Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1859: Flower fairy

"Who are you going to pinch to death?" At this moment, a cold voice came in the air.

A group of people followed the prestige and saw a young man standing in mid-air on the branches of a big tree. The whole person undulated slightly with the branches, as if there was no weight.

The old man's heart shuddered: This young man is so light!

"Who are you!" Zhu old man shouted.

The young man replied coldly, "Didn't you just say you want to pinch me to death with one hand?"

"Big Brother Song!"

"Meng Lang!"

At this time, Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu also recognized the lover's identity, and their surprise tone was full of unbelievable feelings.

Song Qingshu touched his toes and lightly landed on the side of the two women from the tree, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry that I am late and caused you to suffer."

Suddenly, in the desperate situation of the two women, there was a glimmer of light, or the lover appeared to rescue him, and immediately burst into tears of joy. If it wasn't for this time, I'm afraid he would throw him in his arms on the spot and tell his heart.

"Wait for me, let me clean up this thin bamboo pole first." Song Qingshu smiled slightly at the two women and disappeared in place.

Hearing his words, the old man couldn't help but frightened his heart. He was on guard for twelve minutes, but he didn't expect that the other party suddenly disappeared from his eyes. He was suddenly lost in spirit, but the foul name has been rampant outside the Great Wall for decades, and he is not in vain. , Instinctively stabbed somewhere obliquely behind.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu just showed up, Tianya appeared next to him instantly, just in time to see the opponent's cold iron rod attacking, but this hasty move did not threaten him.

A few days ago, the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School were integrated. This empty-handed kung fu was already at its peak. Before Zhuman could react, he felt his veins numb, and the cold iron rod that accompanied him for decades never left his hand. Can't hold it and fell to the ground.

He also tried to fight back, but when the opponent spit out his strength, his whole body was bitten by thunder, and he had suffered a lot of internal injuries. Where could all the internal forces come out?

Song Qingshu grabbed his throat, his eyes were somewhat appreciative: "Although he is as thin as a bamboo pole, his skill is really good." Although the opponent was captured by him, he deliberately attacked him with his current cultivation base. Down, looking at the whole arena, there are only a handful of characters who can hide in the past. On the contrary, the fact that the opponent can counterattack in a hurry is enough to make people look different.

"Who are you, why is martial arts so high?" Zhusou's voice was full of fright, and he no longer had the arrogance at the beginning. Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, "The whole rivers and lakes made me unable to handle a single move. There are just so many people, and the surname is Song. Are you the county horse in the Ruyang Palace?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and immediately realized that he was referring to the relationship between himself and Zhao Min, and he couldn't help but feel very good: "Does your relationship between me and Zhao Min have been recognized in Mongolia now." The other party's tone can naturally indicate that he is from Mongolia.

"Huh, I advise you to let me go," Zhu Sou's emotions gradually calmed down from the shock of being caught in seconds. "Not to mention your relationship with Ruyang Palace, just say the martial arts itself, you are just relying on light work. It's treacherous, let me be taken advantage of by you, and when I meet my senior brother, I am not inferior to you. What big waves can you make."

"Who is your senior brother?" Song Qingshu didn't take it too seriously. Although this bamboo master's martial arts was very strong, he was still inferior to Qiu Qianren. He couldn't even perceive the subtlety of his own capture, but he didn't mind. Take this opportunity to listen to some useful information.

"My senior is the head of the Huajian School, known as" Nian Liandan, one of the three great masters outside the region. He has been conquering with great sweat these years, and I don't know how many national master-level figures have been killed." His tone was full of pride, and he could see that he worshiped this brother to his bones.

"Huajian faction?" Song Qingshu was a little confused, why Huang Yili's characters were a little messy, but I remember that Huang Yi's several novels described many masters of the Mongolian Khan, and I don't know if he is fictitious or has these in the first place. The legends of people were collected and sorted by him.

"Are you scared?" Seeing him stunned, the old man said, "It's better to let me go quickly. Then I will read it on the face of Ruyang Prince's Mansion. My brother may let you go. For insurance, you can Those two women used them as gifts. My brother loves stunning beauties the most, and he might spare you his life when he sees them."

"That's a lot of nonsense." Song Qingshu clenched his hand and squeezed his throat directly. Zhu Shou's old eyes were staring, as if he had never expected that he would die so silently outside the domain for so many years.

"You actually killed the old man, come here, shoot him!" Before Zhu old man was captured, the leader of this team of iron Harriers had some rat-throwing tools, and now seeing Zhu old man dead, he has no more scruples than he was furious, and ordered The men let go of arrows.

The Iron Harrier is the most elite unit in Xixia. The bow and arrow are already ready, and immediately after the order, a rain of arrows shot towards Song Qingshu.

"Be careful!" Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu exclaimed.

Song Qingshu turned his hands slightly in front of him, and a cyclone visible to the naked eye was generated. Those bows and arrows were out of alignment when they hit the cyclone, and they rotated in the direction of the cyclone.

Seeing that the time was about to come, Song Qingshu reversed the cyclone in his hand, and the mixed arrows reflected back several times faster than before, and the group of knights who had just shot arrows fell to the ground and died.

Song Qingshu's figure flashed, and he had already rushed to the general's side. The other party wanted to take out the knife to fight back, but it was a pity that he had already controlled the knife before it was taken out.

Grasping him and coming to Li Qinglu's side, he shouted to the remaining soldiers: "Your general has been taken prisoner. Now Princess Yinchuan once again put down her weapons and surrendered, and let her go!"

The group of soldiers looked at each other. The other party just looked like a god. As soon as they advanced and retreated, they killed the master Zhushou, captured the leader, and shot a large number of archers. Now that they have the title of princess, they still hesitate to take advantage of the situation. Po, one after another pleaded guilty to Li Qinglu.

Li Qinglu sent someone from the next rank to control these knights. Song Qingshu then asked, "Wan Qing, why didn't I see her?"

Yelu Nanxian hurriedly replied: "A group of soldiers suddenly broke into the Jietan Temple. They are crowded and powerful, and there are many masters. We are outnumbered. Sister Mu was taken away by them. If the princess hadn't come to help, I'm afraid I would also It's hard to escape."

Song Qingshu Huo Ran looked at the group of surrendered soldiers: "Where did you catch Miss Mu?"

The group of soldiers hurriedly replied: "The general personally ordered that Miss Mu is the future queen and cannot be left out, so she sent someone to invite her back to the palace."

"The imperial palace?" Song Qingshu thought of what Mr. Zhu had just said, and hurriedly asked, "In what year is the pity pill, where is it now?"

"The general placed him in the palace to frighten the families in the capital." A hundred households replied.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but sink in his heart, and hurriedly said to Yelu Nanxian and Li Qinglu: "I have to enter the palace immediately, otherwise Wanmei will be in danger."

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