Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1835: Live in the same room

Song Qingshu called Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tongmao in the room to discuss: "Wuyazi has been injured for a long time. Although the black jade intermittent ointment is magical, it will take at least half a year for the bone injury to recover. Being an ordinary old man may not be able to recover from the beginning."

Tianshan Tongmao also agrees with this view: "Yes, Wuyazi may have to recuperate for half a year before he can use Yiyang Zhi to continue his meridian."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly; "But I don't have so much time to wait here for half a year, so I need to go back to Xixia first, and then come to heal him in half a year."

"This is a little different from what we said..." Li Qiushui frowned. After all, she and Tianshan Tongmao had paid a lot of bargaining chips before calling Song Qingshu to make a move. Now he has left early, in case there is no injury afterwards. What should I do if there is any change in love? But she also knows very well that it is impossible to keep the other party here for half a year.

Tianshan child grandmother pondered for a long while, and said: "The Xixia period is dangerous, and in today's chaotic world, half a year is neither long nor short. People in the rivers and lakes may not have tomorrow if they survived today, in case something happens to you. What about accidents?"

Song Qingshu said lightly: "You don't have to worry about this. With my martial arts, no one can stop me in this world if I want to leave."

Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tongmao nodded secretly, they were very clear about his martial arts cultivation, and it was indeed difficult for anyone to hurt him at that time.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother thought for a while and said: "As the saying goes, you are not afraid of 10,000, but you are afraid of it in case. It is better to leave the secret book of "Shen Zhao Jing" first, so that in the future, even if something goes wrong on your side, we can also contact Dali. Duan's first treatment with one yang finger."

Li Qiushui said: "Wu Yazi and Master Ku Rong were good friends back then. If he were to match the bridge, it would not be impossible to ask Dali Master Duan for treatment."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother continued: "Song Xiaozi, we are not greedy for your secrets. Although the magical scriptures are magical, the martial arts of a few of us are definitely not under it. We have devoted all our lives to our own martial arts. It is impossible to practice other martial arts in the middle. "

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "You have been worrying too much. I originally planned to keep the "Shen Zhao Jing" to reassure your hearts." After all, he has to take over Lingjiu Palace and Yipintang from their hands, without paying anything, he has something. Sorry.

Seeing his agreement, the two women Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief. After all, although their martial arts are high, the martial arts of each other are even more unfathomable. They may not be able to keep each other together. Now everyone is happy.

Song Qingshu called Wang Yuyan in and asked her to memorize the mentality of "Shen Zhao Jing". The reason for choosing Wang Yu Yan was because he was unwilling to leave paper secret books. After all, "Shen Zhao Jing" was passed to him by Ding Dian. , I don’t want to spread too widely without the other party’s permission, but Wang Yuyan never forgets, just as the best person to memorize the method; secondly, is to leave her a self-defense thing, when the time comes, she will leave by herself, Tianshan child grandmother is moody, She was worried that she would be angry with Wang Yuyan because of Li Qiushui, and that something that could save Wuyazi on her body would make her throw a rat-injury.

Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui did not disagree. They came out of the room to leave a separate space for the two of them. Suddenly Tianshan Tongmao had a strange expression and said to Li Qiushui who was on the side: "Do you think the kid with the surname Song has any intentions? "

"What do you say?" Li Qiushui was startled.

Tianshan Tong snorted, "For example, it’s not too early today, and your granddaughter remembers how powerful it is, how can it take a few hours to memorize it by heart? I’m afraid it’s dawn by then, and lone men and widows are living together One night, although nothing happened, how could other men dare to marry her?"

Li Qiushui chuckled and said, "What's wrong with that? That kid is good at martial arts and good character. The key is his handsome appearance. He is the best choice for the son-in-law of Chenglong."

The most important thing in her tone is her appearance. Tianshan Tong's grandmother couldn't help but spit out: "Virtue! A granddaughter and a granddaughter, you are also willing."

Li Qiushui had a proud look: "Who made me be born with beauty, giving birth to daughters and granddaughters like gods, you can give birth to a few if you have the ability."

"Bastard!" This time, he poked the sore feet of Tianshan Tong's grandmother, and the two quickly smashed into a ball again, crackling...

After a few hours, the sky gradually turned white, and Song Qingshu in the room looked at Wang Yuyan who was yawning: "Miss Wang, have you noted it down?"

"Well, there should be no problem." Wang Yuyan thought for a while and nodded slightly.

Song Qingshu looked apologetic: "I'm really sorry, you are not a martial artist, and let you stay up all night, now you must be very sleepy."

Wang Yuyan's face was reddened: "Big Brother Song is serious. After all, this is to save my grandfather. It's nothing to stay up all night."

"Your mother must be very happy to know your efforts." Song Qingshu nodded.

Wang Yuyan felt a little strange, why did the other party's tone feel like his elders, and he mentioned his mother at every turn, could it be that they...

Song Qingshu's next sentence awakened her from her random thoughts: "By the way, you can practice this "Shenzhaojing" by yourself for self-defense, but there is a requirement, don't teach your cousin.

Wang Yuyan's face flushed: "Big Brother Song, although I am not a member of the world, I also understand the rules of the world. How can I teach this martial arts to other people."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "I'm afraid that your cousin is all over your head..."

"Big Brother Song~" Wang Yuyan suddenly murmured.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about it." Song Qingshu hurriedly waved his hand, "Go back and rest."

Wang Yuyan said goodbye to him, got up and walked outside, and stopped at the door: "Big Brother Song, didn't you and your cousin be fine back then? Why do you have to be so incompatible now?"

Song Qingshu thought for a while, and replied: "In this troubled world, it is meaningless to tell who is right and who is wrong. I can only say that I have already paid back what I owed him several times. That's it."

Wang Yuyan sighed quietly and walked out of the room full of thoughts, but there was a person standing at the door, and he almost ran into the other's arms.

"Ah~" Wang Yuyan exclaimed and hurried backwards. Unfortunately, after spending a whole night of work, now she is a little dizzy, and one of them is unstable and falls backwards.

Song Qingshu took a step, held her from behind, and looked at the door Kumazhi said grimly: "Ming Wang, you stand here silently and scared the other girl."

Kumachi looked constipated: "I want to knock on the door, too, but I'm afraid to disturb the two of you."

Wang Yuyan's face was flushed like rouge in an instant, and she left a whisper: "I'm leaving now." She fled and left.

Song Qingshu gave him a blank look: "Ms. Wang's face is tender, and Wang Ming is making a big joke."

Kumomachi smiled and said: "You left the girl in the room for the whole night, but now you are embarrassed to accuse the poor monk. Will it be too late?" (https:)

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