Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1819: Conspiracy taste

"Oh, it turned out to be Master Xuancheng." Su Xinghe was a little surprised. After all, Xuancheng's status is very high, and he really didn't expect him to participate.

Xuan Cheng smiled and said, "Is there any school age requirement for those participating in the Zhenlong chess game?"

Su Xinghe shook his head: "No, please. Master please." He knows the purpose of the Zhenlong chess game set by his master, and he has already stated that there are no restrictions, as long as he can crack the chess game.

Xuan Cheng nodded, without any nonsense, directly picked up Baizi and got down.

Su Xinghe smiled slightly. He knew the ever-changing game of this game, and he knew every move already. The opponent's chess approach was no different from just a few people, and he immediately agreed to a black move.

Xuan Cheng quickly made another move. Su Xinghe looked at him with admiration and nodded: "Yes, the master is extremely clever, let's see if he can break through and open a way out." He made a black move. Seal the way.

Xuan Cheng continued to have a son. Su Xinghe smiled slightly when he saw it. Chen Jialuo looked from a distance and said hurriedly: "I'm afraid that this move will not work!" He also made this move just now and almost drew his sword to kill himself. He and Shaolin Temple's The relationship has always been good. Seeing Xuan Cheng repeat the same mistakes, he couldn't bear it and hurriedly reminded him.

Xuan Cheng nodded to him: "Thank you, President Chen, for reminding me that the poor monk has his own way."

Su Xinghe glared at Chen Jialuo: "A true gentleman is not talking about chess!" Zhenlong's chess game is related to Master's major events, so he naturally didn't want others to come and mix up.

Chen Jialuo's face was hot. He was indeed demeaned just now, and apologized embarrassingly: "Senior forgive me."

Su Xinghe snorted and stopped paying attention to him and continued to concentrate on the game.

Song Qingshu in the distance frowned secretly: "Looking at Xuan Cheng's confident appearance, do they already know how to crack Zhenlong?"

Xuan Cheng quickly made another twenty moves. Huo Du, who was watching the battle, sneered, "I think it's not the same as I was just now, but I've also reached this point."

Su Xinghe also looked disappointed, but he still said fairly: "There are still some differences. The little prince just had to think about it for a long time, and Master Xuancheng is very quick every time he settles." Suspicious, how does it feel that the opponent has kept every move in his mind?

Li Qiushui frowned and said, "This great monk is a little weird."

Song Qingshu nodded in sympathy, and suddenly asked curiously: "Will you crack this Zhenlong chess game?"

Li Qiushui glanced triumphantly at the Tianshan child grandmother next to him: "Of course! Back then, Wuyazi and I married under the Wuliang Mountain, and we danced swords and played chess for fun. Zhenlong is me and Wuyazi together. Researched out."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother was a little annoyed when she heard it: "Nonsense, Wu Yazi is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy. How can you have any knowledge in this aspect? If you really want to play chess, you may not be as good as me."

Li Qiushui was not angry either: "Senior Sister is jealous of the days when Wuyazi and I stayed together? Hey, I think it's really missed."

Tianshan Tong's face flushed with anger, but unfortunately she didn't know how to refute, she could only sip bitterly: "Bitch!" Then she turned her head and stopped looking at her proudly.

At this time, Xuan Cheng put a chess piece on the chessboard, and Su Xinghe couldn't help but said: "Making a fool, bullying, you fill yourself up and kill a piece of white chess, how can there be such a way to play chess?" He was obsessed with it. The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, coupled with the painstaking effort of the master, made him angry when he saw the other party in such a mess, even disregarding the face of Shaolin behind him.

Everyone looked at it, and saw that Xuan Cheng's chess piece was actually placed in a white chess piece that had been surrounded by black chess pieces. This big piece of white chess is still alive. Although black can eat it at any time, as long as the opponent has no time to eat it, there is always a chance to live and struggle. This is all based on this. Now he has eaten his own white chess, and there has never been such suicide in the chess path. As soon as the white chess died, the whole army was wiped out by White's eyes.

When Ku Mozhi, Chen Jialuo, Duan Yu, Huo Du and others met, they couldn't help laughing: "Is that a joke?"

Unlike their mentality of watching the drama at this time, Song Qingshu's expression changed drastically, because he understood that the most important thing to unlock Zhen Long was to put it to death and live.

Sure enough, Xuan Cheng said, "As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, the little monk felt the compassion of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, so he thought of this trick."

"Really?" Su Xinghe didn't dare to despise him anymore when he saw that he had said so. He took a piece of white chess he had squeezed to death from the chessboard, followed by a black one, and looked at him intentionally. Is it a mystery, "Master, please!"

Xuan Cheng calmly reached into the box, took a white piece, and placed it on the chessboard. Wherever he went, it was the empty seat that appeared after Bai Zi was removed.

This move makes a lot of sense. Over the past 30 years, Su Xinghe's thousands of changes in this game have been thoroughly dismantled, and no matter how the opponent plays, he can't go beyond the scope he has dismantled. But Xuan Cheng's suicidal move caused him to kill a large piece of Baizi, which violated the fundamental logic. Anyone who knew a little about the logic of the game would never do it. It's like lifting a sword and committing suicide with a horizontal sword.

Unexpectedly, after he made a move and killed himself a large piece of white chess, the situation became cheerful. Although black has a big advantage, white has room for maneuver, and no longer binds hands and feet like before, and loses the other. Su Xinghe had never dreamed of this new situation. He was taken aback, thinking for a long time, and Fang responded with a black move.

The people around obviously also saw the strangeness, and they all whispered, discussing the changes in the subsequent chess game.

I saw Xuan Cheng descending in the "Ping" position on Sanjiu Road, and "Ping" on the 28th Road. Su Xinghe had been prepared to deal with each time before. Duan Yu, Chen Jialuo and others had to think for a long time each time they settled down. It was his turn to think about every move for a long time.

Next, Xuancheng Luozi was in the "Go" position five or six. After eating the three black chess pieces, the surrounding people exclaimed again and again. It turned out that they had already seen that the white chess was firmly in the upper hand at this time, and everyone was advancing. I thought to myself: "I can think of these few moves. Everything is difficult at first, and it is the first strange move. I can't think of it anyway."

Xuan Cheng made a few more strokes, then folded his hands together: "Amitabha, little monk, this should be untied."

Su Xinghe nodded in a daze: "The first teacher arranged this game. No one has been able to solve it for decades. The monk has unlocked this Zhenlong, and I am grateful..." He thought of Master's plan, but the man in front of him was not famous for martial arts Not much lower than Master, it always feels strange.

But all of this was ordered by the master. In this case, it can only show that it was God's will. After all, he came to the three wooden houses not far behind and said: "God monk, please come in!"

Xuan Cheng nodded, walked straight to the wooden house, cut a big hole in the wooden house with one palm, and started to walk inside.

"Wait!" Song Qingshu stopped, what a joke, he knew that Wuyazi was inside. If Wuyazi was allowed to pass on his skills to Xuancheng, Wuyazi would immediately run out of oil, and these few around him Aren't women going crazy, in that way, Lingjiu Palace, Yipintang, etc. won't have their own share.

Su Xinghe frowned and said: "This is an internal matter of our sect. Don't come here to make trouble." The many disciples on the side moved closer to him in an instant, as if to fight against foreign enemies together.

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