Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1854: The law of immortality

Ju Jian thought for a while, and nodded: "Yes, everything we have is the owner's, it really doesn't matter?"

Lan Jian on the other side suddenly whispered: "Do you think the master will let us wait for the bed in the evening."

Mei Jian sipped: "You little Nizi is thinking about something in her head!"

Zhu Jian also blushed and said: "I heard Shi Sao and others say that the close-knit maids of the big families would warm the bed for the owner."

"Don't think about it, hurry up and practice seriously." Mei Jian pinched his sister, but some scenes appeared in his mind. I don't know if it was due to the practice posture, and his body became more and more numb.

Although the whispers of the little girls were small, they did not escape Song Qingshu's ears. He couldn't help crying or laughing when they heard the content of the discussions. It seems that the Tianshan children's grandmothers are fierce, but they are still very good to them, otherwise they will not. It's such a lively temper.

However, he calmed down quickly and continued to look at the murals in the cave. Once he had a special ability to learn, he now has a high level of cultivation. He quickly integrated these martial arts, and later he did not use the light skills of Tai Xuan Jing, and the whole person was able to float in the air out of thin air.

After a few more hours, Song Qingshu mastered almost all the martial arts in the stone room, and only felt refreshed, and the martial arts realm seemed to have taken another step.

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly there was a slight whining sound in the air, and he couldn't help but stop. The sound was too slight, and it would be difficult to hear if it weren't for his skill.

After a while, the whining voice came again, and it felt a lot like the legendary ghost crying. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been scared to pee, but Song Qingshu, who has been nurtured by a complete scientific system, would be scared by this little thing. To?

I quickly realized that there should be a secret room somewhere, and the air flow poured from some small gaps into the hidden cavity, and it made such a sound.

Song Qingshu walked in with the sound, and walked several feet, finally came to a large rock wall, reached out and touched it, the internal force extended in, and soon felt that there was a lot of space inside.

I glanced around, and noticed that a lamp holder next to it was a little abrupt. I tentatively twisted it a few times. A stone gate gradually opened. Song Qingshu looked back and saw that Mei Lan Zhuju and several people were practicing in the distance. Note the situation here.

He was a master of art and bold, but he was not afraid of any mechanism inside, so he went straight in.

The secret room was not big or small, and it looked tens of square meters, but Song Qingshu was still taken aback, because the first thing that caught his eye was a dead bone sitting on the chair in front of him.

If it's an ordinary dry bone, it's all right. The key is that the dry bone looks very small, like a child, but even if it has become a dry bone, the whole person sitting has a proud air.

"It's weird!" Song Qingshu was puzzled. In this way, this withered bone should be a super martial arts master, or a person who has been in the top position for a long time, otherwise he would not exude such a spirit only by sitting posture.

"Is it Pan Lang's remains?" A thought flashed in Song Qingshu's mind, but he quickly rejected the guess. The bone in front of him was slender and small. It seemed that it was mostly young, and she was still a female, and it would definitely not be Pan Lang.

Song Qingshu suddenly noticed that there was a roll of parchment in the hands of Dry Bones, and gently removed it, and the first few words of the volume were printed in front of his eyes-"The Law of Immortality!"

"Eternal life?" Song Qingshu sneered. Since ancient times, emperors and generals have always pursued the art of longevity. What kind of figure was the first Emperor of Qin who used the power of the whole country to dominate the world. He still used the bamboo basket to catch water. Xiu Xianfu Dan, not only did not gain immortality in the end, but died prematurely because of heavy metal poisoning.

Originally, Song Qingshu still admired the person in front of her a little, presumably she was also a great person in front of her, but she did not expect that she was also a stupid person who pursued longevity.

However, he opened the whole piece of parchment to see what was written on it. As a result, his expression changed a little soon, because the previous sentences mentioned the unique merits of the "Bahuang Liuhe":

"...Although this skill is magical and has the effect of immortality, it is not really immortal after all. With the master's ability to reach the sky and the earth, the limit will last, and you have to let go..."

Song Qingshu nodded. It seemed that this person wasn't confused. After reading it, he read:

"What is immortality, I have studied the classics carefully. I know that the five decays of heaven and man and the limit of the physical body are the rules of the great road. No matter how high martial arts is, it can't be violated.

Song Qingshu stunned, and subconsciously thought of Mingzun. Didn't he just study the method of seizing the house and succeeded in Zhang Wuji's body, in a sense he had already gained immortality.

At first he just looked at it casually, but now, he can’t wait to see: “What is the soul? His memory, the same way of thinking as mine, and from the bottom of my heart that she is me, does that count as me continuing to live in this world in another way?"

"This..." Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. The first time he heard of this idea, he felt it was extremely absurd at first, but it gradually made sense.

If A has all the memories of B, the way of thinking is the same, and he even thinks that he is B, then is he A or B?

He was dizzy with thoughts, thinking that such a topic would ensure that philosophers in the post-world would be able to argue in the dark. He continued to look back and saw that it read: "I have exhausted my lifelong learning and finally found out a kind of immortality. The method, first find a suitable candidate, young people don’t have much memory priority. If the appearance is similar and better, use the soul-searching method of this door to wash away her original memory, and then I will remember my memories from childhood to older. I printed it in her mind and taught her the same way of thinking and martial arts skills. After a hundred years in the future, she will be able to live for me forever..."

Song Qingshu's face changed, and suddenly a few guesses flashed in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a little creepy: "Isn't it..."

"Recently, I was conspired by that **** Li Qiushui. If it were before, I could recover after a few months of cultivation, but now I have gone wrong in practicing the law of immortality, and there is not much time. Fortunately, I found a girl some time ago, who is clever and smart. , The key is to look very similar to me when I was young. It seems that the plan has to be advanced..."

The handwriting behind is a bit vague, but when I see here, Song Qingshu has gradually understood the truth of the matter. The petite and withered bones in front of me are mostly the real Tianshan child grandmother. She has studied in Lingjiu Palace these years. This method of soul immortality, who knows that Li Qiushui secretly figured out the problem at the critical moment, and had to find a little girl with a look similar to him, brainwashed her with the researched method of immortality, and finally passed on her skills. she was……

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