Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1877: Abnormal gene

Seeing that she was a little out of breath, Song Qingshu let go of her hand: "Let's talk."

Li Qinglu gently stroked her chest, and finally relieved her breath: "There are two reasons. The first is that I know that in the future, Xixia might be in charge of me, Sister Mu and Sister Xian'er. Sister Xian'er is a foreigner. Xixia doesn’t have any foundation, so it’s not to be afraid. But Sister Mu is different. Behind him is the Mu family and the Qin family. Although the Mu family and the Qin family have experienced catastrophes recently, the Hundred-legged insects are dead and not stiff. Quite a lot of energy, besides, she is also the queen of Li Liangzuo, and she is in charge of power. So I want to take this opportunity to grasp a handle for future needs."

Song Qingshu snorted: "Your handle is vicious. In the future, Qin Hongmian will have to listen to you if he doesn't want to be exposed. If necessary, it can completely ruin the reputation of their mother and daughter."

Li Qinglu spit out her tongue: "Isn't she a demon girl, she is not the kind of innocent little white flower that you like."

Song Qingshu said coldly: "I like Xiaobaihua, and I like the demon, but you, the demon, are a little unqualified."

Li Qinglu was startled: "Why?"

Song Qingshu stood up and looked at the night sky to the east: "I know another demon girl, she is the real demon, because she can tell what should be done and what should not be done. If she and you are in a different place, She would never do such unwise things."

Li Qinglu was a little uneasy: "Are you talking about the Mongolian princess? You also think of her too well, and she will also swallow Mu Wanqing so much that there is nothing left."

Song Qingshu shook her head: "She will not do this. Wanmei is innocent and innocent. Because of her family education, she is almost inexperienced. Her mother is also of the same temperament. Although the Mu family and Qin family are behind her, she has no Ability to completely digest these into your own strength. So you don’t need to use your mind at all. With your ability plus years of Yipintang’s management, you can become the actual power in Xixia. If you do this too much, and if you don't pay attention, you will have a bad relationship with Mu Wanqing, and Xian'er will probably be wary of you too."

Li Qinglu opened her mouth, but she couldn't find a rebuttal after all. After a long time, she sighed: "Menglang, you are indeed right, because I am too small."

Song Qingshu took a deep look at her: "I don't mind if my women fight with each other. After all, I have also been influenced by countless court dramas in later generations. I understand that if a woman does not fight, she is not a woman, but there is only one requirement between you. Only benign competition can be used, and malicious framing methods cannot be used, otherwise..." He paused, but did not say anything afterwards.

Although Li Qinglu didn't understand the words like Gongdouju, she still understood the meaning of his eyes. For a while, she felt a little cold, and she cried in her voice: "Menglang, I won't do it again in the future. "

Song Qingshu was noncommittal and asked directly: "What is the second reason?"

Hearing him mention the second reason, Li Qinglu's face turned pale with fright suddenly added a blush: "That... can't you just leave it alone."

"What do you think?" Song Qingshu gave her a light look.

Feeling the alienation in his eyes, Li Qinglu was so frightened that she dared to hide it: "Menglang, you should know what kind of temperament my grandmother is."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, mentioning Li Qiushui, there are too many adjectives, such as beautiful and unparalleled, ruthless and ruthless, hiding a knife in a smile, etc., but the first thing that popped up was definitely a watery flower.

Li Qinglu sighed: "You don't have to worry about my feelings. In fact, everyone who knows her knows her temperament. When it comes to men and women, some...somewhat casually."

Song Qingshu's expression is weird. It's not just casual. In ancient times, how can ordinary women do things like noodles.

Li Qinglu then showed a touch of embarrassment, as if she was talking about something unspeakable: "Although I have not inherited her preference, but there is another... hobby, that is, something that violates etiquette and morality can make me ...It makes me quite excited, there will be an uncontrollable urge deep in my heart to realize it..."

Song Qingshu: "..."

His mood at this time can only be described by thousands of beasts rushing over. Suddenly he was so excited that he couldn't help saying: "Your grandmother's noodles are also something that violates etiquette, law and morality."

Li Qinglu groaned: "Oh, it's different. The toffee likes to do things like this, I like to manipulate others... to watch others do such things, and appreciate their struggle when they walk on the edge of reason and desire. , I will be very excited..."

Song Qingshu looked at her with a weird expression, and only breathed out after a long time: "I finally understand, your Li family's genes contain abnormal factors."

Li Qinglu chuckled, "I'm just a little pervert. I just saw you enter Qin Hongmian's room. Just thinking about it, I'm... emotional, don't believe you verify it yourself..."

While talking, he pulled the lover's hand into his lower abdomen.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, watching her glamorous eyes, the enthusiasm that had just been suppressed instantly ignited, and her voice was somewhat hoarse: "Today you did something wrong, I will punish you severely!"

Li Qinglu bit her lip, her voice was sweet and greasy: "Good brother, forgive me~"

Song Qingshu hugged her up and walked to the bedroom behind him. She was quickly turned into a red wave...

"Menglang, wait a moment~"

"what's happenin?"

"I made a good thing."

"Human-skin mask?"

"Hee hee, I used the medicine mud you gave me and printed it on Qin Hongmian's face. How, is it exactly the same?"


"You little fairy, take it down!"

"No! You obviously like it yourself too."

"Who likes it?!"

"Your body reaction now says it all."

"...Take it down!"

"I... are we worthy of Wan'er for doing this?"

"...Don't follow Madam Qin's voice."

"It's all wrongs, I only have one request, don't let Wan'er know about this, or I will lose the face to meet people."

"I told you not to talk like her!"

"I don't know what's going on. Since the first day Wan'er brought you back, I couldn't help but think of you in the dead of night. I felt very hot when I wanted to. Could it be that I was too lonely to stay alone all these years... …"

"...Take off the mask!"

"Don't pick it~"


"Hehe, if you really want to take your martial arts, why bother to persuade me."

"...You lie on your stomach and bury your head in the pillow, how can I pick it?"

"When people do this kind of thing with you behind Wan'er, how ashamed to show their face~"

"...I'll pick it soon!!"



As for whether the final mask was taken off, only the two of them knew.

Before dawn the next morning, Li Qinglu packed her clothes and returned to her room early to avoid being hit by the other two.

After daybreak, when Mu Wanqing saw Qin Hongmian appear in the palace, he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly asked her what was going on. Qin Hongmian told her roughly what had happened. Of course, the guard asked her to give it to Helian. Tie Shu staying in bed and the things that almost made a big mistake with Song Qingshu last night were naturally omitted.

Song Qingshu concluded: "It turns out that the guards of the Liuli Palace accidentally let the lady run away, and they made up a nonsense to fool us. Fortunately, my people later found the lady." After speaking, Li Qinglu gave Li Qinglu a fierce look. Fortunately, she too. It’s not an idiot. When I went to rescue Qin Hongmian, I didn’t use the real look of the guard next to Helian Tieshu. Instead, I found a passerby, otherwise I would wait for Mu Wanqing and the others to regain the look of a guard , Definitely have to wear help.

"Big Brother Song, thank you." Mu Wanqing couldn't help feeling excited, and threw herself directly into his arms, crying with joy.

Qin Hongmian on the side also bowed: "Thank you Song Gongzi for helping me." At this time, facing Song Qingshu, she was also uncomfortable, especially when she thought that she had no secrets in front of him, and she hated to wear more clothes. Pieces of clothes.

Seeing her eyes, Song Qingshu felt a guilty conscience, and smiled in a wicked way: "It should be, it should be..."

Li Qinglu, who was next to him, kept her eyes on the two of them, she couldn't help pursing her lips and laughing, as if there was a wonderful show in front of her. Only Yelu Nanxian was confused, and always felt that the atmosphere on the scene was a bit weird, but it was a pity. How would she know why.

"Now I appear as Helian Tieshu. If my wife lives here, her reputation will be damaged, and I will quietly place you in another palace nearby." Song Qingshu said.

Qin Hongmian glanced at him with a bit of resentment, thinking that I don’t have any good reputation in front of you, but last night’s things made her distraught, and she didn’t want to live under the same roof with the other party. Pretending to be plain and thank you: "Troubled son."

"No trouble, no trouble." Song Qingshu chuckled twice, and then asked Yelu Nanxian and Mu Wanqing to arrange her to find a palace nearby to live in. He didn't dare to let Li Qinglu be responsible again. The ghost knew she would make trouble again. What a moth.

As for the speech of the two fairies Yelunan, when they came out of the emperor’s palace before, they were all Helian Tieshu’s confidantes outside, so they were worried that their voices would be exposed, but now other people in the palace are not so familiar with the voice of the guards around Helian Tieshu, so although I haven't learned the voice change technique, but it can still be done deliberately without being recognized as a woman.

After they left, Song Qingshu pulled Li Qinglu over and warned: "I forgot to tell you last night. You can't use your perverted habit on other sisters."

Li Qinglu trembled with a smile: "Are you worried that I will let them give you a cuckold-hat? Don't worry, I am not stupid. How can I do such a death-seeking thing? Of course, if one day you start chaos with me Give it up, I might consider this as revenge."

Song Qingshu: "..."

He is really unable to complain about Li Qiushui's abnormal gene. I don't know if Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan have any similar inheritance.

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