Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1869: The disappearing princess

Despite the suspicion in his heart, the current situation cannot tolerate wasting time, and Song Qingshu is not easy to ask.

At this time, Yelu Nanxian pointed at the remaining guard in confusion: "There were four guards who just came in, but only three will be left when we go out, and Nian Liandan and our women are gone, they won’t. Doubt?"

Song Qingshu said: "Don't worry, put on the dresses and dresses you just took off right away. The hairstyles are roughly what you look like. At that time, you will say that you women suddenly broke out and tried to assassinate Helian Tieshu. Fortunately, At the end of the year, Liandan rescued and killed several women, but unfortunately he was seriously injured and unconscious in a hasty, and another guard died because of the protector."

Mu Wanqing said: "But how can we be seriously injured by the women of the unfathomable martial arts of Nian Lian Dan? I'm afraid those people won't believe it."

Song Qingshu laughed: "Mei Wan, you mostly walk in the rivers and lakes. I don't know the sinisterness in the palace and the mentality of everyone to protect themselves. Yes, anyone will doubt this statement, but Helian Tieshu is their boss. They didn’t dare to raise questions face to face. They only guessed that the people from Helian Tieshu assassinated Nian Liandan. If you want to live a long time in the palace, you need to listen less, ask less and talk less. Now that the results have been announced, outside Those people will naturally make up the whole process in their brains, and then put everything in their hearts."

"So that's it." Mu Wanqing suddenly realized.

After a few people were ready in the room, Song Qingshu grabbed the disguised Helian Tieshu and walked out of the room with the three daughters. Seeing that they were the only ones coming out, the guards outside were still a little surprised and couldn't help but look inside.

Song Qingshu cleared his throat and said the prepared remarks in the voice of Helian Tieshu. The guards really looked suspicious, but no one dared to say anything, and soon their expressions returned to normal.

Then Song Qingshu said: "The three women inside have a special identity. If the news of their deaths is spread out, it will cause an uproar. You can find a sedan chair, put them inside, and carry them with me."

"The news of the injury of the junior teacher cannot be leaked out. Without him, the opposition in the capital would be ready to move, and they would also find a sedan chair to carry me away."

"The dead guard buried him alive."

"As for this palace, just set it on fire. Be careful not to let the fire spread to other palaces."

The news of Li Liangzuo's death here can't be leaked out, and the next thing will become very tricky. Song Qingshu simply destroys the corpse. There is nothing that a fire can't solve.

The guards shook their hearts one after another, thinking that this palace had indeed undergone a tremendous change, and at this moment they even worried that the master would kill people afterwards.

Song Qingshu added at this moment: "I don't want to hear rumors about what happened today. If I hear any rumors, I won't come to find out who leaked the secret." He paused and glanced at all the people present. The guards circled around, and then said coldly: "Everyone present at that time will be executed at the same time!"

The guards stunned, and hurriedly replied: "Yes!"

Song Qingshu nodded: "After finishing the matter, everyone goes to the House of Internal Affairs to receive one hundred taels of silver."

The guards turned their worries to joy: "Thank you, General!" They also understand that this is a hush fee from the general. Now that they have money to take it, they will not be killed. Naturally, they are in a good mood. The only thing they worry about is which one is not. Going out and talking nonsense with their eyes open, everyone is staring at their colleagues when they think of it, their eyes full of vigilance.

Then Song Qingshu watched the palace where Li Liangzuo was in turned into a sea of ​​fire, before taking the others away with ease. Helian Tieshu had already occupied a palace in the palace, but he was rarely in the palace on weekdays. Live only.

He brought Nian Liandan, Helian Tieshu and others to his palace, and ordered the guards to retreat. As for the eunuchs and maids in the palace, he was also driven to the outskirts.

Song Qingshu took out a gold medal at this time: "Qinglu, this is the gold medal for entering and leaving the palace. You first tell me where the Yipintang's secret room is, and then immediately go out of the palace to summon the old parts of the Yipintang into the palace. We now need manpower; Nanxian, you Wanmei Wait a while and hide Nian Liandan and the others in the secret room of Yipintang."

Li Qinglu nodded, took out a layout map of the palace, and pointed to a palace to explain: "...The hidden secret room in this palace is the top secret of Yipintang. Only the concubine and I know that it should be safe at the moment. , Then you will open the entrance to the secret room like this..."

After the explanation, Li Qinglu hurried out of the palace with the gold medal. Looking at her back, Yelu Nanxian couldn't help but said, "Is it dangerous for her to go out alone?"

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "Qinglu's martial arts has won Li Qiushui's true heritage, especially Lingbo Weibu, self-protection is not a problem, not to mention that this is her home field, and the capital is full of her old ministry, even if it is dangerous. Good luck."

Yelu Nanxian sighed: "I heard that the Yinchuan princess of Xixia is not only beautiful and unparalleled, but she has been in charge of Yipintang for many years. She is full of talent and beauty. If she hadn't been trying to save us, she would not be in danger."

Song Qingshu comforted: "You guys are not bad too, but here you are unfamiliar, and there are not as many resources as her. If it is in Liao Country or other places, Qinglu can't compare to you."

Mu Wanqing pouted: "You don't have to say these good things. I said that I would go to the palace to investigate. In the blink of an eye, I had one more sister Nanxian. It didn't take long for me to have another princess sister. Really... Really..."

She has always been arrogant, and finally endured the lover’s lover’s love. But watching him get so fast, she couldn’t help feeling sad, thinking that she had been worrying for him in Jietan Temple these days, but he was out there. Merry and happy, she felt wronged and panicked.

Listening to her mentioning herself, Yelu Nanxian smiled bitterly, and her heart was also a little bit sad, and she stood there with a touch of loneliness.

Song Qingshu suddenly laughed: "I'm really happy."

Mu Wanqing wiped her eyes: "What are you happy about?"

Song Qingshu explained: "Because I remembered what a master said, he said that there is no woman in this world who can't be jealous, unless she doesn't love herself. Now that you are jealous, the strong sourness proves that you love me to the bone. , I am naturally happy."

"Bah!" The two women took a sip at the same time and scolded him with blushing faces. After all, what kind of love and love in this era, it was originally very euphemistic, how can he talk so bluntly.

After a few people arguing for a while, Mu Wanqing blushed and broke free of her lover's clutches: "Forget it, this time Princess Yinchuan tried to save us and was so tired that she was so tired. I still have to accept this love, business. It's important, let's not talk about it."

Seeing her venting her emotions, Song Qingshu finally breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that she would keep holding back in her heart, and that something really happened would be irretrievable.

The next few people took Nian Liandan, Helian Tieshu and others one after another, and detained them in the secret room. Song Qingshu later felt that the two places were too far apart and it was inconvenient if something went wrong, so he ordered his own residence. Moved to the palace where the secret room was located, and then took the opportunity to change a group of court ladies and eunuchs, so that people around Helian Tieshu would not be afraid of the flaws.

During this period, Li Qinglu also brought a lot of the old part of Yipintang into the palace, and quietly inserted into the guard team near the palace.

At this time, night had gradually come, and Song Qingshu suddenly thought, "By the way, Madam Qin is still imprisoned in the Liuli Palace." He had just asked the guards to ask about the situation, but he couldn't help her out.

Li Qinglu said immediately: "If she is picked up right now, I am afraid it will inevitably lead to suspicion."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, and we are Helian Tieshu at this time. If we let her live here, it will damage her reputation."

Mu Wan's eyes were red, "What should I do?"

Li Qinglu volunteered and said courageously: "Well, I am the most familiar in the palace. I will go to Liuli Palace to rescue the princess and settle her in a safe place. In the future, when the political situation stabilizes, I will take her over."

Mu Wanqing turned from worry to joy: "Thank you princess."

Li Qinglu smiled slightly and said, "We will all be sisters from now on, and we will have a princess in one bite, so let me call you Sister Mu in the future, you call me Qinglu."

Mu Wanqing said, the original jealousy in her heart was dissipated by her few words, and she was a little embarrassed to think that she was still there before.

Song Qingshu secretly laughed. Although Mu Wanqing was a bit fierce on the surface, she was actually cold and hot on the inside. Coupled with her previous experience, she was innocent and romantic. Where is Li Qinglu, the little fairy in charge of the secret service agency. The opponent, originally thinking that she and Li Qinglu will be responsible for Xixia's side in the future, now it seems that Yelu Nanxian still needs to stay and help her, otherwise Li Qinglu will be eaten to death?

After Li Qinglu left, Song Qingshu and others continued to stay in the palace to arrange the relocation, and at the same time reviewed the official documents of Helian Tieshu, and became familiar with all his surrounding relationships.

After half an hour, Li Qinglu finally returned, and Mu Wanqing hurriedly ran over: "My mother is fine now, which palace will my sister place her in?"

Li Qing showed a look of embarrassment, and Mu Wanqing suddenly shook her heart when she saw it: "Is it my mother that something has happened?"

Song Qingshu was also alarmed and walked over: "Why, is there really something wrong?"

Li Qinglu hurriedly said: "Sister Mu, don't worry, my aunt did not have an accident, but was rescued in advance."

"I was rescued?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, thinking a few hours ago when he asked the guards who were still in the Liuli Palace, how so coincidental, "Who was rescued?"

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