Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1818: The missing princess

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and replied: "The Lord's light is restrained, presumably the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong has been accomplished."

A trace of contentment flashed across the face of King Jinlun Fa. He was quite confident in the dragon elephant Prajna Kung fu, but he fought against Song Qingshu several times, knowing that he was unfathomable, but he didn't dare to exaggerate: "Compared with the master’s power , It's not a big deal."

The people around him looked at him. Since King Jinlun Fa entered the Central Plains, he has been quite arrogant, and now he is actually dying of his prestige in front of a young man, which is really unbelievable.

"Why did the King go back to the Central Plains this time?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

King Golden Wheel Falun Gong looked hesitant, but still lowered his voice and replied: "Don’t hide it, this time we are ordered by the prince to find out the whereabouts of Princess Huazheng." Mongolia and the Golden Snake Camp have negotiated a peace, Ruyang The relationship between Wangfu and Song Qingshu is so good that they can barely be regarded as half of their own, and there is no need to hide these things from each other.

"Hua Zheng?" Song Qingshu was startled. In the last Southern Song and Northern Expedition, Guo Jing was regarded as an abandoned son and was seriously injured and dying. It was Hua Zheng who picked him up to treat his injuries. Could something go wrong in the middle.

As if seeing his doubts, King Jinlun continued to explain: "I got news before that Princess Huazheng seemed to have been here not long ago. We just came to investigate. It happened that Huo Du was here to participate in the Zhenlong chess game, and we were together. coming."

Seeing Huo Du standing aside respectfully, Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Since the little prince is interested, let's try it. This Zhenlong chess game does not say that it is only open to Han Chinese."

Hearing what he said, Huo Du was overjoyed: "Thank you for your success, Xiao Wang will go over and give it a try."

Song Qingshu was wondering at this time, why did Huazheng appear near here? Suddenly he moved in his heart. Could it be that he asked God Doctor Xue to treat Guo Jing for his injuries?

At this time, King Golden Wheel Falun Gong suddenly glanced at Huo Qingtong, and said a little, "Is this a yellow jersey from Huijiang?"

Chen Jialuo, Yuan Shixiao, Yuan Ziyi and others have been close to each other, for fear that the Mongols will be in trouble. However, these Mongols are so powerful that they are not very sure that they can protect Huo Qingtong. The only thing they can count on is This is Shaolin Temple’s helping hand.

Chen Jialuo had a good relationship with Shaolin Temple, and he subconsciously cast his gaze for help. Unfortunately, everyone in Shaolin Temple seemed to have not seen the situation here, and they all paid attention to the Zhenlong chess game, making him wonder what to do for a while.

At this time Song Qingshu's faint voice came: "Miss Huo is my friend."

The King of the Golden Wheel was startled. He did not expect that the other party would openly guard Huo Qingtong. You must know that Huo Qingtong led the Hui Ministry to fight against Mongolia several times. It can be said that he is in the first rank in the list that Mongolia wants to get rid of.

However, Song Qingshu's martial arts is unfathomable. There are other masters here, and King Jinlun does not want to take risks, so he smiled and said, "Since he is Song Gongzi's friend, he is also our friend, haha, hahaha~"

He had made up his mind that Song Qingshu could protect her for a while, could it be that she could protect her for the rest of his life? As long as she is alone, she will be arrested by herself. When the time comes back to Mongolia, Da Khan and the prince will definitely praise me loudly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but spit out secretly, thinking that Princess Shaomin is already the first beauty in Mongolia. With her favor, this servant is still not satisfied, and hooked up with the green feather yellow jerseys behind the two girls. The forces are destined to be mortal enemies, and it will be up to you how to solve it.

Huo Qingtong was ready to go, and thought there was a fierce battle. Song Qingshu did not expect that Song Qingshu would make a big crisis invisible with a single sentence. She didn't want to accept his love, but after all, she is a leader of the party, knowing that her safety is not only It's my own, and it's related to the whole family, so I didn't have any intentions and acquiesced to this relationship.

"Law King should take a look at your apprentice. This Zhenlong chess game has a magical nature. Just now, Mr. Chen Zongruo almost committed suicide when he played chess. I think your apprentice is almost missing." Song Qingshu said jokingly, Huo Du It was a timed bomb he prepared for Temujin. Naturally, he didn't want him to die here, but in the presence of so many people, it was difficult to rescue him personally. He could only remind him by words.

King Jinlun was a bit disapproving at first, but when he saw Huo Du's face turning red and blue, he finally realized what was wrong, and saw Huo Du roar, picking up the fan, and poking it in his throat. His fan was golden. If it is made of steel, it is guaranteed to die on the spot.

The Golden Wheel Fa King hurriedly flew out of a copper wheel and knocked the fan in his hand into the air. Then he leaped to his side and clicked on the acupuncture points on his body and said, "What are you crazy about here?"

"I...I don't know." Huo Du looked blank.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly. Regardless of whether Chen Jialuo or Huo Du, he has too much thought in his heart and too many so-called great causes waiting to be completed, so it is easy to be confused by the Zhenlong chess game. Murongfu in the original book also got the move because in this way.

King Jinlun glared at Su Xinghe and said angrily: "What the **** are you doing in Zhenlong chess game?" A chessboard made of stone is also torn apart.

Naturally, Su Xinghe didn't want to see the master's efforts go to waste, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pat the side of the golden wheel, but as soon as he touched it, the whole person was swallowed by thunder and spit out blood.

Everyone was shocked. Just now, Su Xinghe pushed the big stone stool to lift the weight to the Shaolin monks. He could see that he had a profound skill, but he didn't expect that he would lose to the King of the Golden Wheel as soon as he touched him.

However, after his blockade, the castration of the golden wheel slowed down a bit. At this time, a ribbon suddenly stretched out from the ground and hit the center of the wheel. With a bang, the rapidly spinning golden wheel was hit by a nearby large one. On the tree, that tree was almost cut off.

"Could it be that the little dragon girl is here?" Jin Lun was startled, and suffered several losses in the opponent's hands. He was about to have a psychological shadow on the little dragon girl and Yang Guo, and this ribbon was very similar to the little dragon girl's silver bell and golden lock.

He turned around and looked around, just to see that the person who shot was a woman standing next to Song Qingshu. She was veiled and could not see her appearance. Although she was graceful and charming, she should be a bit older than Xiaolongnu in age.

"Who is this woman? Although she was blocked by Su Xinghe before, she actually knocked my golden wheel flying with just a soft ribbon. This skill is really extraordinary." It was not just the golden wheel of Fa King who was shocked and present. Everyone was shocked. Originally, seeing her Jiao Didi standing next to Song Qingshu, thinking that she was another lover of his, no one cared too much except for a few words of envy and hatred, but who would have thought that the other party was actually a super expert. ?

Xuan Cheng saw all this in his eyes and felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that he would lose to Song Qingshu. Now even the martial arts of a lover next to him is not inferior to me? Unwilling to show the limelight anymore, he stood directly in front of the chessboard: "I'll try this Zhenlong chess game, is there any magic?"

In the distance, Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "It seems that the people from Shaolin Temple are also here for the Zhenlong chess game, but they are so big and mobilized in order to crack a chess game. It is really weird. Could it be that they already know that the chess game stands behind? what?"

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