Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1846: Public toilet

At this time, the battle situation in the field changed, and Fan Yao Tengnao finally found an opportunity to dodge. The long sword in his hand stabbed the main body of the King Kong Gate with a very subtle and strange trick.

His smile solidified as soon as he appeared, because the tip of the sword didn't feel like it pierced into the flesh, it was as if it had pierced a piece of fine iron.

"Oops, King Kong is not bad!" Fan Yao immediately woke up, but it was too late to think about going back.

The master of the King Kong Gate grinned and pressed a palm on the body of the sword. The long sword broke into several segments in an instant. Losing the support of the long sword, Fan Yao couldn't help but fall into his arms. He was another big one. The palm of the hand was pressed on the opponent's head.

"Strong Vajra Palm!" Fan Yao's soul froze. If he was photographed, he wouldn't have enough life to die, so he hurriedly gathered all his power and raised his palm to greet him.

"Puff!" A mouthful of blood spurted, Fan Yao staggered back a few steps, his right hand had dropped unnaturally, and he had obviously been hit hard under the palm of Dali Vajra.

The King Kong Sect master gave a grin, and the whole person Dapeng spread his wings and rushed towards him.

"Fan Yao!" Wei Yixiao noticed the situation here, and hurriedly brought the peerless light work to Fan Yao's side, hugged him and flew out.

"Want to go, it's so easy!" The King Kong Sect master snorted coldly, and patted Wei Yixiao's vest with a palm.

Wei Yixiaoyun gave him a cold palm with a palm, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, but the whole person flew out of the hall with the force of a counter shock.

The master of the King Kong Sect looked at the layer of ice on his hand, snorted, and used his skill for a while, then he recovered as before, and instructed the disciple under the sect to say: "You go after it. Although Wei Yixiao is a masterpiece, he just hurt me. Under his palm, there was another seriously injured person who couldn't run far."

"Yes!" A group of vajra men filed out, chasing in the direction of Wei Yixiao's escape.

Song Qingshu's expression was a bit wonderful. Fan Yao and the others had just come over proudly, but now they fled in embarrassment. I think Zhang Wuji should have come here as they originally planned, but I don't know why he didn't show up.

At that time in Zhonggu Mountain, Zhang Wuji robbed Xue Muhua away, King Jinlun Fa Wang and Zhou Botong chased them one after another. Could it be that they were injured in their hands?

However, he immediately denied this speculation that Zhang Wuji's thousand-year evil spirits could actually be dealt with by the King of the Golden Wheel.

Later, the deaf-mute people found Xue Muhua's body, which was obviously killed. Everyone thought it was the hands of King Jinlunfa, but only Song Qingshu understood that the murderer was Mingzun.

"I don't know what information he got from Xue Muhua, is it more important than coming to subdue Lingjiu Palace?" Song Qingshu frowned and thought, but unfortunately he had no clue at all.

At this time, the Vajra Gate master strode to the center and looked around: "From now on, the Lingjiu Palace will be under the jurisdiction of Mongolia. Who has objections?"

Those island owners and cave owners looked at each other. Mongolia is now in a big way. Who dares to provoke Mongolia? But after all, they yearn for freedom, and they just tried to get rid of the control of the Tianshan child grandmother. Are they now enslaved by Mongolia?

Murong Fu and Zhuo Bufan's faces were quite ugly, and they could barely cope with the previous situation, but now that Mongolia has joined in, it is not for them to intervene.

I just witnessed the King Kong Sect master hitting Fan Yao and Wei severely in an instant, and they thought they were definitely not their opponents. In fact, if you change one person, the two may not have the chance to join forces. After all, Murong can add up and frankly. Reluctantly suppressing Xiao Feng, it is a pity that the master of the Vajra Gate has cultivated the impeccable body of Vajra, and he is invulnerable. Even if the two of them work together, they will not be able to break the defense.

At this time, the woman in the yellow shirt said: "As long as you help kill these troublemakers, our Lingjiu Palace will definitely follow Mongolia's orders in the future." They also want to understand at this time, the Tianshan child grandmother is estimated to have been more ill-fortuned, since In this way, it is better to use the Mongolian knife to avenge the sisters who died before.

The master of King Kong sect laughed twice: "This is not good. Although this group of people is not good at martial arts, but the three religions and nine streams are omnipotent, it is suitable for our Mongolian use."

"But how can we let go of this **** hatred?" The yellow shirt woman said angrily.

The master of King Kong Gate was expressionless: "This can't be done by you, now I have the final say here."

The people in Lingjiu Palace were very angry, but helpless.

"When did the Lingjiu Palace, which was fighting with us, become so ineffective?" At this time, another gloomy voice sounded outside the hall.

When everyone looked back, they saw two people, one tall and one fat, walking in stride. The tall one was wearing blue and black clothes and was extremely thin, but he was so cold and angry that no one dared to take it lightly.

In addition, the fat man was dressed in golden clothes with copper coins embroidered on it, and he smiled like a Maitreya Buddha in the temple.

"Reward the good and punish the evil messenger!" There was no lack of knowledgeable people in the hall, and they immediately recognized the two.

The archipelago’s main cave owner was still a bit rebellious just now, but seeing these two people, one after another fell silent, and the originally noisy hall instantly quieted down.

The reputation of reward, good, punishment and evil on Xia Ke Island is so great, especially for the middle and lower sects of them, it is simply a nightmare existence. A little carelessness is the end of being destroyed and invited to the palm of Xia Ke Island. There was no news from the door.

Speaking of the Xia Ke Island and Lingjiu Palace, the relationship has always been a competitive relationship. Both sides rely on the absorption of the small sect to strengthen their power. In the past few years, under the deterrence of the Tianshan child grandmother and the life and death talisman, the two sides have fought equally, but now they have not After Tianshan Tongmao, the Lingjiu Palace had civil strife again, and naturally it was not the rival of Xia Ke Island.

Song Qingshu is very depressed now. He was only planning to come in to see the situation, and then the wave was over. I didn't know that these people are like singing on stage. We will come on stage after you sing.

"When this is a public toilet, come as you want. If you want to leave, just leave" Song Qingshu suddenly said a line in his head.

"Xia Ke Island?" The King Kong Sect master looked at the two of them, and said lightly, "Guidao and our Mongolian wells have never invaded the river. Do you want to make an exception today?"

Zhang San smiled and said: "The master's words are wrong. The people of the 36th island and the 72nd hole, we have sent someone to blind date on Xiake Island several times, but Lingjiu Palace has been obstructing it. Now Tong's grandmother has passed away. Then no one will stop them from going to Xia Ke Island as a guest."

Hearing that they were going to Xia Ke Island, a group of people showed their horror. After all, because of the lack of information, the people of the Central Plains Wulins talked about Xia Ke Island. They didn’t know that this was actually an opportunity. Going to Xia Ke Island was not just a matter of death. , There is still a chance to learn superior martial arts, of course, correspondingly, they also need to listen to the master of Xia Ke Island.

The master of King Kong Gate has a sharp gaze: "Everyone says that the martial arts of the Second Envoy of Reward, Good, Punishment and Evil on Xia Ke Island are powerful enough to cross the world, but I think it may not be true. If it is so powerful, why never dare to come to our King Kong Gate to post?"

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