Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1833: nameless

"This..." Wu Yazi looked embarrassed, "This is the biggest secret of our Xiaoyao faction. It is really inconvenient for outsiders."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother rolled her eyes, "No matter what, he can't be regarded as an outsider. It's okay to tell him."

Li Qiushui also said, "Yes, let alone Song Gongzi still has a great favor to us Xiaoyao faction, but you are the current Xiaoyao faction head, it is up to you."

Wuyazi was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the two people who were intolerant of water and fire would agree, thinking that he would be rescued by him today, and that he would need his help to heal the broken meridians. He also sighed and stopped insisting "Since It’s okay to tell the son like this..."

Kumazhi said at this time, "The little monk sees the beautiful scenery of this mountain, and is planning to go out for a tour. I wonder if Senior Wuyazi will allow the disciples outside to take me for a tour?"

Wu Yazi was taken aback, knowing that he was deliberately avoiding suspicion, and couldn't help but feel grateful, "Ming Wang can go to Su Xinghe, and he will find someone to be a guide."

Kumozhi saluted, and then retreated. Li Qiushui couldn't help but smiled and said, "This monk is not bad, much better than the great monks in Shaolin."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "Ming Wang is a good friend of mine. In addition to his love for Wu Chengzhi, he was originally a Taoist monk."

"Since he is a friend of the Young Master, he is naturally also a friend of my Xiaoyao School," Wu Yazi nodded, "Is the Young Master know the origin of our Xiaoyao School?"

"Xiaoyao School has always been mysterious and hard for outsiders to know." Song Qingshu shook his head. In fact, he had learned about scale claws from Fu Minyi and Wei Ruolan before, but naturally it was not as convincing as the current head of Wuyazi.

Wuyazi looked at the mid-air, and his expression became a little distant. "This has to be started from the time when Emperor Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin released Bingquan with a cup of wine, when Emperor Shizong of the Great Zhou strategized and used his soldiers like a god, as dazzling as the scorching sun, everyone They all think that he will be able to wipe out the badlands in a few years, but it is a pity that he entrusted his wife and children to his confidant Zhao Kuangyin when he died, hoping that he would protect the country for himself, but he did not expect the always loyal Zhao Kuangyin to turn his head. Then came the Chenqiaoyi Mutiny, the Great Zhou was replaced by Song, and the eight-year-old emperor was forced to abdicate and was demoted to King Zheng."

Song Qingshu nodded. This period of history is widely known. I don't know how many people criticized Zhao Kuangyin for bullying other orphans and widows. Even Zhao Guangyi took away his country. Everyone felt it was retribution.

Wu Yazi continued, "At that time, Zhao Kuangyin wanted to cut the grass and wipe out the roots, but it was a pity that many old ministers in the court at that time were greatly favored by Emperor Sejong and tried their best to stop them. This saved the lives of several princes, but Cao Wang Chai Xirang Still missing in the chaos, Ji Wang Chaixi was adopted as an adopted son by Pan Mei and renamed Pan Weiji; Qi Wang Chaixi was adopted as an adopted son by his father-in-law Lu Yan after his demise in the next week, and was renamed Lu Duoxun."

Song Qingshu said, “Then the two little princes have seeds of vengeance buried in their hearts. After they grow up, they have been trying to overthrow the Song Dynasty and restore the powers of the Zhou Dynasty. Lu Duoxun even took refuge in Zhao Tingmei and provoked his relationship with his brother Zhao Guangyi, trying to get him To usurp Zhao Guangyi's throne, he is profiting from the fisherman, but it is a pity that Zhao Tingmei's treason was suppressed by Zhao Guangyi, Lu Duoxun died, and his family was sent to Hainan Tianya Haijiao; Pan Weiji fled to the rivers and lakes?"

A hint of astonishment flashed in Wuyazi's eyes, "Master Song actually knows so clearly?"

"This is just a coincidence. I still hope that the others will solve the confusion." Song Qingshu thought of Tang Saier and Wei Ruolan. For generations, their family tried to recover Dazhou. For this belief, they couldn't help but some for a while. Sigh.

"The son really has a deep relationship with our Xiaoyao faction," Wu Yazi sighed, and then said, "After the coup failed, Pan Weiji realized that the grandeur was not exhausted, and I was afraid that it would not be a short period of effort to change it, so he changed his name to Pan Lang. , Founded the Xiaoyao faction, calling himself Xiaoyaozi, hoping to wait for the decline of Zhao Song's luck in the future, and then take advantage of the emptiness."

A hint of shame flashed across the face of Tianshan Tong's grandmother, "We are sorry for his old man."

Song Qingshu looked at a few people suspiciously, and Wu Yazi sighed for a long time. "Our master is Xiaoyaozi. His old man passed on our peerless magic and arranged for us to accumulate strength in Tianshan, Xixia, and Central Plains. Changes, we set off to recover the great Zhou dynasty. It’s a pity that a few of us were too shameless and jealous all day long. In addition, I was conspired by the adversary Ding Chunqiu that year, so that I missed the crisis of the Song Dynasty several times, Fang La Uprising, Zhong Xiangyang In the unity of chaos and Jingkang’s difficulties, if Master could have such a great opportunity back then, he would have succeeded in pushing Zhao Song back, but unfortunately he could not wait for this opportunity; we had this opportunity, but we did not grasp it."

"Xiaoyaozi has passed away?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking when hearing what he meant.

Wu Yazi nodded, "No matter how high the martial arts, after all, it is no match for the years."

For a while, Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui showed a worried expression. Although they look quite young now, the three of them are close to one hundred years old, and they don't know which day they will let go.

After noticing the expressions of several people, Song Qingshu couldn’t do anything about it. After all, life and death are the fate that people cannot escape. They can only turn their attention away from the topic. "Since the predecessor Xiaoyaozi has passed away, the person hiding in Shaolin is also Who?"

Wu Yazi replied, "Master except for our four disciples..."

"Four?" Song Qingshu was startled.

Wu Yazi looked embarrassed, but he wanted to say something, Li Qiushui snorted, "The other is my little sister."

Song Qingshu suddenly knew why Wuyazi was embarrassed. After all, it was a shameful past to fall in love with the youngest wife and sister.

Wu Yazi hurriedly broke the topic "In addition to our four disciples, the master also has a son."

"Son?" Song Qingshu was startled, this was the first time I heard of it.

"Master, after all, is a descendant of the royal family. It is his duty to open branches and leaves. It's just that he rushes to deal with Zhao Song and spends a bit of time in the family, so there is only one heir." Wu Yazi replied. .

Song Qingshu looked weird. It really meant to deal with the Spring and Autumn Period. What is the meaning of spending less time in the family, obviously it is a little less time spent creating people. "What's that person's name?"

"No name." Wu Yazi replied.

Song Qingshu was stunned, "No name?"

Wu Yazi shook his head, "You misunderstood, his name is Wuming. Master said when he will be restored to Da Zhou Jiangshan, and when will the royal family name be restored."

"What's that person's status in Shaolin now?" Song Qingshu had already guessed.

Wu Yazi replied, "I don't know the specific identity. Even when I saw him in Shaolin, I just thought of that little monk."

Tianshan Tong Grandma said at this time, "Back then, I had friendship with the master of Lingmen, the head of Shaolin's previous generation. I met him by chance in Shaolin. He was hiding in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, pretending to be an ordinary sweeping monk." (https:)

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