Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1856: Lost in mind

It's just that a few girls know the importance, although there are ripples in their hearts, but they dare not move out of the way, all of them do their best to complete their jobs.

Soaking in the warm water, Song Qingshu suddenly felt that the whole person was relaxed, and the dusty servants that had come in the past few days seemed to have been swept away by the warm water.

"The maidservant squeezed the shoulders for the master, right?" Mei Jian's gentle voice came from behind.

Song Qingshu's first reaction was to refuse, but when she noticed her worried look, she suddenly understood it, because she suddenly changed the master, the maids of the former lord were uneasy and had no sense of security in the future.

Nodded slightly, and did not refuse Mei Jian's kindness. Song Qingshu also wanted the women to settle down, not wanting them to think of something wrong.

Seeing his master's promise, Mei Jian flashed a blush and joy on his face, and cautiously stepped forward. As soon as his fingers touched the opponent's skin, he was startled: "Is the man's body so hot?"

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu wondered why she stopped there as if she was tapped, thinking that something went wrong in her previous practice.

"No...nothing." Mei Jian's face flushed, and hurriedly gathered his mind, gently squeezing his shoulders for him.

Feeling the slender fingers of the girl, Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing. These nobles in ancient times were really drunk and gold fans. It's no wonder that so many modern people dreamed of dressing in ancient times to be dandy, and there was a charming maid serving. This feeling is really good. , And he also has four such charming and charming maids.

After spending most of the hour in this way, Song Qingshu simply didn't want to enjoy it, but noticed that Mei Jian's breathing was gradually disorganized. Knowing that she might have numb arms after pressing for so long, he smiled at her: "Okay. I'm almost soaking, thank you."

Mei Jian hurriedly said: "Serving the master is the duty of the maidservant, and the master must not betray the slave maid."

Song Qingshu was secretly worried. A few years ago, he still missed the original world a bit, but now this world is so beautiful, I don't even want to go back.

At this time, two young girls walked outside the screen, but Zhu Jian and Ju Jian, smiling and saying: "Our sisters are serving the master to change clothes." As he said, he picked up a set of light blue underwear and **** from the tray and put them on. By the screen.

Song Qingshu has a black line: "I changed the underwear myself." Although he enjoyed the service of a few little girls, he still couldn't change a bit for a while.

"Yes, master." The young girls leaned back, and the corners of their mouths rose slightly. It is rare to see the master in such embarrassment, snickering for a while.

After Song Qingshu changed clothes and went out, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "Where is Lan Jian?"

"Back to the master, Lan Jian is warming the bed for the master." Several girls replied.

"Warm the bed?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded. Although he has a high status now, in the Jinsheying, everyone worked hard to start a business, so he naturally didn't do anything special. During the period when he became the emperor, the royal family did not have such rules as a bed warmer. He had never experienced this service before, but he did not expect to see it in Lingjiu Palace.

Unknowingly walking to the window, a pretty young girl got out of the bed, wearing only close-fitting clothes all over her body, revealing her unique milky white skin, which was Lan Jian.

"Master, the bed is already warm, please go to bed and rest." Lan Jian bowed, his skin trembling in the cold air.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and sucked a blanket in the air and put it on her body: "Don't be cold."

"Thank you Master for your concern." Lan Jian said joyfully.

"I don't have to do such things in the future. My skills are acquainted with profound knowledge, and I have long been invaded by the cold and heat." Song Qingshu said, he is really not used to this way of life.

"Yes~" Lan Jian's expression of excitement dimmed for an instant. Although he did not cry, it made people feel unbearable at first glance.

Zhu Jian couldn't help but sighed: "Our sisters are really useless people..."

Song Qingshu said for a while: "It's OK, you guys take turns to warm the bed in the future, it's OK now."

The maids suddenly turned from worry to joy: "Thank you, Master!"

Song Qingshu was startled, and gradually realized that he seemed to have fallen into the routine of these girls, but he still looked forward to such a thing in his heart, so he knew it was a routine, so he couldn't help jumping in.

When he got into the bed, Song Qingshu smelled a girly body fragrance that resembled orchids and orchids, like musk or musk, and thought about the sword orchid sword. As expected, I don’t know if the other sisters also have the smell corresponding to their names. , Maybe it is because of this that Tianshan Tongmao gave a few people such a name.

Song Qingshu suddenly realized something, and looked at the women standing on the side: "Why are you still standing here?"

Hearing what he said, the women blushed and exchanged glances. Mei Jian finally plucked up the courage and said, "I wonder who the master wants to call to bed tonight?"

"Who to call... to sleep?" Why did Song Qingshu feel that his brain circuit could not keep up with the other party.

Seeing his appearance, Ju Jian thought he was entangled, and couldn't help but added in a low voice: "Actually, the master can also call the four of us together, but I am afraid that it will hurt the master too much..." She finished her sentence and surrounded her. The faces of the women became more and more blush, but no one retorted them, apparently tacitly acquiescing all of this.

Song Qingshu almost squirted out without nosebleeds. Seeing the four pretty girls in front of them, they looked almost exactly the same. Thinking of their female compatriots, some bold pictures appeared in his mind. It is because he is now determined and almost lost.

"What nonsense? Who do you think your master is!" Song Qingshu finally calmed his breathing.

Zhu Jian blinked his big eyes: "You are our master. Isn't it right and proper for us to serve the master and make the master happy?"

Song Qingshu instantly felt that the blood that he had finally calmed down almost boiled again. These little girls clearly said the most glaring things, but their expressions were so pure and innocent, as if they were talking about something that could not be more normal. This kind of sharp contrast is really unbearable.

"It's alright, you just need to do your job well. I don't need you to wait for bedtime. I have been guarding the Lingjiu Palace during this period. I think you haven't rested well. Go to sleep. This is an order!" Song Qingshu He waved his hand for fear that he could not restrain himself from changing his mind if he hesitated a little.

Seeing him talking about this situation, the women had to retire. After leaving the room, the women couldn't help whispering:

"It is not rumored in the arena that the owner has always been romantic, how many confidantes around him?"

"Yes, some people still say that the master is not happy every day, but I think the master is a gentleman."

"Could it be that the master is accustomed to seeing the beauty of the world, our beauty is too ordinary, not in the eyes of the master."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, the master's martial arts is capable of the gods, be careful to be heard by him."


Song Qingshu in the back room had a weird look, thinking that these girls were really little ghosts, and they didn't know what kind of thought Tong Grandma instilled in them all day long.

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