Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1847: Can't bear to look back

Zhang San smiled and said: "The King Kong Gate is in the Western Regions, and the Xia Ke Island is in the South China Sea, and the distance between them is more than thousands of miles. Even if we invite them, where did the master go?"

"Really?" The King Kong sect master said without a smile, "Aren't you now coming to the Western Regions from thousands of miles away?"

Zhang San replied: "Our two brothers are in the lower reaches of the sky on weekdays, seeing good rewards and evil punishments. Recently, they happened to be near the Western Regions. Hearing that there was a lively scene in Lingjiu Palace, we came over to take a look."

The King Kong sect master snorted: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, and I will ask you one last time, do you dare to take care of Mongolian affairs?"

At this time, the people of the Snow Mountain Sect next to him looked complicated. Before taking refuge in Mongolia, they were worried day and night that Xia Ke Island would invite people, but with Mongolia as a backer, even if they directly face the rewards and punishments that make the martial arts people look different. It doesn't seem so terrible anymore.

At this time, Li Si replied with a grim expression: "No matter how strong Mongolia is, it can't control the Xia Ke Island in the South China Sea."

The King Kong sect master laughed: "Say so much, it doesn't matter if you have to fight in the end, why do you waste so many words."

Zhang San smiled slightly and said: "I have heard that the master of the King Kong is incorruptible. Our brothers really don't believe me. I just want to see it."

The King Kong Sect master snorted: "Although you reward good and punish evil two messengers make others feel scared, but in my opinion, it is nothing but ants."

Zhang San said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, the sect master has practiced the magical skills of King Kong not bad, admire and admire it!"

"Looking for death!" The King Kong sect master was furious and struck him with a big hand like a fan of pupa.

Although Zhang Sanli's four mouths were relaxed, he didn't dare to despise him in his actions. He hurriedly greeted him from left to right, and took him a palm together.

Before, whether it was Fan Yao or Wei Yixiao’s cold palm, facing the Vajra sect master can be said to be instantaneous. The strong Vajra palm is his housekeeping skills, and he has been immersed in his skills for decades. Where is the average person? Can afford it.

However, instead of Zhang San and Li Si, the three of them shook their bodies together. Zhang San looked as usual, smiled and said: "The world says that the master of the vajra palm opened the mountain and cracked rocks. I saw it today, but that's it."

"It turns out that the people in black who broke the temple at that time are from you on the island of knights!" The master of the King Kong Gate was pale. It turned out that he accidentally suffered a dark loss when he met his hands just now. From his point of view, Zhang San Li and his four martial arts are no matter how good they are. It is not comparable to his nearly a hundred years of skill, and he is planning to break the two arms with extremely strong diamond palms, so as to shock the audience, so as not to wait for this group of people to think about other things.

Who knows that the inner strength of the other two is extremely strange, one yin and one yang, which dissolves his palm power in a very weird way. Instead, he was invaded by the yin and yang in the palm of the other person's body, making the true qi in his body extremely agitated. .

In addition to the yin and yang attributes, two extremely powerful poisons came from their palms. Presumably the zhen qi was also poisoned by taking poison to practice.

He had this feeling once before. That was when he and Xuanming escorted Zhao Min back then, he encountered eighteen mysterious masked people in the ruined temple. The group of masked people did not know the origin, but each of them had their skills. He was so tall, and with 18 people attacking together, he and the two elders Xuan Ming were immediately dumbfounded, and they were beaten into dogs in an instant with fear, and Zhao Min was captured.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Song Qingshu to appear, and even though it was a sneak attack, he dropped 18 masters in an instant.

This battle made the Vajra sect master terrified, but he recalled that although the black-clothed people had high skill, they seemed to be full of brute power. At first, he was scared and frightened. Relying on the power of King Kong to be incorruptible with them, he finally ended up. So embarrassed, if he was given a chance to come again, plus the two elders, Xuan Ming, and the eighteen masters, although he would not be able to win, self-protection would not be a problem.

It's just that there is no if in the world. Whenever he thinks about it, he stuns his wrists. As a result, he has just held hands with Zhang Sanli four times before he realizes that the masked people are originally from Xia Ke Island.

But this time, he asked to be big again and chose to head-on with the other party. As a result, he suffered a dark loss at the beginning. He was very knowledgeable. Since he knew that he was from Xia Ke Island, he naturally had heard of the fire pill and Jiujiumaru from Xia Ke Island. I immediately understood the source of the poisonous gas, but although these two kinds of poison were overbearing, he had a profound skill and he was also good at healing, so he would not be poisoned by these two kinds of poison.

It's just that the poison of the housekeeper on Xia Ke Island still made him have to divide a bit of internal force to suppress it, and a bit of internal force to dissolve the yin and yang two qi that invaded the body, so he fell into a passive position.

Zhang San and Li Si have so much experience. After creating a scene that stuns everyone, they attacked non-stop. The King Kong Gate mainly focuses on the chaotic string of vitality and toxicity in the body, and can only passively defend by relying on the incorruptible body of the King Kong, and I don’t know how many times he was hit. .

Everyone in the court really changed their colors. Just now, the King Kong Master made a big blow to the Mingjiao Guangming Right Envoy and the guardian of the Karmapa's heroic posture. I didn't expect to be beaten so embarrassed in the face of Zhang San and Li Si now.

Murong Fu was also a terrible shock. Just now, he estimated that he was far behind the master of the King Kong Sect. He did not expect that the opponent was beaten by Zhang San and Li Si in a blink of an eye. He was in the south of the Yangtze River. It was not that he had never heard of Zhang San and Li Si's name, but he had always I have always thought that it was the rumor of the truth in the rivers and lakes, and it did not take it too seriously; in addition, although his name is big, he is not the head of the group, so Zhang San Li Si will not find him, so I have only now realized that he has always been What a frog at the bottom of the well.

Zhuo Bufan on the side was also dumbfounded. He had obtained the swordsmanship in Changbai Mountain for several years. He thought he had few rivals in the world, but he has been frustrated since returning to the Central Plains. Now seeing this scene is like the last straw that crushes a camel. , The whole person is discouraged.

Only Song Qingshu knows Zhang San and Li Si’s martial arts best. There are many quick masters in Xia Ke Island, and those messengers who reward good and punish evil are about to catch up with Qiu Qianren’s skills. But the actual combat experience of those people is too poor, and they are completely accumulated by drugs. In the eyes of the top masters, the flaws are extremely obvious-of course, without knowing it, if you bravely fight with them internally, even if it is Wujue, you may capsize in the gutter.

But Zhang San Li Si is different, sweeping the martial arts every ten years, although he did not provoke the real top big faction, the formation of force to suppress the remaining half of the martial arts is enough to explain the problem.

If the two are alone, they are slightly weaker than the Wujue, but they can't stand that they both act together every time. Two quasi-wujue level (whether it is skill or combat experience) masters, it is no wonder that the King Kong Sect Master will also be crippled.

Everyone's attention was focused on the three-person battle. Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound came from the door. A group of people hurriedly turned their heads, only to find that the exit had been airtightly blocked by a huge rock.

Suddenly there was a squeaky voice, and a woman's voice said: "Where is the Lingjiu Palace, where you are allowed to go wild here one by one, and don't even want to go out alive today."

When Qunhao saw these scenes, he knew that he had fallen into the organs of Lingjiu Palace. Everyone marched forward, killing and catching a woman in a yellow shirt. After entering the hall, they also looked around for ambushes, but after that, some people had a life and death talisman, and everyone was shocked. , Things hurt its kind, coupled with a series of changes that followed, I did not expect to be in a dangerous place and perilous. When I saw the huge rock blocked the gate, my heart was dreadful: "Today I will give birth to the Spirit Eagle Palace, I'm afraid it will be great. It's not easy."

It's just that both Zhang Sanlisi and the King Kong sect master turned a deaf ear to this incident. After all, in their opinion, as long as the opponent is resolved, their own force can form an absolute suppression of the heroes.

As for the Lingjiu Palace, the Tianshan child grandmother is no longer there. What kind of climate can a group of young girls become?

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