Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1817: Invisible coercion

Song Qingshu did not expect Huo Qingtong to speak for herself, and Yuan Ziyi could not even think of it. No wonder she would have such a guess. After all, although she hates Song Qingshu a bit, she has to admit that she is very attractive and surrounded by so many. The beauty of Tianxian's confidante is the proof, she thought Huo Qingtong had only been in contact with him for a while and she was fascinated by him.

Huo Qingtong was taken aback, and gave her a shy and angry look: "What are you talking about!"

Yuan Ziyi curled his lips: "If you don't like it, don't you like it, why are you so fierce."

Song Qingshu was a little bit happy when she heard her words. He was simply sending assists, and even seeing Yuan Ziyi was much pleasing to the eye.

"Let's go back to Master Chen Ruo." Yuan Ziyi stretched out his hand to pull her.

Huo Qingtong hesitated: "I still have something to do here, and I will come back later." She wasn't reluctant to part with Song Qingshu, but Wang Yuyan took good care of her along the way. She didn't want to rush back as soon as she came. She was suspected of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, let alone trying to persuade Kumazhi and Wang Yuyan.

Yuan Ziyi curled his lips, always feeling that there was a ghost in it, but in front of so many people, after all, he didn't say anything and had to go back to Chen Jialuo sullenly.

At this time, after thinking, Chen Jialuo picked up the white piece and played in the chess game.

Su Xinghe smiled slightly before dropping another sunspot.

Chen Jialuo frowned slightly, and immediately after he dropped a white child, Su Xinghe responded again.

Chen Jialuo has been contemplating this game for a long time, confident that he has figured out how to understand it. However, Su Xinghe's move was beyond his expectation. All the tactics that he had planned were all in vain, and he had to think about it from the beginning, and it took a long time before he had another son.

Su Xinghe seemed to have anticipated it earlier, and immediately followed without hesitation. The two moved faster and slower, and they had more than 20 sons. Ku Mazhi on the side suddenly laughed and said, "Master Chen Ruo, give up!"

Chen Jialuo said angrily: "You are so messing up! Then you come to solve it."

Kumozhi smiled and said: "This chess game, which no one in the world can understand, is used to play tricks on people. The little monk has self-knowledge and does not want to spend more effort on useless things. Master Chen, you even me in the corner. I can't get rid of the entanglement. What do you want to do when you return to the Central Plains this time?"

He had a good relationship with Song Qingshu. He had heard of the grudge between the Honghua Society and Song Qingshu on the way, so he wanted to do a favor to his friends, so he deliberately taunted.

However, Chen Jialuo's heart was shocked. All of the feelings were mixed for a while, and he kept thinking about his two words: "You can't even get rid of my entanglement in the corner. What do you want to do when you return to the Central Plains this time? Huh?"

Gradually blurred, the white and black on the chess board seemed to have turned into many brothers of the Red Flower Club. There was a group of people in the east and a camp in the west. You surrounded me and I surrounded you, entangled in each other's fight.

Chen Jialuo saw his white-flag and white-armored soldiers and horses surrounded by black-flag and black-armored enemies, rushing from left to right, and still unable to get out of the encirclement. His heart became more and more anxious: "My saffron will be exhausted. Everything was in vain. I tried my best all my life, and I finally fell apart! Time is also fate, what will my husband say?" Suddenly he yelled, drew his sword and slammed into the neck.

When Chen Jialuo stood still and looked uncertain, Yuan Ziyi and Yuan Shixiao stared at him intently. However, he would suddenly drew his sword and slay himself. No one expected this. Yuan Ziyi and others rushed to rescue him, but his skill was lost and he was a step slower, and Yuan Shixiao was still far away from him, and there was nothing he could do.

Master Yideng pointed out his index finger and shouted: "Don't do this!" Chen Jialuo shook the long sword in his hand, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Kumozhi smiled and said: "Master Yideng, a great move!" He fought against the eminent monks of Tianlong Temple in Dali. Their knowledge of Yiyangzhi is already advanced enough, but compared with Master Yideng, they are still a bit worse. By the way, Yiyang Finger was used by Master Yideng, and it had almost the power of a six-veined divine sword.

Chen Jialuo's long sword was released, and he woke up from the illusion in a shock. Yuan Ziyi took his hand and shook it again and again, shouting: "Brother Chen! Why can't you solve the chess game? Why are you trying to find your own shortcomings?" His eyes were a little red.

Seeing all this from afar, Song Qingshu secretly wondered whether this Yuan Ziyi actually fell in love with Chen Jialuo? Really interesting.

Master Yideng announced the Buddha's name: "Amitabha Buddha, I don't know what is in the mind of Master Chen. He already has obsessions. He is only one step away from enchantment. I hope that the son will usually look away and don't be too obsessed."

Chen Jialuo returned a gift: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance."

At this time, Yuan Shixiao also stepped forward to thank Master Xie Yideng, and then said to Chen Jialuo: "This chess game is fascinating. It seems that it contains illusion, so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Chen Jialuo nodded, feeling lingering about what happened just now, and really didn't dare to try again.

Su Xinghe felt displeased when he heard them belittle Master's Zhenlong chess game, but Master Ku Rong is an old friend, so he couldn't say anything, so he snorted, looked around and asked, "Is there anyone else coming to crack the chess game?" "

There were still many people who were eager to try, but after witnessing Chen Jialuo's sudden madness, they couldn't figure out the details one by one, so they didn't dare to try again.

"Xiao Wang would like to have a try." At this time, another confident voice came from Songlin.

Huo Qingtong was shocked, following the prestige, who is not the dog thief Huo Du! However, he was not alone on this trip. He was accompanied by several people in strange costumes. She fought with Mongolia several times and quickly recognized that one of them was the Mongolian national teacher Jinlun Fa King, and the others were under Kublai Khan’s account. Master Xiaoxiangzi, Nimoxing, Yin Kexi and others.

Huo Du also saw Song Qingshu and the others, and couldn't help but groan secretly. He changed his triumph when he first appeared, and walked up to him to respectfully salute him: "Unexpectedly, Song Gongzi is here and he is rude."

Pharaoh Jinlun and others also saw Song Qingshu, and their expressions were very wonderful. You must know that Xiaoxiangzi, Nemo Xing and others were invincible at the beginning, but they were defeated by Song Qingshu in full view, and even Pharaoh was defeated by Song Qingshu. After him, seeing this hitting magic star naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, now the King of the Golden Wheel has become the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung, his confidence is much stronger than before, and he recovered first: "I have seen Song Gongzi, but not for many days, and his demeanor remains the same."

Huo Qingtong on the side opened his eyes wide. She had seen these masters on the battlefield, and they were very incomparable. They were also very lofty in the Mongolian army. She did not expect that before Song Qing wrote, she put away a jealous air. One by one is extremely respectful, how powerful is this man?

Don’t say it’s Huo Qingtong. Even the others in the field have changed their colors. In recent years, Mongolia has been strong and powerful. In addition to the fact that the Golden Wheel Fa King and his martial arts are really strong, these years can be described as rampant in the Central Plains, and many people have eaten their great power. Unfortunately, I didn't expect these people to be respectful and respectful in front of a young son. Judging from their fear and fear, it was not because of the identity of the other party, but simply because of the fear of this person.

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