Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1878: conquer

Next, Song Qingshu began to gather some of his confidants as Helian Tieshu to understand which of his loyalists, which can be fought for, and which would ride the fence, and silently wrote down their respective personalities and spheres of influence for preparation. Used soon after.

Although he is not familiar with these people at all, Song Qingshu's pretending to be an identity has long been familiar with the road, and now he has a very strong mentality, even if there is any accident, he can quickly come back, not to mention that he reviewed the official document yesterday and has a general understanding of the temperament characteristics of these men. .

Calculating the time, the men and horses of Lingjiu Palace should be arriving in the next few days. Originally, Li Qinglu was more familiar with those in Lingjiu Palace, but in the past, Yipintang was the enemy of Lingjiu Palace. It is hard to guarantee that the blood of the other party is not stuck under the hands of both sides. If she was sent, the hatred between the two parties in the past might be bad. Therefore, I was considering sending Yelu Nanxian out of the palace with tokens to meet them. After the reception, we arranged for them to hide in the vicinity of Lingzhou City. Once they get the signal, let them go into the city.

As for Mu Wanqing and Qin Hongmian, Song Qingshu asked them to secretly contact the people of the Mu family and the remnants of the Qin family. Although Mu Wanqing is not well-versed, they are not stupid. In addition, the elderly Qin Hongmian helps—actually. Qin Hongmian is also of the same temper, but after all she has been a princess for so many years, and she has more than ten years of life experience. It is just a matter of convening the old ministry, and the two are barely competent in cooperation.

When Song Qingshu finished meeting with Helian Tieshu's henchmen, Li Qinglu came to him with a look of excitement, making him feel a little bit in his heart: "You didn't do anything ridiculous again, right?"

Li Qinglu rolled her eyes and said sadly: "Am I such a bad woman in your heart?"

Song Qingshu will naturally not be moved by her acting skills: "Come on, what's the matter?"

Li Qinglu looked strange, and said with some glee: "I have found the Kunlun slave you asked me to find."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed: "Okay, it's time for Nian Liandan to taste the feelings of those women who have been mutilated over the years. Go and bring people over.

Not long after, Song Qingshu showed up in a secret room hidden under the palace with someone. After one night, Nian Liandan had regained consciousness and was trying to adjust his breathing power to heal his injuries. Unfortunately, he was severely injured by Song Qingshu and his martial arts was abolished. After seven or eight, the efforts made now are more of psychological comfort.

In the other cell, Helian Tieshu and the others had already regained consciousness. They had already learned the identity of Song Qingshu from Nian Liandan, and they yelled at him when they saw him come in.

"Noisy!" Song Qingshu was too lazy to pay attention to them now, and directly shot out a few wisps of finger wind, sealing their dumb acupoints, and the secret room suddenly became quiet.

Nian Liandan opened his eyes and looked at him, with a ray of hatred in his eyes, but soon suppressed: "Song son, after all, I was sent to Xixia by the Great Khan. It represents the will of the Mongolian Khan. You are now It’s nothing more than the action that destroyed Da Khan. If you let me go back, I will say a few words in front of Da Khan. Coupled with your relationship with Ruyang Prince’s Mansion, maybe Da Khan can forget the blame..."

Song Qingshu stared at him with a foolish expression, and Nian Liandan was also a little hairy: "Why, don't you believe it? A profuse sweat, it's a floating corpse thousands of miles away, living beings are charcoal, Huarazimou, Xiliao and other Western Regions The country’s fate is proof."

"I believe, of course I believe. I know what the Mongolian army does better than anyone else," Song Qingshu said lightly. "It's just that you said you would say a few words for me when you go back. Are you mentally retarded or are you stupid? I will believe it. Your nonsense."

Nian Liandan was held back so that he could not speak, and it was a long time later that he snorted: "Anyway, Mongolia values ​​envoys the most. They think envoys represent their faces. In the past, several countries in the Western Regions did not believe in evil and killed Mongolia. The messenger, the dog and the chicken didn’t stay in the end."

Song Qingshu said faintly: "You don't have to scare me. Although Mongolia is strong, the Central Plains countries are not those weak Western cities. If he dares to come, I will have a way to let him go."

"I don't know how high the sky is!" Nian Liandan snorted disdainfully. He has been with Genghis Khan for many years, knowing how terrifying he and his subordinate Xue Jun.

"You don't have to worry about these things. I came here this time to give you a gift." Although there is no mirror, Song Qingshu knows that he must be smiling a little wretched at this time.

"Gift?" Nian Liandan immediately showed a vigilant look. He was not a fool, of course he knew that the other party would not give any gifts kindly.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Didn't you say it yesterday? I want you to experience the feelings of those women who have been brutally killed by you over the years, so you have to do what you say."

He clapped his hands, and Li Qinglu soon brought the two Kunlun slaves up. Song Qingshu saw that he couldn't help but twitched. Good fellow, black and strong, looked very much like the man in Shawshank’s salvation prison. Kind of like Uncle Billy...

Suffocating the cold in his heart, Song Qingshu waved his hand to let them enter the cell.

Seeing them walking towards them with a grinning smile, Nian Liandan was also a little hairy: "You...what are you going to do?"

Song Qingshu explained: "They were taken away from their hometown and sold as slaves. I told them that as long as they can serve you well, they will be free, and a large sum of money will be given to them to return home. I want to come and wait for them. It will definitely work very hard later."

Nian Liandan was horrified when he heard it. He was a flower-picking-thief, didn't he know these ways, and immediately screamed: "No, no, I hate men the most. I feel sick when I think about it, let alone being by them... …Oh, Song Gongzi, Song Gongzi, you forgive me, I promise you all terms, please..."

Song Qingshu said faintly: "It's late, if you dare to be tempted by my Wanmei, you are doomed to end like this, by the way, let me walk the way for the heavens for the women who have been bruised by you."

"No... don't! Ah..." At this time, the two Kunlun slaves have already rushed on. If it is usually a grandmaster-level figure like Nian Liandan, they can be pricked to death with a single finger, but now they are seriously injured and martial arts are again. Scrap, where can I resist it? My clothes will soon be torn...

"Huh~" Song Qingshu only felt a bit of cold, and this scene was really a bit spicy, so he pulled Li Qinglu out.

Li Qinglu also took a few breaths, and the look in Song Qingshu's eyes became weird: "Menglang, you said yesterday that I was a pervert. I think you are a pervert."

Song Qingshu snorted: "To deal with abnormalities, only more abnormal methods can be used."

Li Qinglu agreed with this point: "Yes, for a person like Nian Liandan, killing him with a single knife will make him cheaper. Only by allowing him to bear the most disgusting and painful punishment in the world can he comfort those women who have been insulted by him." Woman, she was born with a great hatred of such a thief, so she felt extremely sympathetic to his encounter.

After leaving the secret room, Li Qinglu couldn't help but wonder: "Don't you need to interrogate Helian Tieshu and the others? After all, there is still a lot of information that needs to be learned from them."

Song Qingshu replied: "First, the picture inside is a bit spicy at this time, I really don't want to stay for a second; second..." He suddenly paused, and then said with a smile inexplicably, "Why do you think I want to Helian Tieshu and they are locked up next to Nian Liandan?"

Li Qinglu reacted at once, and couldn't help laughing: "You are really an old fox."

Sure enough, after about an hour passed, when the two returned to the cell, Helian Tieshu and others were already shivering. Before he asked, they shook everything they knew, all they asked for was to give them. Just a happy one, don't be as miserable as the next year Lian Dan.

At this time, Nian Liandan was already lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, with a lot of bruise on his body, and a mess under his trousers. I don’t know if he caused his injuries to his body and died, or died in a panic attack. It doesn't matter anymore, presumably he will remember today's shadow after he goes to hell, and regret what he has done over the years.

The people who came to Yipintang cleaned up the mess inside and took Nian Liandan out of the palace and threw it to the mass grave. In order to prevent people from recognizing him, Song Qingshu originally planned to scratch his face, but found that his face had already been damaged. The catch is beyond recognition, but it saves trouble.

The other two Kunlun slaves, Song Qingshu, rewarded them with a sum of money, restored their freedom, and specially asked the people from Yipintang to **** them out of the city. After all, their sacrifice was not small.

As for Helian Tieshu and others, they will be locked here for the time being. It is not time to kill them yet.

Next, Song Qingshu summarized his power distribution in Lingzhou City based on the information revealed by Helian Tieshu and others, and became more aware of which families and ministers are now neutral, and targeted for the next plan.

Then, according to Li Liangzuo's secret language system, he began to contact his confidantes in various states and counties one by one, and then went out to the palace from time to time to visit each family in Li Liangzuo's face.

After about seven or eight days, Song Qingshu, as Li Liangzuo, took the Lingjiu Palace, the private soldiers of the major families, and the troops of the kings of various states and counties to counterattack back to Lingzhou.

The commander on this side was also Song Qingshu, so it was not a symmetrical war at the beginning. Soon Helian Tieshu’s troops collapsed thousands of miles, the palace was retaken, and the entire Lingzhou city was again controlled by Li Liangzuo. Lian Tieshu and others were killed on the spot.

After that, Song Qingshu immediately announced to the world: Helian Tieshu committed a disturbance. He escaped with the help of Mu Wanqing and the family behind him. He was hereby made a queen. In order to stabilize the country as soon as possible, he decided to choose auspicious days to get married as soon as possible.

During this period of time, the situation in Lingzhou City has changed, and the people have had enough of the hard work, and they also need a happy event to rejoice. As for the period of national funeral, Xixia is not the Southern Song Dynasty after all, and it is not so strict in ethics, of course, it is also repeated. The turmoil gave Song Qingshu an excuse to get married so early.

Since that night, Song Qingshu has not tried to attack at night. After all, Mu Wanqing is still a girl. It was too hasty, so he decided to give her a grand wedding.

At the same time, thousands of miles away from the West, among the rugged mountains, the nest of eagles that once frightened the Western countries is now in flames. A domineering and terrifying old man looks at the old man in the mountain and the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings kneeling in front of him. The look was cold and stern: "Where is your girl leader?"

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