Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1834: Race against time

"It's really him!" Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh. All the speculation was confirmed. The sweeping monk seemed to appear out of thin air. No one knew his origin, and his martial arts was so extraordinary. Now he knows that he is the son of Xiaoyao. .

"Have you seen him?" Wu Yazi said in surprise.

Song Qingshu nodded: "I have fought him several times, and his martial arts is unfathomable." After a pause, he glanced at the three of them, "It is higher than your martial arts."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother replied: "This is not surprising. The three of us have only learned part of Master's skills. As Master's son, he also carries the hope of rejuvenation. Master will definitely give it to each other, and his martial arts will naturally surpass us. "

Song Qingshu was fascinated: "Lingshi is really amazing and brilliant, every martial arts is vast, enough for you to practice for a lifetime." Tianshan Tongmao's major is the Bahuang Liuhe only me, and no cliff masters. It is Beiming divine art, and Li Qiushui's major is small Wuxiang Gong. The three martial arts of the brothers and sisters are different, but they have all reached the realm of the world.

The three senior brothers and sisters nodded together: "Yes, Master and his elders are the closest people we have ever seen to God."

Song Qingshu secretly pondered: "I saw the sweeping monk several times. He seemed to be upright and peaceful. He looked like an accomplished monk. He also shoulders the heavy responsibility of restoring the country. He is much more indifferent than Murong Fu. I don't know if he is still there now. With the mind of restoring the country."

Thinking of the layout of these years, whether it is to let Cheng Kun instigate the struggle between the six major factions and the Mingjiao, or to support Chen Youliang into the main beggar gang, it does not feel like an ordinary martial arts school, but the plan is very big, I don’t know this is mysterious. Ci and the others mean that the sweeping monk is still trading...

"Song boy, the biggest secret of our sect has been told to you, you should treat Wuyazi now." Tianshan Tong's words interrupted his contemplation.

"Okay!" Song Qingshu thought that Shaolin's affairs would be investigated slowly in the future. The top priority is to cure Wuyazi and rush back to Xixia as soon as possible.

Wuyazi did not believe that he could really heal himself. After all, Su Xinghe and Xue Muhua had seen them for him back then. They used countless miraculous medicines and they were not cured. In addition, decades have passed, but they don’t want to refute the master sister. Li Qiushui's face, only then agreed.

"How are you going to rescue?" Tianshan Tongmao's medical skills are also very good, she did not choose to trust blindly.

So far, Song Qingshu has nothing to hide, and he said directly: "Senior Wuyazi, your old wounds have been healed. At this moment, you must break your hands, feet and bones again, and add more connections. Hope to endure. It's a momentary pain."

"If it can be cured, a little bit of pain is nothing." Wuyazi was originally a man in Yushu and facing the wind, but he could only nest in this dark wooden house like a handicapped person, and could no longer bear it.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother raised an objection: "Wuyazi's hands and feet have been broken for so many years, and now it is okay to continue the connection?"

"Normal under normal circumstances, but I have this." Song Qingshu took out a porcelain bottle from his arms.

"This is..." Tianshan Tong's grandmother opened it and saw that there was dark inside, and a scent of medicine wafted out. "This is the legendary black jade intermittent ointment?" Tianshan was originally located in the Western Regions, and The King Kong Gate was also on the side of the Western Regions, and she had naturally heard the name of this medicine.

"Yes," Song Qingshu sighed secretly. Since she had been with Zhao Min, she was afraid of any danger from me. She gave me all these elixir with me like no money, and the most precious thing was this black jade intermittent ointment.

"If there is black jade intermittent ointment, the broken bones may be restored, but..." Tianshan Tong Grandma frowned and looked at Wuyazi, "He still has his meridians injured. After so many years, I am afraid that the meridians have already shrunk, even if It's useless after the bone is connected."

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand a little, and a steady and peaceful finger force shot out. Tianshan Tong's grandmother shook her body and hurriedly resolved her skills: "Is this a Yang finger?"

"Yes, after receiving his broken bone, I will use a yang finger to renew his meridians." Wuyazi at this time and Song Qingshu's original situation are a little different. After all, Song Qingshu has just been injured at the Lions Tubing Conference, and the meridians are still there. There is no shrinkage, so he can directly practice Shenzhaojing to get a new life, but Wuyazi's hand and foot meridians have shrunk, even if he is given the secret book of Shenzhaojing, he can't practice it.

"After renewing the meridians, I will teach him the scriptures of the "Shen Zhao Jing" and use the Shen Zhao Zhen Qi to nourish the meridians. It will last for several years and half a year, and he will be able to recover as before." Song Qingshu continued.

"The legendary "Shenzhaojing" that can bring the dead back to life?" The few people in the field are all martial arts elders, and they are very knowledgeable. Naturally, they have heard of the name of the Shenzhaojing.

"If there is a magical scripture, Wuyazi is indeed expected to recover." Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tongmao looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes. Although the other party vowed to save, after all, they have no bottom in their hearts. Knowing the specific rescue method, both of them thought it was feasible.

"I really don't know how to repay the son for such kindness." Wu Yazi also showed excitement. At first he didn't take it seriously. Now that he listens to the other party's explanation and finds that he is really possible to recover, he naturally Not calm, and then realized that I didn't know how to repay the other party as a disciple in the room? Don't be kidding; pass on his skills to him? But the opponent's martial arts is only higher than his own.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Senior, don't bother, I have already received payment in advance."

"Taking payment in advance?" There was a trace of doubt in Wu Yazi's eyes.

Li Qiushui smiled and said, "Master Sister sent the Misty Peak Lingji Palace out for you."

Tianshan Tong snorted: "Your Yipintang has also been sent out."

Wu Yazi's face changed drastically: "No, I will find something to repay Young Master Song. I don't need you to sacrifice so much."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Senior, don't worry too much. I have already received your reward, and we have a deep relationship, so we should save you."

"Already collected? Yuanyuan?" Wuyazi thought for half a day, and didn't know what it meant. Even Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tongmao were stunned, but soon they thought of something, and they looked at Wang Yuyan and thought about it. Go, she is the only source of the two sides.

Noting everyone's gazes, Wang Yuyan's face flushed, and at the same time a heart beating wildly: "What do you mean by Brother Song, and the cousin is still here..."

Perceiving the weird atmosphere in the scene, Song Qingshu realized that they wanted to go wrong. He was referring to the relationship with Li Qingluo, but they regarded them as Wang Yuyan. However, it was not convenient to elaborate on this situation, and could only make mistakes.

Song Qingshu asked Li Qiushui to take Wang Yuyan and Li Qing out of the room. First, he explained to Su Xinghe and the others that the two girls would also need to avoid it. Then he took off Wuyazi's whole body clothes and asked Tianshan Tongmao to step forward. Tianshan Tongmao was a bit embarrassed at first, but when Song Qingshu said that she had better medical skills and was more suitable for this job, she no longer declined, and stepped forward to find out all the broken bones of Wuyazi, and then ordered his Sleeping acupuncture point, ten fingers Yunjin, clacking noises ceaselessly, breaking his broken bones one by one again.

Although Wuyazi was tapped on the acupuncture points, he still woke up in pain. Tianshan Tong's grandmother's technique was like wind, as soon as the big bones and small bones were broken, they immediately smashed to the correct position. Song Qingshu applied black jade intermittent ointment to the side, wrapped a bandage, and clamped a wooden board, and then she applied gold needles to relieve the pain.

Li Qiushui, Su Xinghe and others paced back and forth like ants on a hot pot outside, waiting for a few hours, and finally waited until they came out of the inside.

"How?" A group of people looked nervous.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother wiped the fine sweat on his forehead: "Don't worry, you can't die, and then let Song Xiaozi go out after he recovers."

Song Qingshu was secretly crying, and he didn't know how long Wuyazi would take to recover. The situation on Xixia's side was changing rapidly, and he didn't have so much time to wait. (https:)

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