Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1868: The little demon girl with a bad stomach

"Of course, in the future, whether I can sit down on the Great Xia Emperor, I still need a few words from my junior teacher in front of Da Khan." Seeing Song Qingshu's face, Helian Tieshu might also realize that he was a little bit overwhelmed, and hurriedly changed the conversation. , Put on a pleasing expression.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "I'm afraid I can't do this."

"Why?" Helian Tieshu felt a little in his heart, thinking that Mongolia would cross the river and demolish the bridge.

"Because..." Song Qingshu deliberately lowered his voice, causing Helian Tieshu to move forward.

When it was said that it was too late, Song Qingshu shot instantly and sealed his key acupuncture points. The personal guards Helian Tieshu brought in were no ordinary hands. He hurriedly drew his sword and rushed over, and some people hurriedly warned him.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu and the others are deliberate and unintentional. How can they easily succeed. Song Qingshu's figure is like a ghost. A few ups and downs will stop a few guards. As for the guard who intends to call the police, it has long been taken by the three women waiting for work. The attack, although they were all carefully selected by Helian Tieshu, the three women were also considered masters in the arena. Under the assault, the guard was stopped without even making a sound.

"Nianshi, why are you? Is it because he is sweating that he is going to cross the river to tear down the bridge?" Helian Tieshu couldn't help being frightened when he saw what happened before him. He knew that he was sure that his life could not be guaranteed at this time, so he just asked out loud and tried to pass. Negotiate to preserve your own interests.

Li Qinglu couldn't help it anymore. She stepped forward and gave him a slap in the face. Her whole body was trembling with her popularity: "Helian Tieshu, the emperor and the concubine are so kind to you, but you actually have wolf ambitions and made such a big rebellion. Things come."

"Princess Yinchuan..." Helian Tieshu was dumbfounded, "Are you not lost?"

"This princess has not cleaned up the door for Xixia, how could she be so easily victimized by you traitors!" Li Qinglu thought that the entire Xixia Kingdom was still flourishing a few days ago, forcing the Liao Kingdom to send clan daughters to marry, but now it is short. In a short period of time, two emperors died in succession, one prince and several princes. The whole country was faltered, and I wonder if it can survive.

Now, Helian Tieshu finally understands it, thinking of Li Liangzuo's bizarre death, and can't help looking at Song Qingshu: "You...you are not a junior, who are you?"

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "I don't have the habit of those villains dying of talking too much, so take your time to think about this question."

Hearing what he meant, Helian Tieshu finally panicked: "You...you can't kill me, it's all my subordinates outside...no, the entire palace and even Lingzhou City are all my cronies. You killed me. I, you guys can't live either."

Song Qingshu didn't care: "Since I can pretend to be Nian Liandan so that you can't tell, I can also pretend to be you, so that your subordinates can't tell, I don't believe you will set up a secret language system like Li Liangzuo. "

"I..." Helian Tieshu was speechless for a while. How could ordinary people be as painstakingly and lonely as Li Liangzuo? The other party's secret language system was carefully researched by him for more than ten years as the prince Xiaoyao in order to hide the eyes and ears of Li Yuanhao, the prince, and the uncle. Yes, which is so easy to follow.

Song Qingshu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and stunned him directly. It is not time to kill him. As for the other guards, they have not killed them for the time being. After all, they can serve as Helian Tieshu's cronies, and they must know a lot of his secrets, such as The arrangement of personnel in the palace and all parts of Lingzhou City can separate these people for interrogation and synthesize their confessions to obtain complete information.

"After all, they are all his people in the palace now. Where can they be locked up?" Looking at the unconscious Nian Liandan, Helian Tieshu and his subordinates, Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed, "Right, it's better to lock them in. How about in the ice cellar? It is dark and there is no one going there on weekdays. It is a good place for Tibetans.

"No!" Li Qinglu hurriedly yelled, noticing the surprised eyes of the other women, her face flushed, and hurriedly said, "I used to be in charge of Yipin Hall. There are many such secret rooms in the imperial palace. It is safe to lock them there."

She spent the most wonderful time in her life with her lover in the ice cellar. For her, the ice cellar is the holy place for the two of them. How could these stinky men defile that place?

Song Qingshu also reacted, secretly calling that she was a little careless, and hurriedly followed her and said: "A few of us are not as familiar with the palace as you are, so you can arrange it. In addition, you can contact you. The old department of Yipintang above is also summoned into the palace, and we always have to have some of our own staff in hand."

"But the palace guards are all from Helian Tieshu, I'm afraid it's not so easy to summon them in." Li Qinglu said.

"Don't worry, I will pass the order in the name of Helian Tieshu, just say that they have already surrendered to me?" Song Qingshu squatted down beside Helian Tieshu, took out the medicine mud that he had prepared for a long time, and quickly rubbed it down. His face mold and the appearance of several guards around him were also made into masks.

"Your identities and looks are too conspicuous, and it is too inconvenient to act. Then just pretend to be them and follow me, so as not to wait for a while after I go out, all the personal guards around him will disappear. Lian Tieshu's subordinates doubted." Song Qingshu ordered.

"Hey, it's really annoying to wear these stinky men's clothes." Although Mu Wanqing disliked it, she did not refuse. After all, she knew that business matters.

About half an hour later, a few stunning beauties disappeared, replaced by a few serious guards, looking at each other's appearance, and soon the women couldn't help but look a little bit of amusement. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Yelu Nanxian smiled and said: "Let's take a moment, or else we can't help but laugh out and we will be in trouble."

Mu Wanqing nodded in sympathy, and suddenly remembered something: "Big Brother Song, we don't change our voices like you, so what should we do when we speak later?"

Hearing some women speak crisp and sweet, some are charming and soft, Song Qingshu also has a headache: "Wait, you try not to speak, I will deal with everything. As for the way to change the voice, I will teach you when I am free. , Now that time is running out, there is nothing we can do with flaws."

"It's not trivial to pretend to be Helian Tieshu and others. Now we are in the tiger's den. Once a little bit of wind is leaked, we will be forever, so I don't think this secret can be told to anyone else, even my family." Li Qinglu suddenly said.

Yelu Nanxian deeply agreed: "It is indeed necessary to be careful now." She does not have any family members in Lingzhou, so naturally she will not disclose it.

Mu Wanqing hesitated and said, "I don't have any other family members, so I just depend on my mother for life. She seems to have been arrested in the palace together..."

Li Qinglu turned her eyes sharply, and said directly: "I am most familiar with the palace. I will come out to save my aunt later, lest you come out in person because the mother-daughter love reveals any flaws, that's not good."

Mu Wanqing felt that there was some truth in what she said, but without thinking about it, she nodded and said: "Then trouble the princess."

Song Qingshu glanced at Li Qinglu strangely, and from understanding her temperament, she always felt that she seemed to be planning something bad.

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