Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1857: Lingzhou shock

After resting for a whole night, Song Qingshu was refreshed on the second day. He only felt that the recent fatigue was wiped out. Several maids had already prepared new clothes to serve in front of the window. Among them, Lan Jian was holding a A porcelain bowl filled with yellow-orange-orange liquid was handed over: "Please also the master to rinse your mouth."

Song Qingshu took it and took a sip. There was a medicinal fragrance with a faint bitterness inside. He was in a high position and even an emperor. He could naturally drink what it was. He couldn't help but said, "You don't need to use ginseng soup to rinse your mouth in the future. Too bad and wasteful."

Mei Jian smiled slightly: "The master is worrying too much. Our Lingjiu Palace is located in the Tianshan Mountains. In addition, there are those who have 36 islands and 72 holes to make offerings. Others may be lacking, but things like ginseng snow lotus, The warehouse is everywhere, and the owner is the Lord of the Lingjiu Palace, and it’s a waste for the owner to enjoy."

Song Qingshu was stunned. He didn't expect Lingjiu Palace to be so wealthy in this regard. He couldn't help but smiled: "These ginseng and snow lotus can be reserved for refining medicine. In the future, I will have a great use. Wouldn't it be better for me to rinse my mouth?" Pharmaceutical, Nine-turn Xiongshe Wan is the top healing medicine in the world. He also knows the refining of other medicines, and can refine a large number of medicines, whether it is used to heal soldiers or train masters. The future demand is definitely not small.

"Yes, I must follow the master's decree." The four sisters suddenly agreed.

Song Qingshu had put on his clothes at the moment, and asked casually, "Is there any news from Lingzhou?"

Zhu Jian replied: "Master, Sister Cheng sent someone to Lingzhou yesterday."

Song Qingshu then reacted: "I am impatient. I will notify me as soon as I get news. In addition, someone will send Cheng Qingshuang a few Nine-Rank Bear and Snake Pills, so that she can heal her injuries, and leave the rest to her staff. ."

"The maidservant first thanked the master for Sister Cheng." Mei Jianying bowed his respects.

Song Qingshu nodded slightly, but his attention now is all about the situation of Mu Wanqing and Yelu Nanxian in Lingzhou City. When he left Lingzhou, Yelu Nanxian was caught in the murder of Li Yuanhao and was wanted by the court; Mu; Wan Qing was selected as the queen by Li Liangzuo, and she didn't know when the wedding would be held. Now she is going back and forth between Songzhou and Lingjiu Palace. Although she travels day and night all the way, the journey is far away, no matter how fast she goes. It's been a month or two.

"Let's eat breakfast first after the master washes." Ju Jian reported behind him.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Let Yu Po, Shi Sao and others come to see me, let me see how they are doing inventory work."

"Yes~" Zhu Jian went outside to pass on the order, and then came back to serve the master with the other sisters. Although they are maids in name, the close maids beside the supreme leader can be said to be very high-status maids, unless It is a particularly important and urgent matter, otherwise the people below will naturally do the errands.

It didn't take long for Yupo, Shisao, and the heads of Jiutian Nine Tribes to report to Song Qingshu the casualties of Lingjiu Palace and the conviction of 72 Caves on Thirty-Six Islands, as well as the situation of compilation.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded. Tianshan Tong's grandmother has run Lingjiu Palace for many years. It is no wonder that he can resist Li Qiushui, who has the power of Xixia behind him. These leaders and deputy leaders are not only powerful in martial arts, but also shrewd and capable.

Suddenly someone came in to report that the people sent by Cheng Qingshuang had returned.

"Let her come in quickly." Song Qingshu felt strange. Cheng Qingshuang's people had just been sent out yesterday, and there is still a long way to go to Lingzhou. Why did she come back so soon.

A sister of Jun Tianbu was quickly brought in: "Return to the Lord, we just ran into some sisters who came back from Lingzhou halfway, and learned about the recent situation in Lingzhou, so I sent me back to report. , Others continue to investigate in Lingzhou."

"How is the situation in Lingzhou now?" Song Qingshu was overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

The palace man replied: "Return to the Lord, the situation in Lingzhou has changed recently. A few days ago, the general Helian Tieshu suddenly rebelled, imprisoned the Emperor Li Liangzuo of Xixia, and slaughtered a group of Li Liangzuo's direct descendants. The state has changed hands and closed the city gates, allowing only entry and no exit; many other states and counties in Xixia have raised the flag of resistance, saying that they will put down the rebellion, and the war is on the verge. In addition, many states and counties are on the sidelines, etc. After both sides decide the outcome, then decide which side to support."

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded. What is this all about? During this period of time, he has always regarded Li Liangzuo as an imaginary enemy. As a result, his martial arts is high and he has countless masters. As the Emperor of Xixia, he was actually dealt with by others?

This Helian Tieshu had the impression that he used to be a general of the Xixia army, in charge of the power loyal to Emperor Li Yuanhao, and also supervised a part of Yipintang, but it was firmly suppressed by the Mu brothers, at most it can only be regarded as the third in the military. Number character.

Before the Mu brothers were killed and Li Yuanhao was killed, he did not move. At that time, he thought he was bought by Li Liangzuo, but now he knew that he had other plans.

Li Liangzuo's martial arts is extraordinary, and as an emperor, he still took advantage of this. It only shows that Helian Tieshu worked so hard to deceive everyone.

"Where is Queen Xixia? Is there any news about her." Song Qingshu thought of Mu Wanqing and hurriedly asked.

"Queen?" The palace man showed doubts.

Song Qingshu explained: "It's Miss Mu Jia, Mu Wanqing."

"Oh," the palace man reacted, "The Xixia Emperor Li Yuanhao died before, and Lingzhou was in the state funeral. Although Li Liangzuo sealed Ms. Mu as the queen, there was no formal wedding. In theory, it will be the second. The ceremony was held only in the following year. As a result, Helian Tieshu was in trouble during this period, and they probably couldn't be married.

Song Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief, not bad as he expected. Although Li Yuanhao's death was manipulated by Li Liangzuo behind the scenes, he could not risk the world's big deal and get married shortly after his father died. This is why he dared to leave. The reason for so long.

"Where is Miss Mu now?" Song Qingshu continued to ask.

The palace man shook his head blankly: "Return to the master, but did not hear about Miss Mu."

Thinking of Lingzhou's closure of the city, and not knowing the status quo of Mu Wanqing and Yelu Nanxian, Song Qingshu could no longer hold back and quickly arranged the leaders of the ministries: "I will go down the mountain and rush to Lingzhou. Follow along and we will go to Lingzhou to do a lot of work."

"Yes, master!" Yu Po and others took their orders one after another.

Mei Jian said: "Master, Lingzhou City is now in danger. It is too dangerous for you to go alone. Our sisters will go with you."

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "Don't you know my martial arts? I am free to come and go. Who can keep me in this world, if I take you, I will be restrained."

Mei Jian and others showed shame on their faces: "It's all the maids' martial arts that are too low-minded. Not only can they not protect the master, but it will drag the master back."

Song Qingshu comforted: "Tong Grandma carefully adjusted and taught you before, and laid a good foundation for you. Next, you only need to practice the Shenfu Sutra that I teach you, and it won't be long before you can help me."

Thinking of the shameful scene of practicing God's Foot Sutra, the women blushed, but they all replied together: "Yes, Master." (https:)

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