Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1849: When spring comes, I don’t speak first, which bug dare to squeak

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was in an uproar. During this period of time, after a thousand dangers attacked the Lingjiu Palace, both sides got red eyes. Who didn't have a few lives in his hands? If you really want to execute it like this, how many people on the scene will be spared?

"Smelly boy, don't be ashamed!" A tower-like man jumped out, his eyes flushed, like an injured tiger. He lifted an iron bowl-like fist and smashed a coffee table with a bang. Then he smashed a coffee table. Charged to Song Qingshu.

Someone around had already called out his identity "Islander of Tieao Island! Owner of Tieao Island, Ha Daba!"

It turns out that Song Qingshu moved too fast just now. Few people around could see how Li Si was beaten out. They thought it was some mysterious master hiding in the dark. As for a young man like Song Qingshu, many of the island owners and Dongzhu didn’t. Take it to heart.

Hadaba looked down on Xiao Bai Lian the most on weekdays, and the person in front of him met all the definitions of Xiao Bai Lian in his heart. When he heard his rants, he naturally couldn't help but jump out.

The surrounding island owner Dongzhu was gloating, but it was okay to ask him to try that person's weight. Only Murong Fu, Zhuo Bufan and others in the scene changed their faces because they recognized Song Qingshu's identity.

Ju Jian, who was standing in front, saw Ha Daba's terrifying expression, and forgot that he was strong in swordsmanship, and was scared in his heart. As soon as he drilled his head, he withdrew into Song Qingshu's arms. Hadaba opened his big hand like a fan and grabbed Mei Jian. The four twin sisters were of the same mind. Ju Jian was trembling with fright. Mei Jian had been induced long ago. Seeing Ha Daba pounced, she exclaimed "Ah" and hid behind Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu looked strange. This little Nizi was really not ashamed. He took the initiative to hug him as soon as he met, but after reading countless people, he soon realized that the other party was not the kind of glamorous **** who deliberately seduce in his imagination, but because of the new year. A natural response to being too courageous.

Before, I really praised Tianshan Tongmao. Although these maids have good swordsmanship, they have never seen the real wind and waves, and they can't react to the moment of crisis.

At this moment, Hadaba has quickly rushed to see Song Qingshu still has no intention of making a move, and the people behind Yu's mother-in-law, Shisao, Cheng Qingshuang and others can't help becoming nervous. Although they know that the new lord is supernatural, they stand like this. If you want to hit someone, I'm afraid it will inevitably be injured.

But to everyone’s surprise, Ha Da Ba just hit an invisible wall just three feet in front of Song Qingshu. He screamed, retreated, and walked a few steps staggeringly. , And finally fell limp to the ground.

Everyone looked down and saw that his face was **** and bloody, as if he had hit a boulder at full speed, and he was dead.

"I can't help it!" Li Si had already "difficultly" tore his body out of the wall at this time. Just seeing this scene, he couldn't help but come up with an idiom, who had always cherished words like gold.

"Is this a body guard qi wall?" There is no shortage of discerning people in the field. Martial arts masters often have true qi guards on their bodies, and those with more advanced cultivation bases can even spread true qi around the body, but one or two inches can reach the sky. Yes, that distance was almost three feet just now, right? It is impossible for this young man to practice martial arts from his mother's womb to have such a terrifying internal power, not to mention him, even if he looks at the entire martial arts, he has never heard of anyone whose body guard can reach a distance of three feet.

However, although they have not seen it, someone has seen it in this event. Whether it is Murong Fu or Zhuo Bufan, they have seen him take action; King Kong Sect Master and Zhang San Li Si have also been defeated by him, naturally knowing that this looks warm and moist. Ruyu's son can't be offended at all.

"I have seen the Golden Snake King."

"I have seen King Qi."

"I have seen Brother Song."

"I have seen Master Song."

Several people saluted together, and even Zhang San and the King Kong Sect Master, who had just beaten you to death, stopped.

"Oh, why didn't you fight?" Song Qingshu glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile.

A few people share their hearts, thinking that you are here, and we are still slapped. But their faces become more respectful

"In front of the son, how can we dare to be presumptuous?" The King Kong sect master smiled flatly. He was defeated in the opponent's hands several times. He had seen him kill 18 top masters in one move, and even consumed his three-corpse brain. God pill, where can the courage of half a hostile rise in my heart?

"I had known that King Qi had become the new master of Lingjiu Palace, so why bother our brothers came here." Zhang San still said with a smile, but his smile was even more ugly than crying.

This scene fell in the eyes of the group of heroes, and everyone was shocked. Just now, whether it was Zhang San or the Vajra Sect Master, how majestic and majestic, any one of them was enough to shock the audience, but such a character is now so servile to the young man .

Don't say that the ordinary island owner Dongzhu, even Zhuo Bufan was frightened, standing there shivering, there seemed to be an invisible pressure in the air, everyone fought with fear, especially those whose hands were stained with spirits. The lives of the people in the eagle palace are even more ashamed.

Among them, Murong Fu was the only one who was in better condition, mainly because of his several failures in the hands of Song Qingshu. He was already numb by this time, especially when he thought that coming to Lingjiu Palace was the last chance in his life. Now his hope is lost, he understands that he is in this life. There was no hope of regaining the country, and the whole person stood there in despair, but Song Qingshu was not affected by Song Qingshu.

"Meet the Lord!" At this moment, the palacemen of Jiutianjiubu have already surrounded this place in the third and outer layers. When they saw this, they formally met the new owner. Driven by them, the island masters and cave masters softened their feet and followed. Kneeling down, shouting to the Lord one after another.

Feeling the vigor of the tsunami from the mountains in the hall, even an outsider like A Xiu couldn't help but kneel down. She was a little bit inexplicable in her heart, but thinking about it, it seemed nothing to kneel, so she was still kneeling there.

"It's a dead end to stay. It's better to fight to the death. No matter how powerful he is, he can keep a few. Everyone rushes out and walks one by one!" There is no shortage of knife heads in the 72 holes of 36 Islands. The blood-licking character heard what he had just said, knowing that he was bound to die, and rushed out directly. They made a wishful calculation. At this time, the people of Jiutianjiubu were kneeling, and there was no defense on the periphery. So many of them rushed out together, even if the opponent has three heads and six arms, how many can they stop?

As long as you get out of this dominion hall, you will be considered dead. As for the Talisman of Life and Death, there were at least a few months before it happened, so that he could retrieve it for at least a few months.

In order to survive, these people have exploded out of all their potential, and the light work seems to be three points faster than usual.

Seeing that the fastest one was about to rush out of the hall, some of the remaining island owners and Dongzhu couldn't help but feel a little eager. At this moment, a faint voice sounded, "Who can go without my permission?"

Immediately after a large swath of cyan sword glow appeared out of thin air, the people in the field had already admired Zhuo Bufan's one-foot-long sword glow before they knew what a frog at the bottom of the well was.

The dazzling sword light flashed across the sky, and there was a strange shock. Everyone only felt that their hands and feet were numb in front of them, and they did not dare to move a finger. When the sword light gradually dissipated, the group of heroes finally regained their vision, and the group was in a hurry. Those who fled, all had different heads, without exception.

"Thank you, Lord, to avenge our sacrificed sisters!" The women in yellow shirts in the middle of the hall were so excited to cry...

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