Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1852: Secret room

"Mongolian prince?" Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows. "Which Mongolian prince?"

Axiu's face blushed again: "I...I don't know."

Upon seeing this, Bai Wanjian replied: "Actually, the specific candidate has not been decided yet, but there is this intention. Who knows that this girl accidentally heard and ran away."

Axiu's face became more and more red: "I...I don't want to marry."

Bai Wanjian frowned and said, "Mongolia is now in a position to dominate the world. What kind of status is their prince. I don't know how many young girls want to be their wives. How can they push three things like you do?"

Axiu started crying aggrievedly, biting her lips tightly and not speaking, the tears in her eyes seemed to drip down at any time.

Song Qingshu secretly shook his head. The Snow Mountain School was a good idea for climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix. It's just that with the status of the Snow Mountain School, Axiu could be a side concubine. Close.

"Axiu is my sister now, she is unwilling, and no one can force her to marry." Seeing Axiu's pear flower with rain, Song Qingshu's heart felt pity.

Bai Wanjian frowned, "Master Song is too broad-minded. After all, this is a family affair of our Xueshan School."

"So what?" Song Qingshu said faintly, "In this troubled world, it is too pedantal for Young Master Bai to tell me the rules. The reason why I can manage, not to mention my own strength, is that I and the high-level Mongolians With a word, no prince will marry her, do you believe it or not?"

"You!" Bai Wanjian blushed instantly, but he knew that what he was saying was the truth. Everyone knew that he had an ambiguous relationship with the Ruyang Palace. Before the Southern Song Dynasty and Mongolia, he played a very important role. With their Snow Mountain faction, you can know how the Mongolian high-level leaders will choose without even thinking about it.

Song Qingshu then smiled at Axiu: "Don't be afraid, Axiu, no one can force you to marry someone you don't like in the future."

"Thank you, big brother," Axiu showed a happy look, but quickly glanced at his father worriedly, "But my dad he..."

Song Qingshu replied: "Don't worry, your father and the King Kong Sect Master wanted to have a praying mantis to catch the cicada. They didn't hurt the life of the Lingjiu Palace person. I won't embarrass him."

Axiu jumped up with excitement, "Great!"

Seeing her ecstatic, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile. This girly feeling will gradually disappear as she ages. Now is when she is most charming.

Bai Wanjian arched his hand and said, "Thank you for raising your hand. We don't dare to bother and say goodbye." After all, he is not a person regardless of whether he is right or wrong. Although he is a little angry that the other party will interfere in his own housework, he still has the proper etiquette.

Song Qingshu nodded. Now that the Lingjiu Palace is devastated, he still needs time to deal with the various problems after the war.

Bai Wanjian walked a few steps, seeing his daughter lingering beside Song Qingshu, he couldn't help being annoyed: "Axiu, let's go!"

A Xiu was reluctant in her heart, but she also understood that it is inconvenient for her to be a girl with a man, so she reluctantly said to Song Qingshu: "Big brother, I'm leaving, can I see you again in the future?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Of course you can, Lingjiu Palace welcomes you to play at any time, and I will come to the Snow Mountain faction to look for you when I have a chance."

"Really?" Axiu was a little surprised, "It's a deal."

"A word is settled." Song Qingshu smiled and nodded. Although the Snow Mountain School is not a small school in the Western Regions, it is not important to the world. It was originally not worth visiting, but with this pearl, it is huge. It's different.

On the side, Bai Wanjian's face was so dark as to die, and he thought that it was indeed the female congress who was not staying. He had known that he had worked harder to give birth to a son.

On the way down the mountain from the Xueshan group, Bai Wanjian looked at his joyful daughter and couldn't help but said: "Axiu, you don't want to marry the Mongolian prince, do you want to marry the surname Song?"

Axiu's face flushed, and she groaned: "Why, dad, don't make fun of your daughter."

"It's fine if you don't have it," Bai Wanjian snorted. "The surname Song is a well-known **** in the world. I don't know how many confidantes around him. Even the princess of the Ruyang Palace in Mongolia is said to be one of them. A silly little girl like you will be swallowed up when you send it up, leaving no bones left."

"Daddy, my daughter really doesn't have that idea." A Xiujiao groaned and rode a camel to the front. When others couldn't see her, her expression of excitement and relaxation couldn't help dimming.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu arranged for people to clean up the mess, but only the Juntian Department of Jiu Tian Jiu Department has suffered heavy losses. The other eight institutions are well preserved. Coupled with the respected existence of Yu's mother-in-law and Shi's wife, the aftermath will soon be cleaned up. The arrangement is well organized, and he doesn't need to do it himself.

Looking at the chirping four daughters of Meilanzhuju, Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh that the world is truly extraordinary. There are such quadruplets, and apart from the different colors of the clothes, the others are exactly the same, which is really hard to tell.

Originally, the four maidservants of Meilan, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum served Tianshan Tongmao, but now the master suddenly changed to a young man. They couldn’t help their heartbeat speeding up and short of breath. They always felt a little weird, but they were still young and they had been in Lingjiu Palace since they were young. Growing up, I don't know the world well, and I don't have many other ideas.

"By the way, where were you when those island masters came in?" Song Qingshu asked curiously, "I didn't see you in the hall at that time."

Zhu Jian replied: "Those slaves attacked the palace, and Jun Tianbu’s sisters were all captured. Seeing that our four sisters couldn’t resist the enemy, they fled to the secret room where Tongmao practiced, hoping to get dark. Try to save people again."

"The secret room for practicing?" Song Qingshu became curious, "Take me to see."

"Yes!" Now he is the new master of Lingjiu Palace, and coupled with the previous shocking of the heroes, the four maidservants have already convinced him, and there will be no slightest objections.

At the moment, Meilan Juzhu Sishu led Song Qingshu to the back garden, moved a rockery, and the tunnel entrance appeared. Meijian held the torch high and led the way, and the five men entered in file. Along the way, Mei Jian couldn't help but follow his motives in a hidden place, so that the hidden weapon trap that was pre-amplified would not be activated. The tunnel twists and turns, spiraling downward, and sometimes suddenly opens up, revealing a huge grotto. It can be seen that the tunnel is built by the natural cave in the belly of the mountain.

Zhu Jian introduced the situation where they had just taken shelter along the way. Lan Jian couldn't help but sigh: "In fact, that is just our gratitude to repay grandma. If the master does not come, we will eventually lose our lives in the hands of these slaves."

Listening to several young girls yelling from their masters one by one, Song Qingshu was still a little refreshed even though he had rich experience.

After traveling for more than two miles, Mei Jian stretched out his hand to push away a rock on the left, letting him in, and said, "Master, please come in. Inside is the stone chamber left by the master here a hundred years ago. The maids dare not enter."

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