Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1851: Escape marriage

The master of the King Kong sect secretly cried out: "I wonder what the son has ordered?"

Song Qingshu said: "Go back and control your disciples. If you let me hear the news of them insulting women, I will let your King Kong Gate disappear from the world."

"Yes, yes, absolutely not, please don't worry, son..." The master of the King Kong sect rushed down in cold sweat and hurriedly promised.

"Let's go!" Song Qingshu waved his hand.

The master of the King Kong Gate disappeared outside the door as if he had been forgiven.

Whether it is Zhang San, Lisi or Murong Fu, the master of the King Kong family is unfathomable in martial arts. Even if they can’t beat Song Qingshu, they don’t have to. Of course they don’t know that the master of King Kong family won Song Qingshu in that ruined temple. The three-corpse brain **** pill was again brainwashed by him using the soul-moving method, so that he was seen like a mouse and a cat.

Then Song Qingshu's eyes fell on the few remaining people: "What should I do with you?"

Murong Fu craned his neck and snorted: "This is the end of the matter. If you want to kill, you have to read and listen, but you want me to beg for mercy like the King Kong Sect Master, it's absolutely impossible."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. Although Murongfu was not good at martial arts, and his mind was not very clear, he still had the strength of character. It might have something to do with his always taking the restoration of the country as his duty. He always regarded himself as the emperor in his heart, and the emperor naturally did not. Will be slaves to other people.

It's not that he didn't have the thought of taking the other party as his own, but in the end he dispelled the idea. It was not that he was afraid of his ambition. No matter how big Murong Fu's ambition is, Chen Youliang's ambition is not big enough. The key is that his brain is not working well. Fuguo always thinks of some messy ideas. The typical aspirational talent is too weak. Such people only use risks, but it is difficult to bring benefits.

But if you kill him... he has also contributed to the renewal of the meridians. Although the kindness has already been paid off, it would be a little unclear to kill him personally. More importantly, Murong Bo’s lunatic still doesn’t know where he is. If the Murong family’s single seedling was killed and he started to retaliate, he would not be afraid, but with so many people under his hand, and so many confidantes, few beat Murong Bo.

"If you really want to get there, you have to control Murong Bo first." Song Qingshu made up his mind, and then said: "I will not kill you for the time being, but the death penalty is unavoidable, and the crime is hard to live. escape."

As soon as the voice fell, he shot a few transparent objects in his hand. Where did Murong Fu react, he felt a cold numb sensation coming from several acupuncture points on his body, and his discoloration changed: "What did you do to me?"

Song Qingshu said indifferently: "Princess Murong and these demon heads killed the Lingjiu Palace together, didn't he just want to see the life and death talisman of Tianshan child grandmother, in that case, I will fulfill your wish."

"Life and death talisman?" Murong Fu's face changed drastically, and soon he passed up from his body with itchiness. He soon couldn't stand, and started wailing on the ground.

The women of the surrounding Lingjiu Palace all showed joy: "The Lord has supernatural powers, and he is also in charge of the life and death talisman. For thousands of years, he will dominate the rivers and lakes."

Song Qingshu had a black thread, wondering where you learned these mantras. I am not the kind of Ding Chunqiu and Dongfang Unbeaten. I interrupted their flattery with a wave of my hand, and took advantage of the trend and blew an antidote into Murong Fu’s mouth. Said to her: "Now you have a life and death talisman in your body. From now on, as long as you don't be stupid and do something against me, I will give you the antidote on time every year."

Murong Fu's itchiness finally faded, but the feeling that he can't survive and cannot survive is still fresh in his memory. When he thinks of coming here, he not only failed to conquer the Lingji Palace, but was caught by the life and death charms like those of the island master Dongzhu. Therefore, his heart was ashamed and let the people of Lingjiu Palace detain him.

Song Qingshu then turned to Zhang Sanlisi: "It's your turn."

Zhang Sanlisi glanced at each other, and then gave a wry smile: "We are in the hands of King Qi for life and death, but we ask King Qi to look at the face of no big conflict between Xia Ke Island and you."

"No big conflict?" Song Qingshu thought about killing them 18 top masters in the ruined temple, and learned the Taixuan Sutra on Xia Ke Island, especially related to Jia Baoyu's death. If they knew the truth, I'm afraid Can't wait to frustrate yourself.

But looking back now, it seems that I haven't revealed my true identity these few times...

"It's not impossible to let you go, but what good is it for me?" Song Qingshu said lightly, Zhang San Lisi represents the face of Xia Ke Island, if you kill them, it means that you are officially fighting against Xia Ke Island, and now he has a lot of enemies. It would be unwise to make enemies out of thin air.

Zhang San and Li Siyi hurriedly said: "From now on, in all areas of the Qi King's power, we will retreat from Xia Ke Island."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu showed a weird expression, "Back then, Jin Wengong retreated and defeated Chu State in the Battle of Chengpu."

Zhang San hurriedly said: "We have no intention of this!"

"Okay," Song Qingshu nodded, "but I doubt if you have such a big authority, are you in charge of Xia Ke Island?"

Zhang San said: "On weekdays, the two island owners are not there, and Zhao Daqian and Shenlong never see the end. The daily management affairs are handled by our brothers."

Song Qingshu asked: "What exactly is Zhao Daqian's identity? It feels more mysterious than the owner of the island."

Zhang San smiled bitterly: "Return to King Qi, this is the top secret of Xia Ke Island. Even if you kill us, we can't talk about it. Otherwise, even if we escape our lives and go back, we will end up worse."

"It's so mysterious," Song Qingshu sneered, "Well, even if you don't say it, I actually guessed something. Let's go and remember what I said today."

"Thank you, King Qi." After Zhang San and Li Si thanked him, he hurriedly walked out and walked out of the hall. The two couldn't help whispering:

"He really knows the identity of Zhao Daqian II?"

"It shouldn't be the case, the two of them are extremely mysterious. The entire Xia Ke Island knows no more than five people."

"That seems to be his bluff."

"Go back and report this to the Owner of the Big Island."


In the Hall of Domination, Song Qingshu looked at the rest of the Snow Mountain Sect and said in a hurry, Axiu hurriedly said: "Big brother, you let my daddy and them okay? The Snow Mountain Sect is controlled by Mongolia. This behavior is caused by sweat. Yes, my father and they are also involuntarily."

Bai Wanjian hurriedly pulled his daughter back: "Axiu, your father has always stood up and down, why ask for help? There are only people who died in the Snow Mountain faction, and there is no generation of surrender."

"Father~" Axiu stomped her feet in a hurry.

Song Qingshu looked at the girl who was about to cry: "Axiu, why was I single when I met you?"

Axiu's face flushed, and he said with a twist: "It was my grandfather who wanted me to marry a Mongolian prince, so I took the opportunity to sneak out. Who knows that I met my big brother halfway and saw my big brother's martial arts so high. I am worried that something will happen to my father, so I will come back with you."

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