong couldn't help thinking of his sister Kasli, and suddenly raised a heart of care. Why stay with that demon and leave him quickly, lest his claws reach you."

"Why should I leave him? Brother Song is very nice." Wang Yuyan glanced at her suspiciously, her eyes seeming to be full of ignorance and inexperience.

Huo Qingtong's complexion changed. In order to save more ignorant girls, she finally mustered up the courage to show up and say, "He cheated me back yesterday, and then...then stripped off my clothes and insulted me...". (https:)

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