Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1853: The consciousness of the personal maid

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Why don't you dare? Is there any danger in it?"

Mei Jiandao: "It's not dangerous. This is the important place in the palace, and the servants dare not enter."

Song Qingshu woke up, the original work did mention this, and it was all the most profound martial arts of the Xiaoyao School. A little lack of skill is not only useless, but it is easy to get confused.

In the original book, Xu Zhu let them in, but they almost lost their lives in practice.

Of course, Song Qingshu doesn't need to say this now. It's better to sell them a favor: "Come in together, what does it matter? The tunnel is so narrow outside, it's very uncomfortable to stand." The four Shu looked at each other, and they were all surprised.

Mei Jiandao: "Master, before my grandma left, I said to my sisters, if my four sisters serve faithfully, have no offenses, and can practice the exercises with heart, then when we are forty years old, we will be allowed to come to this stone room every year. On the first day of the day, I participated in the study of martial arts on the stone wall. Even if the master’s kindness does not abandon my grandma’s promise on that day, it will be 22 years later."

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "Wait another 22 years, won't you be so angry? By then, you will be old, and learn more martial arts? Let's go in together!"

Si Shu was overjoyed and immediately bowed to the ground and bowed.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and didn't care. He was there anyway, and these little girls could be rescued even if they had problems, so it's better to take the opportunity to buy people's hearts.

A group of five people walked into the stone room, and saw that the rocks on the four walls were polished very smoothly. The stone walls were engraved with countless circles with lengths and lengths. Various figures were carved in each circle, some were portraits, some were beasts. Some of the shapes are incomplete texts, and some are just marks and lines. The numbers "Jia Yi", "Jia Two", "Zi One" and "Zi Two" are noted beside the circle. If the number of circles does not exceed a thousand, at least There are also eight or nine hundred, but where can you see it all at once?

Song Qingshu secretly sighed that Pan Lang was really a genius back then, and he actually researched such a vast martial arts, but I don't know whether these were all researched by him or with the help of predecessors.

Zhu Jiandao: "Let's look at the picture of Jiayi first, did the master say so?"

Song Qingshu nodded. At the moment, the five people raised the torches, and they looked like the circle numbered "A Yi". When they looked at the circle, they recognized the drawing in the circle, which was the first move of the Tianshan Zhemei hand, and said: " This is'Tianshan Zhemei Hand'."

When looking at Grade Two, it is really the second trick of the Tianshan Zhuangmei Shou. Look at it one by one. After the Tianshan Zhuangmei Shou illustration is completed, it is the illustration of the Tianshan Liuyang Palm. Although Song Qingshu has not learned it, he and Tong Grandma have used it before. Already knowing the exquisiteness of martial arts, now that he has confirmed it with these maps, he can roughly understand it by comparing the two.

When martial arts reached his level, he was originally a master, and learning these things was quite fast.

Song Qingshu did not see Tong's martial arts tricks after the six sun palms on the stone wall. As shown in the picture, he picked up the true energy, only learned a few tricks, and his body fluttered and floated. In midair.

Song Qingshu secretly exclaimed that the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School was truly magical.

When he was concentrating on his luck and dying of anxiety, he suddenly heard two exclaims of "Ah, ah", Song Qingshu opened his eyes, but saw Lan Jian and Zhu Jian Ershu's body shaking, and then fell to the ground.

Mei Ju Ershu held the stone wall with her hands, her complexion changed drastically, and she was shaky. Song Qingshu naturally knew what was going on. In the past, he helped Lanzhu Ershu up and pretended to ask: "What's the matter?"

Mei Jiandao: "Lord...Master, our skills are low and we can't look at here...the graphics here...I...we are waiting outside." Si Shu supported the stone wall and slowly walked out of the stone room.

I saw Si Shu sitting cross-legged in the corridor, working **** his own, trembling with pain on his face. Song Qingshu knew that they had suffered serious internal injuries, so even if they took out their palms, they patted the acupuncture points in each person's vest a few times. A vigorous force of yang and vigor penetrated into everyone's body, and Si Shu's expressions were calm at the time. Before long, sweat oozes from their foreheads, and they opened their eyes one after another and shouted, "Thank you, master, for the effort to heal the maid." Turn over and bow down, and kowtow to thank Ender.

Song Qingshu hurriedly stretched out his hand to help each other, and said: "You don't have to be polite, it's because I didn't notice your abnormality."

Mei Jian sighed and said, "Master, my grandma asked us to come to this stone room to look at pictures one day each year after we were 40 years old. It turned out to be very meaningful. The martial arts on these maps are also profound, maids I didn't know what I could do, and I practiced as shown in the picture of'Jia Yi'. I didn't have enough true energy, and immediately walked into the meridian fork. If it weren't for the master's rescue, my fourth sister would be paralyzed forever."

Lan Jiandao: "Grandma is very expecting from us. I hope that my sister will be able to practice this superb martial arts when she is 40 years old, but... but the maids are poor in aptitude, even if they practice for another 22 years, it may not be necessary. Dare to enter this stone room again."

Song Qingshu sighed: "So that's the case, but it's mine. I shouldn't want you to go in."

Four swords worshipped and pleaded with each other, and said in unison, "Why did the master say this? That is the kindness of the master, and it is all due to the arrogance of the servants."

Chrysanthemum Jiandao: "The master has a deep skill, but practicing these advanced martial arts is very beneficial. Grandma is in the stone room, often does not come out after menstruation, just to figure out the map on the stone wall."

Mei Jian said again: "The minions of Thirty-Six Cave and Seventy-two Island pressed the sisters of Jun Tianbu to know where grandma's treasure is. You sisters would rather die than surrender. My four sisters wanted to introduce them into the tunnel and start. Organs, all of them are gathered in the tunnels, but I am afraid that among these minions, there are experts who can break the organs. If you enter the stone room and see the illustration of the stone wall, there will be endless disasters. If you knew this, it would be better for them to come in."

Song Qingshu nodded and said: "It is true. If these illustrations are seen by people with insufficient skill, they are more harmful than any poisonous weapon. They should be fortunate not to come in."

Lan Jian smiled and said: "The master is really kind. According to me, if they let them die one by one, then it will look good."

Song Qingshu thought for a while and said: "Although your swordsmanship is good, you are too young, and your skill is not enough, you can't learn some advanced martial arts, but in the future, as my personal maid, how can martial arts be weak? If you pass on a magical skill to you, if you practice it diligently, your skill will naturally advance by leaps and bounds."

The four women were overjoyed at once, they had seen how unfathomable Song Qingshu's martial arts were, and they must have passed him martial arts personally.

Song Qingshu said: "This martial arts comes from Tianzhu..." Among the martial arts he knows, there are many magical secrets, but the fastest way for ordinary people to practice is not the Shenfu Sutra. The martial arts were completely inadequate, and their aptitudes were very poor, so they relied on this martial arts to be promoted to fight against Xiao Feng in a short period of time.

Chen Yuanyuan, who had never taught martial arts before, also let her practice this, and the effect was very obvious.

Of course, Xingxing Dafa and Beiming Divine Art can also make people become masters in a short period of time, but these two martial arts are too shameful. They need to absorb the internal strength of others, and it is not necessarily a good thing to pass them on.

Soon several women began to play various yoga postures in accordance with the moves of the Shen Foot Sutra. These postures were originally very anti-human and difficult for normal people to perform. However, the maids are still young, and the bone meridians have not been completely shaped, and their flexibility is better than ordinary people. Fortunately, I don’t know how many times, and I learned the first few formulas quickly.

"Sister, why do I think this posture is so ashamed." Ju Jian glanced at Song Qingshu who was observing the mural in the distance, blushing and whispered to Mei Jian on the side.

"Ashamed to talk nonsense, this is indeed the supreme magical skill. In just an hour, I obviously feel that my internal strength has nearly doubled compared to before," Mei Jian scolded his sister, but his face flushed, "Say it again. We are the master's personal maid, so...what does it matter."

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