Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1882: Emergency military situation

"I..." Song Qing's book wanted to refute loudly, but some scenes from last night could not help appearing in her mind. She felt guilty and hurriedly changed the subject, "I don't want to discuss such a boring thing with you, hurry up and call Xian'er to come over. , Continue to practice the ability to deal with memorial government affairs."

Li Qinglu's eyes rolled: "Do you want to call Qin Hongmian over?"

Song Qingshu was finally annoyed: "You keep talking, why do you just talk about her with your mouth shut?"

"I'm also thinking about the overall situation," Li Qinglu looked wronged, "We have so few people now, we are short of help, and this kind of thing is too confidential to let outsiders know. If you think about it, it's her. It's best to help."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and suddenly felt that there was some truth in what she said. Since Qin Hongmian already knew about this, the best way was to ask her to help too, so as to avoid wasting human resources.

"But this has the biggest problem." Li Qinglu said suddenly.

"What?" Song Qing asked instinctively.

"That's how to ensure Qin Hongmian's loyalty," Li Qinglu frowned, as if trying to think hard. "In the past, we used Yipintang to control the spies, first to control his life and future, and secondly, we needed to buckle their parents. The child is a hostage, and some secret agents in key departments must take poison regularly, but none of these methods can be used on her."

Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Mrs. Qin is not such a person, not to mention that there is still Wan Qing, she will not reveal our secrets."

"As a superior person, you can't use emotions like this, but you need to use various means to cooperate with checks and balances, and you can't rely solely on people's hearts." Li Qinglu warned that she was born in the royal family and has long been in charge of important departments such as Yipintang. This is actually better than Song Qingshu. This kind of half-way monk is more sensible, "What's more, Mrs. Qin will not reveal secrets under normal circumstances, but what happens in case of emergencies, such as Duan Zhengchun who comes to her and talks in confusion for a while, what should I do? Zhengchun knows, he is so romantic, he likes to mess with flowers and grass everywhere, the ghost knows if he will encounter a few female spies installed by other countries, after all, Duan Zhengchun is the number two figure in Dali, and all countries choose to send women. It's normal for the spy to approach him."

Song Qingshu fell into deep thoughts: "What you said is not unreasonable." He thought of Ruan Xingzhu, and it seemed that he was approaching Duan Zhengchun for another purpose.

"I have a way." Li Qinglu said suddenly.

Song Qingshu was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked, Li Qinglu replied: "That is to turn her into your woman. Your status and status are higher than Duan Zhengchun, and at the same time younger and stronger than him, with better skills. Keep her heartbroken to you. I will never do anything that betrays you."

Song Qingshu couldn't help it anymore, and grabbed her directly and beat her **** severely: "What do you think about all day long, can you not be so dirty!"

Li Qinglu was stunned by him, and her eyes were watery: "I know what you are worrying about. Although you can't be together publicly, you can do it in secret. When the time comes, God knows and you know she knows, no Does it perfectly solve the problem of secular morals and etiquette?"

"What do you know?" There was a soft voice not far away. The two looked back and found that Qin Hongmian had just walked out of a pavilion around the corner.

Song Qingshu’s waterfall Khan hurriedly put Li Qinglu down. Just now, I was careless. I didn’t notice that someone was getting so close. I don’t know if she heard what the two said. If she did, the consequences would be really unthinkable. .

Li Qinglu looked complacent, and said with a smile: "Big Brother Song just now praised Madam for her beauty."

Qin Hongmian's face flushed: "You little Nizi will talk nonsense, why does he praise me for no reason."

Li Qinglu replied: "Because Sister Mu was born with a beautiful face, yesterday gave him a very wonderful night, and then he felt that only a beautiful and incomparable woman like Madam can give birth to such a fairy daughter-like daughter.

Although a little embarrassed, Qin Hongmian was also a little happy in his heart: "The princess is joking, isn't the princess born so dazzling in the country?"

Song Qingshu on the side had to admire the women's ability to compliment each other. They were clearly calculating each other behind them. As a result, they were able to compliment them face to face without paying money. It is no wonder that the term plastic sisters was popular in previous lives.

However, when they watched the two commercial exchanges, Song Qingshu also understood that Qin Hongmian probably hadn’t heard what she had said before, or she could not hide her thoughts completely like Li Qinglu did, because she hadn’t heard what she had said before. Already here?"

Qin Hongmian replied: "I didn't sleep well last night, so I got up in the morning to let the imperial garden breathe."

Song Qingshu hurriedly said, "Is it because the bedding or sandalwood in the room is not what you want? I'll send someone to send some over later."

"No, no, no, it has nothing to do with those." Qin Hongmian waved his hand hurriedly, and couldn't help but glance at him, thinking that the culprit is not you...

Noting her expression, Li Qinglu's lips raised slightly: "Since it's here, let's have breakfast together. Sister Mu will also come later."

"No need." Qin Hongmian hurriedly waved his hand, Song Qingshu and several of her lovers were going to mix things up by themselves, and she had planned to keep away from Song Qingshu.

"Mother, are you here?" Suddenly a surprise voice came from behind. Several people followed the prestige and saw a woman who was more beautiful than Rose walking slowly. At this time, she was dressed in a queen's costume. , Faded away from the young girl's youth, a little bit more-the maturity of the woman.

"Wan'er~" Seeing her daughter's ruddy face and joy in her eyebrows, Qin Hongmian finally relieved her heart, at least she doesn't have to be lonely like herself.

Li Qinglu couldn't help but look at her a few more times: "Sister Mu, you are really beautiful today, and I feel even more beautiful than yesterday." She was sincere, not the deliberate flattery she had done before.

"Qinglu, you are also very beautiful, especially now that your skin seems to be pinker than usual." Mu Wanqing also said with a smile.

Li Qinglu glanced at Song Qingshu subconsciously: "It's not by him..." Suddenly realized that it was wrong, and hurriedly stopped the following words.

But everyone in the court is here, everyone knows what it means, and even Qin Hongmian on the side is secretly surprised: "No wonder I recently looked in the mirror and found that my complexion was much better than before. It turns out that the magic of love is so great... …Bah, baah, I'm thinking about it again."

As the so-called three women in a drama, seeing the signs that they are about to start a commercial exchange, Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "Let’s go to the Imperial Study Room together, just to learn how to deal with memorials. After all, I claimed that Li Liangzuo had rebelled Zhong was seriously injured, and these political affairs will be gradually transferred to you."

Seeing Qin Hongmian wanted to leave, Song Qingshu also stopped her: "Ms. Qin stay, you come together."

"It's not convenient for me to go." Qin Hongmian shook his head slightly and refused.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Just now, Qinglu and I were discussing asking you to help. It just happens that Wanmei has no experience, and I need your help."

"Actually, I don't know anything about it..." Qin Hongmian said blankly.

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "It's good for multiple people to have more wisdom. You can learn it together, and you can confirm each other on weekdays."

"Mother, stay with me." Mu Wanqing couldn't help shaking her mother's arm.

At this moment, the **** suddenly came to report: "Tell the emperor, there is an emergency military situation regarding Mongolia from the border." (https:)

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