Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1850: Begging for mercy

"Thank you Lord for revenge for the sisters who sacrificed for us!" Such a voice echoed throughout the hall, and even the other people in Jiu Tian Jiu Bu began to shout, apparently to the sacrifice that Jun Tian Bu had taken to guard the Lingjiu Palace during this period of time. It is admiration and sympathy.

Seeing their excitement, Song Qingshu secretly sighed that in the past few months, Jun Tian Bu has relied on its geographical advantage to guard the eagle palace. During this period, I don’t know how many **** battles and sacrifices have been made. As a result, the original work is empty. It was ridiculously ridiculous to simply bypass the group of chaotic people, not only that, but also to draw out the death talisman for them.

At that time, although those island owners, Dongzhu, were grateful, everyone said that they would go through fire and water for the Lingjiu Palace in the future, but there are no restrictions. Once there are changes in the future, how can these old fried dough sticks really sell their lives for the virtual bamboo?

As for the Lingjiu Palace people, waiting for such a result in the end, it must be even more chilling, but Xuzhu is the Lord, and even if they are dissatisfied, they can only squeeze in their hearts.

As for all of them in the original work, they were convinced by him, that is to give Xu Zhu the aura of the protagonist. Would the palace people in Lingjiu Palace have no idea?

"Also please be kind to the Lord!" Seems to feel the murderous aura faintly gathered in the air. Those island masters kowtow like garlic and witnessed a group of people with martial arts similar to themselves rushing out, and they were easily killed by a spike. Dare to rise up the idea of ​​resistance.

Song Qingshu said: "Since you didn't run just now, it is obvious that you are not as sinful as those people, and you also have a heart of remorse. In this case, you will stick forty, and then kowtow to the sacrificed Jun Tianbu sisters."

"Thank the Lord for his kindness, thank the Lord for his kindness!" A group of people cried with joy. They originally thought that they would have to peel off their skins if they were immortal. They didn't expect the punishment to be lighter than expected, although it was shameless to kowtow to those girls. But losing face is nothing compared to life or broken hands or feet.

The palace people in Lingjiu Palace had no objection, and the killing of those people just now allowed them to avenge their **** revenge during this period of time.

Song Qingshu nodded. The just killing chickens and monkeys was enough, and he didn't want these island owners to be too hurt, after all, they still need them to counterattack Li Liangzuo.

However, he will not be so stupid to untie the life and death talisman on them. The life and death talisman is indeed an extremely effective means to control them. As long as the rewards and punishments are not too moody, they will not be rebellious and take 10,000 steps back. Said that, even if they were as moody as Tongmao, they only dared to become unhappy only when Tongmao had a problem with her practice.

At this moment, a person suddenly screamed and screamed, and he rolled out of the crowd: "I...I have a talisman of life and death!" As he said, he scratched his face, and quickly caught blood marks. Soon the body became bloody.

"It's the big monster of the Pearl Cliff Twins!" someone next to him shouted out his identity.

"Big brother, big brother!" The two monsters of the Zhuya double monsters were anxious, but they were helpless. Suddenly they saw Song Qingshu on the side, as if a drowning man had caught a life-saving straw, he hurriedly knelt down and banged his head, "Zun Lord, please save my elder brother."

Song Qingshu made a secret cry just right, and helped the Jujian in his arms to stand aside, and then walked over. Seeing that the Bead Cliff was desperately scratching his chest, he instantly sealed the other's acupoints, and then took out a small pill. He took it, and then the movement helped his medicinal power disperse, and the Great Monster Zhuya gradually calmed down.

"It's the antidote to the life and death talisman!" The people around stared straight. They actually didn't report much hope. This new lord is highly skilled in martial arts, not medical skills. Their life and death talisman don’t know when it will be completed. With a reminder, but now that he actually has an antidote, one cannot help but rekindle the hope of life.

Song Qingshu stood up and said lightly: "This is only a temporary antidote. It can only suppress the toxicity in your body within a year, but you don't have to be too disappointed. From now on, as long as you can complete the task I set. , I will give you the antidote, rest assured, my task will not be as difficult for you to complete like Tongma."

"Thank you for the Lord's grace!" A group of people kowtowed their heads and thanked him. As for what he said was a bit criticizing Tianshan Tongmao, even the people of Jiu Tian Jiu Bu did not feel that there was anything wrong with the remaining prestige.

Soon, people from Jiutianjiubu stepped forward and disarmed many of the island owners and Dongzhu, and escorted them to the cell.

Song Qingshu turned around and looked at the others: "Now it's your turn."

The King Kong Sect master hurriedly smiled and said: "My son, we did not hurt the girl in the Lingjiu Palace on this trip. Please also ask the son to give a clear lesson, a clear lesson..."

Zhang San, Lisi, Murong Fu and others on the side looked sideways, thinking that you are a master of the first generation at any rate, so it would be too much to be a slave.

Song Qingshu snorted, "Is that right, but my disciple and grandson who ran into you nearby were bullying a little girl before going up the mountain. I think I haven't done this kind of thing less, right?"

Axiu on one side couldn't help exclaiming, realizing that he was showing up for herself, happy and frightened, plus her shy nature, she couldn't help being cramped in front of so many people, blushing and having no hands at all. Know where to put it.

Seeing this, Bai Wanjian didn't know what was going on, and couldn't help being furious: "King Kong Master, you actually allow the doorman to bully my daughter?"

The master of King Kong had 10,000 mmp galloping past in his heart, thinking that if it wasn't for your daughter to find such a big backer, I would slap you to death if you talk to me like this.

But at this time, he dared not show the slightest emotion, and a smile on his face: "Sir. Bai Shao, forgive me. Those people under me don't know Taishan. I must chop off their third leg after I go back. ."

Song Qingshu said faintly: "No need, people are solved by me."

"Yes, yes, they don't have eyes, and they deserve to die." The King Kong Sect Master nodded and bowed his waist. "I don't know the princess is in good health during this period. Da Khan and King Ruyang miss it very much, and they have asked about it. Several times."

Song Qingshu said with a smile but a smile: "Why, I'm afraid I will kill you, and move your princess out specially?"

"Don't dare," the King Kong Sect master said hurriedly, "We are the princess's subordinates, and naturally also the sons of yours. The son wants our lives without having to do it by ourselves. In a word, we will sacrifice our lives by ourselves."

Li Si on the side has always had a straightforward personality, and can't stand it anymore: "The flattery, smelly."

The master of King Kong glared at him: "Huh, the son of heaven is a talented person, he is a banal person, and being able to be a dog and horse under the son's seat is a blessing that has been cultivated in a few lifetimes, you know what a fart!"

Now Song Qingshu couldn't stand it anymore, and he waved his hand directly: "Fuck me!"

The master of the King Kong Gate was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, let's get out of here."

"Wait!" Song Qingshu suddenly called to him.

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