Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1858: Demon of the Western Regions

After Song Qingshu arranged the personal tasks of Lingjiu Palace, he rushed down the Misty Peak. The stronghold under Lingjiu Palace Mountain prepared several camels with the longest strength for him. With the help of camels' feet, he headed east all the way.

With the previous experience, he will naturally not get lost in the desert this time. After leaving the desert, he felt that the camel was too slow, so he directly carried the light work to the direction of Lingzhou.

I didn’t stay in the inn when I was tired. I just bought horses in the town on the road. I sat on the horses as a rest. When I got a good rest, I drove to Lingzhou with light effort, and then I bought horses when I was tired, and so on...

Fortunately, the Northwest had produced horses. If it were in the Southern Song Dynasty, even if he had money, he might not be able to keep changing horses so easily.

In this way, he kept speeding to Lingzhou day and night. Originally, the distance between Lingzhou City and Tianshan Mountain would take more than half a month, but he was forced to arrive within a few days.

Outside the city of Lingzhou, Song Qingshu took a breath of foul air, looked at the gates in the distance, and secretly sighed: "The martial arts are powerful, but many places are still much worse than science and technology. If you keep driving in your previous life, It would take more than a day to travel from Tianshan to Lingzhou, and it would be faster if you fly by plane, and it would take only two or three hours. I am tired like a dog now, but the result is still much slower."

Of course, except that horses are not as fast as cars, the roads of this world are far less easy to walk than those highways that open holes in mountains and meet water bridges in later generations. At the same time, they have to detour a lot.

Thanks to his light work, he was able to reach Lingzhou City in just a few days.

Looking at the heavily guarded city gate in the distance, Song Qingshu knew that the news he had received before was indeed true. He paused, and did not rush into the city, but rushed to the Jietan Temple on the outskirts of the city.

"I don't know if Wanmei and Nanxian are still there." Song Qingshu was very worried. If it were before, the martial arts of Yelu Nanxian and Mu Wanqing would be enough to protect themselves, but now even Li Liangzuo is dead. , That proves that Helian Tieshu's power is stronger.

Song Qingshu has been thinking along the way, how can Helian Tieshu Hede have the courage and ability to launch a coup, and it was also successful. After thinking about it, he should have used external forces. Otherwise, with Li Liangzuo's martial arts and the city, how can it be? Will he be taken advantage of so easily?

Song Qingshu regretted it because he didn’t know whose external force he had used. He knew that he shouldn’t have let the King Kong master and others go down the mountain so easily. He should ask if they had sent someone to Xixia from Mongolia. After all, he wanted to go. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the civil strife was overwhelming. Jin, Qing, and Liao were all under their indirect control. Only Mongolia had the ability to subvert the royal family of other countries.

Of course, it could also be that Ming Zun's servant was making waves. He hadn't appeared in Lingjiu Palace before, which made Song Qingshu feel a little nervous, wondering where he went.

No matter who is making waves, Mu Wanqing is Li Liangzuo's future queen, and Yelu Nanxian is involved in Li Yuanhao's death, and whoever gets on stage will take them.

While thinking about it, there was a sound of killing and killing from a distance. Song Qingshu flew directly to the top of the tree. Following the reputation, I saw a large group of Xixia soldiers chasing and killing several people. Those people were walking while fighting. Already stained with blood, he couldn't escape the pursuit of the Xixia army behind him.

Song Qingshu looked angry. It turned out that he recognized two of them. There were two women in the crowd. They were graceful and tall, but at this time they looked embarrassed. It was Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu.

Although Li Qinglu has the top level of evasion and light power like Lingbo Weibu, there are people everywhere on the battlefield, and Lingbo Weibu can't do much. On the contrary, Yelu Nanxian is much more calm. After all, she has been on the battlefield. Compared with Li Qinglu, who is engaged in intelligence work, she is more adapted to this brutal fight.

Song Qingshu didn't have time to think about how the two people would be together. Now they are in a critical situation. He took light work and hurried to there.

Let’s say that the Xixia soldiers separated a group of cavalry and copied them. Seeing that they were surrounded by groups, Yelu Nanxian sighed: "I'm afraid we can't go today, but it's a pity that we are tired of my sister."

"It's a pity that I managed to gather these old Yipintang Departments, in order to cover our escape, but the deaths and injuries were serious." Li Qinglu wiped the blood splashed on her face, revealing a bitter smile, "You don't have to thank me, I may not be I really want to save you, but I'm just worried that when Meng Lang knows about it, he will blame me for not being saved, so he made a gesture of saving you. Who knows that I have miscalculated the strength of the other party, causing me to be unlucky now." Some time ago, she and Song Qingshu gets along day and night, and naturally learns the relationship between them and lover.

Yelu Nanxian was startled, and immediately smiled: "You can tell directly, obviously you have a good heart. No matter what, I will accept your love. Later I will try to cover your escape. With Lingbo Weibu you may not be able to. Escape to life."

Li Qinglu gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "These are the most elite cavalry iron harriers in Xixia. When this group of cavalry is bitten by them, I will walk away with little steps. I only hate the thin old man with the appearance of bamboo poles. His martial arts are too high. Otherwise, my plan to capture the thief and the king would be successful from the beginning, and maybe I can use the princess status to regain the command of this force."

Yelu Nanxian glanced at the side of the cavalry leader in the distance, and there was a person next to him in black, thin and tall, like a bamboo pole, wrinkled face, at least seventy years old, and his deep sunken eyes were pierced and pierced. Holding a cold iron rod.

"This person's name is Zhusao, who is as famous in the Western Regions as the'Purple Eye Demon Lord' Huazhaao. He is a famous demon. It is rumored that he has taken refuge in Mongolia, but he did not expect to appear in Xixia." Yelu Nanxian couldn't help it. He sighed, "If Big Brother Song is here, what would he be worth?"

The words also moved Li Qinglu's thoughts: "Yes, if Big Brother Song is here, squeezing this thin bamboo pole to death is almost the same as squeezing an ant."

Although the battlefield was extremely noisy, the bamboo elders were so skilled that they could still hear them clearly and couldn't help but snorted: "The yellow girl will be silly."

He groaned, everyone in the field shook together, and the fighting with each other couldn't help but stop.

Taking all of this into his eyes, Mr. Zhu said: "If you are so good at work, the brother must be very happy to see two beautiful women with beautiful beauty."

The two women's cheeks flushed together, and they couldn't help cursing, "Really old and unscrupulous, shameless." The old man looked at 70 years away, his brother would only be older, and when their grandfathers were still too old. , As a result, still thinking about things like that.

The old man didn't care, as if he had experienced such things too much: "Who is the surname Song in your mouth? If he wants to be here, grandpa will pinch him to death with one hand!"

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